Competition on Rangelands Utilizations Conflict Source among Users in Semi – Arid Areas at Eldebeibat, South Kordofan State–Sudan
الموضوعات :Abdelrahim Abdelrahim Ibrahim 1 , Galal Fashir 2
1 - University of Zalingei, College of Forestry Sciences, Range Department, Central Darfur State & ndash; Sudan
2 - Sudanese
الکلمات المفتاحية: Rangelands, Livestock, Conflicts, Monad pastoralists, Sedentary,
ملخص المقالة :
This study was conducted at Eldebeibat area, in South Kordofan State, Sudan. The aim of this study was to assess the role of competition on rangelands’ utilization on occurrence of conflicts between land’s users in the semi-arid areas of Eldebeibat, Sudan. Two target questionnaires were designed to collect data from two groups of land users namely nomadic pastoralists and sedentary farmers that are using the area. The data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).The results showed that, illiteracy was high in both groups. The crop production was the main source of income in the sedentary communities, while pastoralists practiced cultivation beside livestock rising at the same time. However, both groups preferred raising mixed species of livestock in their herds ‘structure. In addition, it was found that milk production represented the main goal of livestock keeping for the both groups. The results also indicated that the main reason of the livestock health deterioration was shortage of forage. Moreover, pastoralists followed restricted routes to practice grazing. All respondents included in this study, considered the occurrence of conflicts among them as normal phenomenon and the causes of conflicts are different between them. Most of the nomad pastoralists considered blockage of routes of livestock movement by farms as the main cause of conflicts, where as sedentary groups attributed occurrence of conflicts for damaging their farms by pastoralists’ livestock when entrance to and exit from grazing land and during grazing, that increased during rainy season in particular. The two groups resort to traditional local administration (Godeyah) for reconciliation and solving the conflicts among them.
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