An Effective Path-aware Approach for Keyword Search over Data Graphs
الموضوعات :Asieh Ghanbarpour 1 , Hassan Naderi 2 , Soheil ZareMotlagh 3
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
2 - Computer Engineering Department, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran
3 - University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Relevant answers, Information Retrieval, Keyword search, Information spreading, Database,
ملخص المقالة :
Abstract—Keyword Search is known as a user-friendly alternative for structured languages to retrieve information from graph-structured data. Efficient retrieving of relevant answers to a keyword query and effective ranking of these answers according to their relevance are two main challenges in the keyword search over graph-structured data. In this paper, a novel scoring function is proposed, which utilizes both the textual and structural features of answers in order to produce a more accurate order of answers. In addition, a query processing algorithm is developed based on information spreading technique to enumerate answers in approximate order. This algorithm is further improved by allowing a skewed development toward more promising paths and enables a more efficient processing of keyword queries. Performance evaluation through extensive experiments on a standard benchmark of three real-world datasets shows the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms.Index Terms—Information retrieval, Database, Keyword search, Relevant answers, Information spreading.
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Journal of Advances in Computer Engineering and Technology
An Effective Path-aware Approach for Keyword Search over Data Graphs
Abstract—Keyword Search is known as a user-friendly alternative for structured languages to retrieve information from graph-structured data. Efficient retrieving of relevant answers to a keyword query and effective ranking of these answers according to their relevance are two main challenges in the keyword search over graph-structured data. In this paper, a novel scoring function is proposed, which utilizes both the textual and structural features of answers in order to produce a more accurate order of answers. In addition, a query processing algorithm is developed based on information spreading technique to enumerate answers in approximate order. This algorithm is further improved by allowing a skewed development toward more promising paths and enables a more efficient processing of keyword queries. Performance evaluation through extensive experiments on a standard benchmark of three real-world datasets shows the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
In recent years, keyword search has attracted the attention of researchers as an effective method to retrieve information from different datasets which could be modeled as a graph. The success of keyword search is rooted in its simplicity in expressing a query (a set of keywords). It enables the user to search for his/her needed information without knowing a specialized query language (e.g. SQL, SPARQL or XQuery) or having a prior knowledge about the underlying data structure (e.g. tables, docs or properties) [1]. An answer to a keyword query is a set of nodes connected as a sub-tree or a sub-graph covering all the keywords of the query. It represents how the nodes containing query keywords are interconnected in the dataset [2]. For example, consider Fig 1. This figure shows a part of a geographical database modeled as a graph. Any node in this graph represents a tuple in the dataset, and any edge shows a connection made between the connected tuples by foreign keys. Suppose a user queries the dataset by to know the relationship between the two queried keywords. These keywords are not covered together in any of the graph nodes. Instead, two minimal collections of nodes cover the wanted keywords as they are shown in Fig 1. Collection is an answer to query and means “ is the name of an Ethnic group in including 9% of the total population”. Collection is another answer to the query and means “ is bordered by a country named Uzbekistan in which Uzbek is the official language”.
A keyword search system consists of two main subsystems: a search subsystem to retrieve relevant answers to given query, and a ranking subsystem to rank the retrieved answers.
The search subsystem has an effective impact on the efficiency of the system. According to a comprehensive study, the search methods which were proposed on the schema-free graphs can be divided into four categories: cluster-based methods, subgraph-based methods, Lawler-based methods and virtual document-based methods. In the cluster-based methods, the keyword nodes are grouped into some initial clusters according to the keywords they covered. These clusters are expanded based on different strategies to reach common nodes. Detected answers by this way are in the form of star-trees in which leaves contain keyword nodes of different types. BANK [13], bidirectional [14] and BLINKS [5] are samples of such methods. Although these systems are fast in detecting answers, they are unable to retrieve non-star answers. Therefore, they present an incomplete list of answers to the user.
