Structural Equation Modeling to Assess the Relationship among Iranian EFL Teachers’ Creativity, Reflective Thinking, and Burnout Levels
الموضوعات : نشریه تخصصی زبان، فرهنگ، و ترجمه (دوفصلنامه)
1 - استادیار گروه زبان انگلیسی، دانشگاه جامع امام حسین (ع)، تهران، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: Creativity, burnout, reflective thinking, structural equation modeling,
ملخص المقالة :
This study investigated the relationship among Iranian EFL teachers’ creativity, reflective thinking, and burnout levels. Two hundred and eight teachers from different universities and schools were requested to answer three questionnaires, namely the English Language Teacher Creativity Scale, Reflective Thinking Scale, and Maslach Burnout Inventory. To examine the hypothetical model of relationships, structural equation modeling was used. Results represented that there were significant internal correlations among all the latent variables and their subscales. Moreover, the results of multiple regression analysis revealed that creativity strongly predicted reflective thinking, with creativity having more predictive power compared to burnout. It was also reported that all subscales of creativity and reflective thinking are statistically very relevant. On the other hand, burnout weakly predicted reflective thinking, with burnout having less predictive power than creativity. In total, there was a negative relation between creativity and burnout in which all their subscales were negatively correlated with each other.
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