Improved TLBO and JAYA algorithms to solve new fuzzy flexible job-shop scheduling problems
الموضوعات :
Raviteja Buddala
Siba Sankar Mahapatra
Manas Ranjan Singh
Bhanu Chandar Balusa
Purusotham Singamsetty
Venkata Phanikrishna Balam
1 - School of Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
2 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela
3 - Department of Basic Sciences and Humanities, Silicon Institute of Technology
4 - School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai
5 - Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore.
6 - School of Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore,
الکلمات المفتاحية: Triangular Fuzzy Numbers, Teaching-learning-based optimization, Flexible job-shop scheduling problem, processing times uncertainty,
ملخص المقالة :
Flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSP) finds significant interest in the field of scheduling in dealing with complexity, solution methodology and, industrial applications. However, most of the studies on FJSP, consider the processing time of operations to be deterministic and known at priori while solving the problem. Since uncertainty is bound to occur in industries, deterministic approaches for solving FJSP may not yield good solutions. Schedules generated considering uncertainties may help the manufacturing firms to handle the uncertainties efficiently. The present work aims at solving FJSP in a realistic manner, considering uncertainty in the processing times. A modified version of optimization algorithms without tuning parameters such as teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) and JAYA is proposed to solve fuzzy FJSP (FFJSP) with less computational burden. Although there are enough challenging benchmark problems for deterministic FJSP problems, only limited benchmarks are available for a fuzzy variant of FJSP. The currently available FFJSP problems in the literature are small in size as compared to Brandimate data instances which are widely accepted for a deterministic variant of FJSP. Therefore, an attempt has been made in this paper to solve the instances of Kacem’s and Brandimarte’s by converting them into fuzzy FJSP. The present work also provides new challenging problems compared to the existing benchmark problems to study FFJSP.
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