Prediction of Student Learning Styles using Data Mining Techniques
الموضوعات :
Esther Khakata
Vincent Omwenga
Simon Msanjila
1 - Strathmore University
2 - Strathmore University
3 - Mzumbe University
الکلمات المفتاحية: classification algorithms, student, student performance, learning style, data mining,
ملخص المقالة :
This paper focuses on the prediction of student learning styles using data mining techniques within their institutions. This prediction was aimed at finding out how different learning styles are achieved within learning environments which are specifically influenced by already existing factors. These learning styles, have been affected by different factors that are mainly engraved and found within the students learning environment. To obtain the learning styles, a data mining technique was used and this explicitly involved the use of pattern analysis in order to identify the underlying learning styles in the data collected from the learners. This paper highlights the five major learning styles that describe the patterns extracted from the collected data. Therefore, considering the changed learning ecosystem, it is clear that prediction of student learning styles can be done when the various factor inputs within the student environment are brought together and analyzed to focus on learning within internet-mediated environments.
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