Analysis of Mean Time to System Failure and Availability of a System with Cold Standby Unit
الموضوعات :Muktar Umar Danjuma 1 , Bashir Yusuf 2 , U.A. Ali 3
1 - Mathematics Faculty of Science Federal University Dutse Nigeria
2 - Department of Mathematics,
Federal University
Dutse, Nigeria
3 - Department of Mathematics,
Federal University
Dutse, Nigeria
الکلمات المفتاحية: Failure, accessibility, Repair Rate, and Failure Rate are all terms that are used to describe the Accessibility,
ملخص المقالة :
The reliability of a system with three components, A, B, and C, coupled in series and parallel is investigated in this study. System A is a two-out-of-two linear consecutive system, System B is a one-out-of-one linear consecutive system, and System C is a two-out-of-four linear consecutive system. The failure of system B, or the failure of all system A and C components, can cause the entire system to fail. The system was evaluated using the Markov birth–death process, which resulted in clear expressions for availability and mean time to system breakdown. The effect of failure and repair rates on mean time to failure and availability has been graphically explored based on numerical values presented in a table and graph and assigned to system characteristics to demonstrate the effect of failure and repair rates on mean time to failure and availability, The results reveal that system effectiveness indicators like availability and mean time to system failure rise with repair rates and fall with failure rates.
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