Evaluating the effect of social housing design sub-components on users' place attachment (case study: Shiraz)
محورهای موضوعی : Space Ontology International Journal
Kimia Sadat Tabibzadeh
Hamed Moztarzadeh
Mohammad Parva
Vahideh Hodjati
1 - Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Department of Architecture, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
4 - Department of Urban Planning, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
کلید واژه: Environmental Psychology and Social Housing design, Place Attachment, Residential Complex Design, Sociology and Architecture, Place Dependence.,
چکیده مقاله :
Considering the important role of environmental psychology in the design of space, especially in human living spaces, the current research has been carried out with the aim of identifying the most influential sub-components of social housing design in relation to the place of their users and providing design solutions that suit them. Place attachment creates emotional bonds between people and their living spaces, and affects the sense of belonging and desire to be present in the users and causes more productivity of the spaces. The research method used was descriptive-analytical with the method of collecting information in the form of library and survey studies with the help of relevant scientific texts as well as researcher-made questionnaires. After collecting the texts related to the topic and categorizing the components related to the topic, a researcher-made questionnaire was developed and its validity was determined by Delphi method by experts and its reliability was determined through Cronbach's alpha Questionnaires were answered according to Cochran's formula by 387 users of social housing complexes in Shiraz who were randomly selected. It should be mentioned that the investigated residential complexes were identified with the help of Expert Choice 11 software based on the AHP model. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed by Excel, SPSS and SMARTPLS software with the help of Anova, Bootstrapping and multiple regression tests. The findings indicated that the perceptual, semantic-cognitive component had the greatest impact on users' place attachment, and all its tested sub-components had a significant impact on users' place attachment, and the physical-environmental component ranked second in terms of significant impact on place attachment of users has played a role.
Considering the important role of environmental psychology in the design of space, especially in human living spaces, the current research has been carried out with the aim of identifying the most influential sub-components of social housing design in relation to the place of their users and providing design solutions that suit them. Place attachment creates emotional bonds between people and their living spaces, and affects the sense of belonging and desire to be present in the users and causes more productivity of the spaces. The research method used was descriptive-analytical with the method of collecting information in the form of library and survey studies with the help of relevant scientific texts as well as researcher-made questionnaires. After collecting the texts related to the topic and categorizing the components related to the topic, a researcher-made questionnaire was developed and its validity was determined by Delphi method by experts and its reliability was determined through Cronbach's alpha Questionnaires were answered according to Cochran's formula by 387 users of social housing complexes in Shiraz who were randomly selected. It should be mentioned that the investigated residential complexes were identified with the help of Expert Choice 11 software based on the AHP model. The data from the questionnaires were analyzed by Excel, SPSS and SMARTPLS software with the help of Anova, Bootstrapping and multiple regression tests. The findings indicated that the perceptual, semantic-cognitive component had the greatest impact on users' place attachment, and all its tested sub-components had a significant impact on users' place attachment, and the physical-environmental component ranked second in terms of significant impact on place attachment of users has played a role.
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