The Effect of Teacher Scaffolding on EFL Learners’ Speaking Ability: Moderated by the Behavioral Inhibition/Activation Systems
الموضوعات : Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English
Zhila Balegh
Shima Ahmadi-Azad
محمد حسین یوسفی
1 - Ph.D. candidate, English department, Islamic Azad University, Sarab branch, Sarab, Iran
2 - English teaching department, Sarab branch, Islamic Azad University, Sarab, Iran.
3 - Islamic Azad University, Bonab Branch, Bonab, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Teacher scaffolding, EFL speaking skill, Behavioral inhibition system, Behavioral activation system, Personality traits,
ملخص المقالة :
The influence of social and psychological factors on developing English skills has been a matter of considerable attention. This study investigated the impact of teacher scaffolding on enhancing the speaking proficiency of Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) learners, moderated by behavioral inhibition/activation systems (BIS/BAS) sensitivity. A sample of 58 advanced Iranian EFL learners was selected through purposive sampling by Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) and randomly assigned to two groups. The control group (n=30) underwent traditional teaching methods, while the experimental group (n=28) received instruction through teacher scaffolding. To assess learners’ BIS/BAS, the Gary-Wilson Personality Questionnaire (GWPQ) was utilized, and Test of Spoken English (TSE) was applied in pretest and posttest phases to measure learners’ speaking ability. The first analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) revealed that BAS and prior speaking ability as covariates significantly affected learners’ posttest scores while teacher scaffolding did not have a significant impact on their speaking enhancement. However, in the second ANCOVA, the significant effect of teacher scaffolding on improving learners’ speaking ability was confirmed. This study implied valuable theoretical and pedagogical insights into the interplay of social and psychological factors impacting EFL speaking proficiency.
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