Classroom management: Strategies and challenges of Iranian teachers
الموضوعات : Curriculum Research
Zohreh Jafari
Leila Anjomshoa
Neda Fatehi Rad
1 - Ph.D. Candidate, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of English Language, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Classroom Management, Classroom management Strategies, Classroom management Challenges,
ملخص المقالة :
The present study aimed to explore the strategies and challenges faced by Iranian teachers in classroom management. The importance of this study lied in its potential contribution to effective approaches in classroom management, professional growth of teachers, and research knowledge. To serve that end, it utilized a qualitative research design, employing semi-structured interview and open-ended questionnaire to gather data from a sample of Iranian teachers. The findings revealed that Iranian teachers were required to use different strategies to put their knowledge resources and practices of classroom management into the real context of classroom with high effectiveness. The study also indicated several challenges faced by Iranian teachers, such as students’ misbehavior, class communication, fulfillment of learner expectations, time management, care for and attention to learners, giving and receiving feedback, interactions with students’ families, flexibility, accountability and commitment, lesson planning, group work planning, and professional ethics. It can be concluded that teachers’ classroom management literacy is fed by different knowledge resources. Moreover, classroom management literacy is not formed overnight, but it is the product of various knowledge domains. More importantly, classroom management is not an easy task for Iranian teachers. These findings have significant implications for Iranian teachers, teacher educators and curriculum planners.
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