Exploring ways of assessing intercultural competence: Introducing the bimodal assessment model
الموضوعات : Curriculum Research
Vahid Ghorbani
ٍSara Kianifard
1 - English Language and Literature Department, Arak University, Iran
2 - MA Student, Shahid Rajaeei University, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Bimodal Assessment Model, Dynamic Assessment, Intercultural Assessment, Intercultural Communication, Performance Assessment,
ملخص المقالة :
Discovering the best solution for assessing intercultural communication is a big challenge all over the world. Thus, the current paper tried to find various ways of intercultural assessment in Iran by introducing a bimodal assessment model. Therefore, the researchers selected thirty Iranian teachers through convenience sampling as the participants of the study. By using a qualitative design, the required data were collected and by using inductive content analysis, the results were analyzed. The data collected and analyzed from interviews and observation sessions revealed that Iranian teachers used a blend of traditional and communicative methods to assess intercultural issues in their classes. Portfolio assessment, performance assessment, dynamic assessment, self/peer assessment, written quizzes, dialogues, and discussion, interview, and presentation are among the methods of assessing intercultural communication in Iran’s context. This study is of high importance for language teachers because they can use the findings as tools for assessing intercultural content in their classes and for intercultural experts to introduce these assessment tools to teachers in their training courses. The bimodal assessment model as the final product of this paper could pave the way for Iranian teachers as an assessment model.
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