Fig1. A modified part of Mondial dataset and two answers in response to query .
In the subgraph-based method, the search is initiated by the keyword nodes. In this method, the low-weights subgraphs are incrementally merged until reach answers. DBPF [4] is a dynamic programming implementation of this method. In DBPF, each edge is just observed in one answer. Therefore, a large number of answers are lost.
The Lawler-based methods produce a complete set of answers [6, 7]. In these methods, all the search space is first searched (by a system such as DBPF) to find the lowest weight answer. The search space is then divided to subspaces and each subspace is searched separately to find the next answer. Since the generated subspaces may differ only in one edge with each other and with the base graph, the search on them is done with the same upper bound complexity as the search on the overall graph. These expansive repetitive searches make Lawler-based methods empirically inapplicable on the large graphs.
In the virtual document-based methods more focus is on the text processing of subgraphs. In these methods, the nodes of graph are mapped to virtual documents and then processed with existing text processing methods. Graph-LM [16] and KESOSASD [17] are samples of such methods. Relying on the text retrieval processes which have been evolved a lot over the years [18], the virtual document-based methods could retrieve answers very quickly and accurately. However, these methods need an extra memory to save virtual documents. In addition, the radius of answers generated by these methods is limited to the size of considered virtual documents.
In response to a query, numerous answers may be retrieved by the search subsystem. Therefore, a ranking step is necessary to provide more relevant answers to the user.
A ranking function is usually used to evaluate the relevance of answers to a given query [3]. Some of the proposed ranking functions in the literature use only the structural attributes of answers to rank them [4-7]. It is obvious that these functions are unable to differentiate among the answers with the same structure but different content. A group of methods tried to solve this problem by considering the IR-style features (commonly TFIDF) in addition to the structural features of answers in the ranking efforts [8-12].
Although these methods are usually more successful than the first group, they are still unable to detect some differences between answers. For example, consider two answers shown in Fig 1. These answers are structurally similar. On the other hand, the TFIDF of the two keywords in both of the answers are similar. However, covers the queried keywords in more important attributes than , and it should be considered more relevant to the user’s query. This priority cannot be detected by the second group of methods because realizing it needs a semantic analysis on the text information of nodes up to the attribute level. One of our purpose in this paper is to present a scoring function which is able to differentiate answers with a high degree of distinction.
In this paper, two greedy-based keyword systems are proposed, which use a new scoring function during the search process to retrieve top-k answers. The proposed systems provide answers in an approximate order of their final ordering. This ability allows the systems to present answers immediately after they are retrieved. As a result, it reduces the response time of the systems significantly in comparison to those of the other systems.
The main contributions of this work are summarized as follows:
· To provide a more accurate order of relevant answers, we propose a new scoring function to observe both the content-based and the structure-based relevance of answers to the query. The content-based relevance of answers is defined based on a new notation of term weights taking the attribute-level information into consideration. Using this level of textual information beside using the structural information in ranking of answers makes the proposed function more powerful to distinct answers.
· For effective finding of top-k answers, we propose Blind Keyword Search (BKS) system which retrieve answers in an approximate order of their final ranking. This algorithm provides a solution based on information spreading technique [19, 20] to retrieve top-k answers. In addition, special nodes (as a new notation) are used for an initial pruning on the search space. A bounded approximation ratio is proved for the result list of this system.
· To improve the efficiency of BKS, we then propose an enhanced search system named Informed Keyword Search (IKS). The algorithm estimates the probability of answer existence in all paths in order to follow the more probable paths earlier than the others. It can retrieve the answers more efficiently than BKS but has a slight lowering in effectiveness.
In the experiments, we show the effectiveness of the approximate ranked lists of answers presented by the proposed systems in comparison to the ranked list of the other systems. In addition, we show the efficiency of IKS in retrievement of top-k answers in terms of response time and execution time. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: In Section 2, related works are discussed. Then, in Section 3, formal problem statements are defined and the proposed scoring function are provided. Two query processing algorithms for solving keyword search problem are introduced in Section 4. The evaluation framework and the results of the experiments are explained in Section 5. Finally, in Section 6 the paper is concluded.
