An Overview of the Risks of Latent Aflatoxin Contamination in Pistachio Products (from Production to Export): A Comprehensive Analysis
Mehdi Mohammadi-Moghadam
Crop and Horticultural Sciences Research Department, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Semnan Province (Shahrood), AREEO, Shahrood, Iran
Hossein Hokmabadi
Institute of Agricultural Education and Extension, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran
Mohammad Moradi
Pistachio Research Center, Horticultural Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rafsanjan, Iran
Seyedhamidreza Ziaolhagh
Agricultural Engineering Research Department, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center of Semnan Province (Shahrood), AREEO, Shahrood, Iran
Mostafa Ghasemi
Horticulture Crops Research Department, Qazvin Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREEO, Qazvin, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Fungi spore, Washing systems, Aflatoxin contamination, Pistachio, Export,
ملخص المقالة :
Aflatoxin contamination of products is a worldwide food safety concern and a major challenge in food safety and security, mainly produced by two closely related fungi, Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. Despite receiving a health certificate at the origin, many export shipments are rejected at the destination due to aflatoxin contamination, which is a result of latent contamination by fungi. Research has shown that Aspergillus is soil-borne in pistachio cultivation areas, with its populations in the soil influenced by the irrigation cycle and time. As harvest timing nears, the population density of aflatoxin-producing fungi on pistachio fruits rises. Investigations into pistachio processing terminals have revealed that traditional terminals have higher contamination levels compared to semi-mechanized ones. Comparing various washing systems, it has been found that using a water shower system is more effective than ponds with static or flowing water in reducing contamination. Fungi spores on pistachio fruits during storage and transportation can lead to aflatoxin contamination, especially in improper storage conditions. This is particularly crucial during the sea transportation of exported pistachios, as high humidity can promote the growth of fungi spores. These instances highlight how even seemingly healthy pistachios can be affected by latent infections. The available information about the latent risks of aflatoxin contamination in different stages of pre-harvest, during harvesting, transportation, processing and its effect on the export and marketing of pistachio product is reviewed. Finally, new perspectives on how to successfully control contamination by implementing these strategies are explored.
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