Telework in I.R.I.B and the role of information technology
الموضوعات : International Journal of Information, Security and Systems ManagementAmir Hossein Asadi 1 , Elham Khosravi 2
1 - Master of Science degree Student in IT Management, electronic-Business Man- agement at Islamic Azad Universit
2 - Master of Science degree Student in IT Management, Knowledge Management, Islamic Azad Universit
الکلمات المفتاحية: Information technology, Telework, Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Individual and organizational anteced- ents, Job attitude,
ملخص المقالة :
Information and communication technologies lead to de- velopment of its application in various fields, particularly teleworking. The purpose of current study is to investigate the role of individual and organizational antecedents and attitudes in establishing employees’ tendency to telework- ing in Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. further, the role of information technology in the issue would be con- sidered. Statistical population is all the employees of Is- lamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting in Tehran. A sample of 160 employees was selected by convenience sampling approach. This paper is applicable-descriptive in terms of method and is quantitative in terms of data collection ap- proach. To collect data from questionnaires, descriptive statistics (percent and frequency), and Klomogrov-Smirn- ov test and one sample t-test have been utilized. Results indicated that individual and organizational attitudes have a significant role in establishing teleworking tendency in Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting. Further, individual and organizational antecedents had a significant role in establishing teleworking tendency of employees. Hence, some suggestions are proposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting managers. With the increasing number of vehicles and the crowd, the traffic problem is multi- plied, which both wastes time and money, both fatigue and multiplicity of cities pollution. Teleworking is con- sidered as a solution to work problems and the above