Identification of safety hazards and risk assessment using the Hazid technique and designing strategic policies in the SWOT matrix
الموضوعات :
Seyed. Mahmoud Mir
Bizhan Maghsoudlou Kamaali
Mojgan Shajari
1 - Department HSE, Maybod Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maybod, Iran
2 - Department of Environment , Faculty of Natural Resources , Islamic Azad University , Meybod Branch.
3 - West Azerbaijan, Urmia, Islamic Azad University, Urmia branch
الکلمات المفتاحية: Safety hazards Risk Assessment Ahvaz secondary schools HAZID technique Strategic policies,
ملخص المقالة :
Background and objective: The most important goal of this applied research was the analysis and evaluation of the existing situation parametric indicators of safety at the level of secondary schools in Ahvaz based on the pathology approach diagnosis, planning, Policymaking, and strategic-operational management. Which strategic components are more important in the field of safety risks for Ahvaz secondary schools?
Materials and methods: To determine the current status of safety indicators in Ahvaz schools, the HAZID technique was implemented. The analysis of external and internal factors affecting the status of safety indicators in Ahvaz secondary schools was done using a SWOT matrix.
Results and conclusion: In connection with the safety risks caused by the technical specifications of Ahvaz secondary school's buildings, the occurrence of serious accidents for students while passing through the street has the highest level of risk, and the risk level was equal to 9475/44 and unacceptable. Regarding the safety hazards caused by the characteristics and grounds of Ahvaz secondary schools, the destruction of school buildings due to non-compliance with architectural standards was the highest risk, and the risk level was equal to 2840/37 and unacceptable. Therefore, it can be acknowledged that the present applied research tries to adopt an approach active and preventive; due to the new perspective, the strategy-oriented approach can be of special importance and credibility in the national and international arenas.
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