Impact of p-type semiconductor substrate on the transient response of metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector
الموضوعات : Journal of Theoretical and Applied PhysicsAli Barkhordari 1 , Hamid Mashayekhi 2 , Şemsettin Altındal 3 , Süleyman Özçelik 4 , Yashar Azizian-Kalandaragh 5
1 - Faculty of Physics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
2 - Faculty of Physics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
3 - Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
4 - Department of Photonics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey|Photonics Application and Research Center, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
5 - Photonics Application and Research Center, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey|Department of Physics, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: p-type layer, Continuity and Poisson’ s Equations, MSM Photodetector, Finite difference Method, Numerical Solution,
ملخص المقالة :
In this paper, using finite difference method, the effect of adding a p-layer at the back of a metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector (PD) on the spatial electric charge distribution and the transient response of the device is numerically studied. To this aim, the fundamental equations of the semiconductor device, i.e., two current continuity time-dependent equations have been considered coupled with Poisson's equation. The I-V curve of the MSM photodetector is obtained as the main characteristics of each semiconductor device. Moreover, the variations of electrostatic potential, electron and hole concentrations are determined in the MSM photodetector with a p-layer at the back of the active layer. It is observed that the peak transient response of an MSM device is improved by back-gating the device as more electrons are injected to the semiconductor layer and the slower charge carriers (the holes) to be removed from the top circuit.
Impact of p-type Semiconductor Substrate on the Transient Response of Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector
Ali Barkhordari1*, Hamid Reza Mashayekhi1, Şemsettin Altındal2, Süleyman Özçelik3,4, Yashar Azizian-Kalandaragh2-5*
1 Faculty of Physics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
3 Department of Photonics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Gazi University, 06500, Ankara, Turkey
4 Photonics Application and Research Center, Gazi University, 06500, Ankara, Turkey
5 Department of Physics, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
*Corresponding Author:,
Abstract. In this paper, using finite difference method, the effect of adding a p-layer at the back of a metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodetector (PD) on the spatial electric charge distribution and the transient response of the device is numerically studied. To this aim, the fundamental equations of the semiconductor device, i.e., two current continuity time-dependent equations have been considered coupled with Poisson's equation. The I-V curve of the MSM photodetector is obtained as the main characteristics of each semiconductor device. Moreover, the variations of electrostatic potential, electron and hole concentrations are determined in the MSM photodetector with a p-layer at the back of the active layer. It is observed that the peak transient response of an MSM device is improved by back-gating the device as more electrons are injected to the semiconductor layer and the slower charge carriers (the holes) to be removed from the top circuit.
Keywords: MSM Photodetector, p-type layer, Continuity and Poisson’s Equations, Numerical Solution, Finite Difference Method.
1. Introduction
One of the most important parts of each optical communication system is a PD that is basically made of semiconductor materials [1,2]. MSM configuration is well known to fabricate a PD which consists of a semiconductor as an absorbing layer and two metallic layers as the electrodes to make back-to-back Schottky diodes [3,4]. This type of PD has a small intrinsic capacitance resulting in higher speed for large bit rate and higher sensitivity optoelectronic receivers than traditional p-i-n PDs [4]. Moreover, PDs with MSM structure exhibit a higher surface region in comparison with the p-i-n structures for the same thickness of active layer because of having a lateral design [5]. By studying the transient response of a MSM PD, two parts of the impulse response can be observed; a fast rise time and a long fall time. The fast rise time is the advantage of the device but the long fall time, due to the lower mobility of holes compared with electrons, leads to inter-symbol interference in the high-speed optical communications [6-8]. In order to reduce the fall time of the impulse response of the MSM PDs, the influence of the holes in the semiconductor layer should be diminished in the external circuit. For example, a technique that has been reported for this aim is intermediate temperature growth (ITG) of semiconductor material [9]. By using a gallium arsenide (GaAs) layer as an active layer, it was seen that the lifetime of charged carriers in the GaAs layer is only slightly more than the transient time between two metallic electrodes [10].
In addition, the effects of holes on the external circuit and the transient response of the PD are able to be decreased by either applying a negative voltage at the back of the semiconductor layer or adding another semiconductor layer to effectively displace the charged carriers in the active layer [12]. Utilizing simulation techniques such as Newton iterative methods, finite element method (FEM), finite difference method (FDM), error estimation techniques, and adaptive mesh generation lead to finding the best way to fabricate a cost-effective device [2, 10-12].
