Identifying the Influence of Livelihood Indicators on Social Participation among Rural Farmers in Eastern Kogi State, Nigeria
الموضوعات :
Mathew Edoka
Ufedo Shaibu
1 - Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Kogi State University Anyigba, Nigeria
2 - Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Kogi State University Anyigba, Nigeria
الکلمات المفتاحية: development, Livelihood, rural, Logit, Participation,
ملخص المقالة :
The study identified the influence of livelihood indicators on social participation among rural farmers in Eastern Kogi State, Nigeria. A total of 120 rural farmers were selected using a three-stage random sampling procedure. Questionnaire administration and structured interview schedule were used to collect primary data. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics – percentage and mean and inferential statistics - binary logit regression analysis. The findings from this study revealed that the majority of the rural farmers were males (93.3 %) within middle age (34 years), and possessed formal education (85%). The perceived indicators of rural livelihood were on-farm income (M= 3.7), level of savings (M= 3.4), assets owned (M= 3.3), membership of organizations (M= 3.2), level of education (M= 2.8), and occupational status (M= 2.7). At p <0.05, the probability of social participation among rural farmers in the area was positively influenced by education (β=2.559), occupational status (β=2.894), access to loan (β=5.064), assets owned (β=2.565), and membership of organization (β=5.107). The study recommends the formation of cooperative societies and easy access to loan facilities for economies of scale, own more assets and as well, participate in rural developmental efforts. Also, there should be increased access to education.
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