Fuzzy Clustering Based Routing in Wireless Body Area Networks to Increase the Life of Sensor Nodes
الموضوعات :Mohsen Abdollahzadeh Aghbolagh 1 , Mohammad Ali Pourmina 2
1 - Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch
2 - Department of electrical and computer engineering ,sciences and reseach branch Tehran Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: wireless body area networks, Fuzzy clustering, sensor nodes,
ملخص المقالة :
Body area networks is one of the types of wireless area networks which has been created to optimize utilizing hospital resources and for earlier diagnosis of medical symptoms, and ultimately to reduce the cost of medical care. This network like most of the wireless networks is without infrastructure and the embedded sensor nodes in the body have limited energy. Hence, the early power completion of the wireless nodes based on the transmission of messages in the network can disrupt the entire network. In this study, a fuzzy clustering based routing is presented to overcome the mention challenge. In this method, the sensor nodes are allocated to the nearest cluster, based on their distance from the cluster head node, and exchange information with the cluster-head at the near distances, and the cluster-head node, due to its high initial energy, can transmit data to the remote server. In this study, due to the movement of the person and the position shift in the sensor nodes and the distances between the cluster-head nodes, sensor nodes belonging to the clusters are also updated and placed in their proper cluster and the transmission of sensory messages was done with its nearest cluster- head node. Simulation results show that the proposed method can be better than other existing methods in and equal condition.
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