Evaluation of Performance of Chicken Meat Suppliers Using Fuzzy-MCDM Method (Case Study: Arak City-Iran)
محورهای موضوعی : فصلنامه ریاضی
Asma Etebari
Rahmat Arab
Mohammad Amirkhan
1 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.
2 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Gorgan Faculty of Engineering, Golestan University, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Department of Industrial Engineering, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran.
کلید واژه: Fuzzy sets, Performance evaluation, Performance management, Chicken meat suppliers,
چکیده مقاله :
Performance management encompasses important activities aimed at fostering effective and efficient behaviors within an organization. Performance evaluation, as one of the tools of performance management, can serve as a robust foundation for decision-making concerning personnel affairs, such as promotions, transfers, demotions, dismissals, and salary increases or decreases. Performance evaluation indicators for chicken meat suppliers in the city of Arak were identified. To collect opinions of chicken meat store managers (24 stores), instruments such as questionnaires were employed. Fuzzy Likert Scale (FLS) was utilized to convert verbal data obtained from the questionnaires. Following the validation of the questionnaire, fuzzy set theory and fuzzy decision-making techniques were used to rank the studied suppliers (six suppliers). Data analysis in MATLAB determined that Supplier 6 (Dorsa Chicken Company) exhibited the best performance, while Supplier 2 (Fakhrar Company) demonstrated the poorest performance.
Performance management encompasses important activities aimed at fostering effective and efficient behaviors within an organization. Performance evaluation, as one of the tools of performance management, can serve as a robust foundation for decision-making concerning personnel affairs, such as promotions, transfers, demotions, dismissals, and salary increases or decreases. Performance evaluation indicators for chicken meat suppliers in the city of Arak were identified. To collect opinions of chicken meat store managers (24 stores), instruments such as questionnaires were employed. Fuzzy Likert Scale (FLS) was utilized to convert verbal data obtained from the questionnaires. Following the validation of the questionnaire, fuzzy set theory and fuzzy decision-making techniques were used to rank the studied suppliers (six suppliers). Data analysis in MATLAB determined that Supplier 6 (Dorsa Chicken Company) exhibited the best performance, while Supplier 2 (Fakhrar Company) demonstrated the poorest performance.
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