Thermoelastic Interaction in A Spherically Symmetric Hollow Sphere via Three-Phase Lag and Memory Effect
الموضوعات :
Jitendra Patil
Chandrakant Jadhav
Nitin Chandel
Vinod Varghese
1 - K.B.C.North Maharashtra University
2 - K.B.C.North Maharashtra University
3 - Gondwana University Gadchiroli
الکلمات المفتاحية: Thermoelasticity , fractional-order, three-phase-lags, nonsimple media, hollow sphere, spherically symmetry system,
ملخص المقالة :
This model considers the impact of microscopic structure on a nonsimple thermoelastic hollow sphere with a spherically symmetry exposed to thermal shock on the inner and outer curved surface. The influence of temperature discrepancy factor and time-phase lag in the context of memory-dependent derivative is examined. The study employs a numerical Laplace inversion method to provide numerical solutions for various physical domains, illustrating transient reactions like temperature, displacement, and stress graphically. The study indicates that the memory-dependent derivative accurately represents the memory effect, which is the rate of change influenced by the previous state, potentially aiding in better heat management of nonsimple media. The physical perspectives presented in this article may prove useful in the creation of new materials to simulate nanoscale heat transfer issues in a variety of devices. This study aims to provide future researchers with a comprehensive understanding of nonsimple three-phase lags thermoelasticity, including a detailed analysis of the memory effect.
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