Decontamination of Echium and Mint using Cold Plasma Technique
محورهای موضوعی : غذاهای فراسودمند و عصاره های زیستیSoheila Abdi 1 , Arash Jazayeri 2
1 - Department of Physics, Safadasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - 1. Department of Food Science and Technology, Safadasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
کلید واژه: Echium, Mint, Cold Plasma, Microorganism,
چکیده مقاله :
Two important medicinal plants used in traditional Iranian medicine are Echium and Mint. Contamination of Echium and Mint with microorganisms limits their use in medicine, so it is very important to use decontamination methods without changing their quality. Recently, cold plasma technology has been used as an alternative to traditional process of herbs, spices and seeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate of cold plasma effect on Echium and Mint microorganisms compared to heat method. One gram of Ehium and Mint leaf powder were spread on the glass slide as a single layer and was exposed to the plasma for 30 min. Phenolic compounds and colour changes of Mint and Echium under the exposure of plasma and heat were measured. The results showed that plasma had no significant effect on phenolic compounds and colour changes while heat method had significant effect on phenolic compounds and colour changes. Therefore, plasma can be a suitable alternative to the heating method in decontamination of spices without affecting their quality.
Two important medicinal plants used in traditional Iranian medicine are Echium and Mint. Contamination of Echium and Mint with microorganisms limits their use in medicine, so it is very important to use decontamination methods without changing their quality. Recently, cold plasma technology has been used as an alternative to traditional process of herbs, spices and seeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate of cold plasma effect on Echium and Mint microorganisms compared to heat method. One gram of Ehium and Mint leaf powder were spread on the glass slide as a single layer and was exposed to the plasma for 30 min. Phenolic compounds and colour changes of Mint and Echium under the exposure of plasma and heat were measured. The results showed that plasma had no significant effect on phenolic compounds and colour changes while heat method had significant effect on phenolic compounds and colour changes. Therefore, plasma can be a suitable alternative to the heating method in decontamination of spices without affecting their quality.
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