In this work, the influence of a p-layer at the back of the semiconductor layer of MSM PD is investigated by implementing an algorithm based on the FDM to exactly solve the partial differential equations of the semiconductors using drift-diffusion approximation. After introducing the MSM structure with a p-layer at the back of the semiconductor in the next section, the governing equations, boundary conditions, discretization, and finally the solution methods are respectively expressed in the following. Since there are three unknown variables, i.e., n, p, and ψ, at each mesh point, therefore there are 3N unknowns for the N mesh points in two space dimensions. Newton's method has been considered to solve the systems of nonlinear continuity equations coupled to the Poisson equation for the 3N unknowns which arrange a one-column with 3N rows. In this arrangement, the first, second, and third N rows are assigned to n, p, and ψ variables, respectively. This procedure is discussed in more detail and has been applied to study the considered photodetector.
2. Model Description
The MSM PD is a semiconductor device designed to detect optical pulses in the optical fiber communication systems. This PD is made from the GaAs semiconductor and consisted of two contacts on the top to detect high speed signals and one back layer designed for reducing the effect of the slow carriers, the low mobility hole carriers, on the high-speed top circuits by increasing the electron injection to the semiconductor as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of a MSM PD with a p-layer.
Since the charge distribution and device characteristics for all parallel cross-sections in the active region and perpendicular to the contacts is the same, therefore the basic semiconductor equations are solved in a 2D plane containing the two top contacts and one p-layer. The two top contacts on the N region are Ohmic contacts that act as two rectifiers and show similar I-V characteristics as conventional MSM PD with Schottky contacts. The next layer is an intrinsic semiconductor of GaAs as long as the back layer of GaAs is the p-region in the structure. Table 1 represents the values of the doping concentration of different charged carriers in each layer.
Table 1. Doping concentration of different layers.
Layer | Doping concentration (m-3) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Top contacts (n-layers) |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I-GaAs |
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
p-layer |
Boundary | Dirichlet condition | Neumann condition | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
B |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
C |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
F |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
G |
Value | Symbol | Quantity |
| n, p, d |
| - |
| - | G, R |
| - | T |
(a) |
(b) |
Fig. 5 The logarithmic profiles of (a) electrons and (b) holes concentration in the MSM PD with a p-layer at the back of active layer.
In addition, the temporal response of the MSM PD with a p-layer at the back of the semiconductor is illustrated in Fig. 6(a). As shown, the variations of the electron density have a sharp peak but the density of holes slightly reduces before reaching its maximum value. Finally, Fig. 6(b) shows the time evolution of the total current density through the semiconductor layer of MSM PD. It is clear that the total current density is initially increased till 5 ps and then reduced from its peak value when the optical pulse is imposed at the middle of the semiconductor layer of the MSM PD. When a p-layer is placed at the back of the active layer of MSM PD, the electrons diffuse into the whole of the semiconductor layer and therefore, more electrons are injected into the external circuit. Indeed, the slower photocarriers (the holes) move toward the p-layer because it is negatively biased with respect to the zero bias top contact. The speed of the photodetector is significantly increased by this process due to the creation of more electron-hole pairs in the semiconductor layer of the device and removing more slow charge carriers from the two-top-contact circuitry.
(a) |
(b) |
Fig. 6 The transient profiles of (a) charged carriers and (b) current density in MSM PD with a p-layer at the back of the active layer.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, a FD numerical method was used to study the effect of p-layer at the back of the active layer on the spatial and temporal distributions of charge carriers in the MSM PD by solving the Poisson's equation and the time-dependent continuity equations. In this method, the equations were solved simultaneously as a nonlinear system of equations for ψ, n, and p variables corresponding to the electric potential, electrons and holes number density, respectively. The results obtained for the electrostatic potential, electrons, and holes concentration have a reasonably high degree of accuracy in comparison with those presented in the literature. Moreover, the transient response of the device was calculated by this method. It is found that the presence of p-layer at the back of the active layer of MSM PD causes more injection of the electron from the external circuit to the semiconductor layer, resulting in the diffusion of the electrons in the whole semiconductor layer, and hence, the creation of electron-hole pairs was increased. In addition, when one of the top contacts has higher potential with respect to the other one, the electric potential of the back-gated p-layer is negative with respect to the lower electric potential top contact and resulting in the removal of holes from the top contacts’ circuit. Therefore, the speed of MSM PD is significantly enhanced by more producing the electron-hole pairs in the active layer of PD and taking out the slower charge carriers from the top circuit.
Declaration of Statement
The authors declare no financial or commercial conflict of interest.
Data availability statement
The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
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