Analyzing the sustainable designing to reduce the negative human impact on rural environment, Case study: Oramanat of Iran
الموضوعات :
Hassan Feridonzadeh
Fahimeh Yari
1 - Nazar Research Center for Art, Architecture and Urbanism. Faculty member of Architecture, Ardabil RAZI faculty, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), IRAN
2 - Nazar research Centre & Researcher in BHRC, IRAN
الکلمات المفتاحية: environment, Sustainability, Rural Housing, Oramanat, Formative Norms,
ملخص المقالة :
With the advent of the industrialized and modern architectural technologies in rural areas, the existing vernacular architect has been diminished eventually. Using the modern and nonecological materials and technologies have caused the native human impact and a lot of damages to the rural environments. Using the vernacular and traditional principles is a great solution to reduce those negative human impact. Hence analyzing and extracting the sustainable vernacular principles is the key to achieve environmentally sustainable architecture.Thevernacular architecture of Iran in different regionshas diversity according to the various kinds of climate, culture, and age. These characteristics are unique in different regions. For example,architecture inthe central area of Iran is made of adobe, in the north of Iran wood is applied as the main material for architecture and in west of Iran due to the mountainous area, stone architecture has priority over other materials. In this paper, residential architecture of the western part of Iran especially mountainous villages has been studied. There are simple but wonderfulcontexts in Oramanat region(between Kurdistan and Kermanshah) in which different vernacular architectural indicatorscan be identified and recognized.These indicators embody the hidden identity of the stone architecture of Oramanat and now it is time to recognize them. In this paper, stone architecture of west Zagros will be identified.Research method in this paper is case study with a combinatory tactics. Differenttypes of rural housing with interpretive-analytic tactics will be studied and categorized. Then characteristic of each type will be represented. Finally the effect of livelihood, culture, climate, structure, material and nature on the design of housing is going to be described.
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