A Version Numbering Scheme for Informational Objects Used in VM Live Migration
الموضوعات :
Majid Tajamolian
Mohammad Ghasemzadeh
1 - Computer Engineering Department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
2 - Computer Engineering Department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Quadruple Adaptive Version Numbering Scheme, Informational Object, Virtual Machines Live Migration, Virtual Machine Memory,
ملخص المقالة :
Various numbering schemes are used to track different versions and revisions of files, software packages, and documents. One major challenge in this regard is the lack of an all-purpose, adaptive, comprehensive and efficient standard. To resolve the challenge, this article presents Quadruple Adaptive Version Numbering Scheme. In the proposed scheme, the version identifier consists of four integers. These four numbers from Left to Right are called: "Release Sequence Number", "Generation Number", "Features List Number", and "Corrections List Number" respectively. In the article, special values are given for the quadruple numbers and their meanings are described. QAVNS is an "Adaptive" scheme; this means that it has the capability to track the different versions and revisions of files, software packages, project output documents, design documents, rules, manuals, style sheets, drawings, graphics, administrative and legal documents, and the other types of "Informational Objects" in different environments, without alterations in its structure. The proposed scheme has the capability to monitor changes in the types of informational objects, such as virtual machine memory, in the live migration process. The experimental and analytical results indicate the desirability and effectiveness of the proposed scheme in satisfying the desired expectations. The proposed scheme can become a common standard and successfully applied in all academic, engineering, administrative, legislative, legal, manufacturing, industrial, operational, software development, documentary, and other environments. The standardization of this scheme and its widespread usage can be a great help in improving everyone's understanding of the numbering of versions & revisions.
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