II. Related works
Conducted research on keyword search were followed in four categories: Keyword search on relational databases [2, 4, 8, 9, 21, 22], Keyword search on XML databases[23, 24], Keyword search on Semantic Web [25-27] and Keyword search on schema-free graphs [5, 6, 11, 14, 15, 28-30]. All the relational, XML and RDF datasets are associated with predefined schemas. Using the schema facilitates the determination of the query meaning and helps the effective search of data. Keyword search over schema free graphs is facing more challenges because of having less prior knowledge about the examined data. In the presented paper, we focused on the schema-free graphs because there are many graphs for which the scheme is not defined. In the following, some of the works that are more similar to our work are described. In all of these works, the search is started from keyword nodes and followed using a traversing strategy to reach answers.
BANKS [13], Bidirectional [14] and BLINKS [5] are cluster-based methods which follow forward expansion, bidirectional expansion and cost-based expansion respectively to find answers. BLINKS [5] partitions graph data into some blocks and utilizes a bi-level indexing to process keyword queries. One group of indexes is used to travel between the blocks and another is used to access the data within the blocks. In retrieving an answer, BLINKs begins from a keyword node and searches its block with the help of intra-block indexes. If searching for an answer is expanded to the neighborhood blocks, it utilizes multiple cursors and sends each of them to a neighbor block to continue the search in them. According to the claim of the authors, BLINKS is m-optimal, where m is the number of input keywords. BANKS, Bidirectional and BLINKS just retrieve star-trees as answers and ignore other ones. In addition, these systems could not provide any answer until retrieving all the relevant ones. Ease which is introduced in [31] defined the concept of r-radius sub-graphs on undirected graph and retrieved them as answers of a keyword query. It used two indexes for storing data, the first index saved the structural distance between each pair of keywords and the second index stored the contained r-radius sub-graphs for each keyword. This approach contained a ranking step to sort retrieved answers according to their structural compression and some IR measures. In this method, the size of final answers is limited to the size of initial processed sub-graphs. So, there may be answers that are never retrieved. Virgilio in [32] proposed an approach based on the paths which led to the keyword nodes. In this approach, a path of graph was selected in each step to be added to an incomplete answer. The paths were grouped based on their template and assigned by a score. The score of paths was not only used in the expanding phase, but also in the final ranking of answers. In [6], [7], a Lawler-based method were employed to retrieve answers. Kargar and An in [7] focused on finding answers in the form of r-cliques. An r-clique is a set of nodes which covers all the query keywords and whose shortest path between each two nodes is not greater than. is a user-defined parameter and indicates the maximum value of the answer’s diameter. Restricting answers to r-clique ones is main disadvantage of this system. The authors claimed that in the worst case, the weight of an answer produced by their algorithm is twice the weight of the optimal answer. In [6], the authors focused on retrieving top-k non-duplicate answers. The duplicate answers are ones covering the same set of keyword nodes. Such answers are retrieved by dividing the search space into some disjoint subspaces and performing an iterative search on the subspaces. The best answer in each subspace is obtained and used to produce the best global answer. The subspace which produces the best global answer is further divided into sub-subspaces and the best answer among its sub-subspaces is used to compete with the best answers in other sub-spaces in the previous level in order to find the next best global answer. Although Lawler-based methods are highly effective, the need for expansive repetitive searches makes them practically inapplicable on large graphs.
Nguyen and Cao [33] presented an approach that selected the top-k data sources from potentially numerous data sources. Their method derives information patterns from each data source as succinct synopses that act as representatives of the corresponding data sources. The patterns (sub-graphs) are then scored based on their relevance to the given query using a structural-aware ranking function. As mentioned earlier, ranking answers based solely on their structural features is one of the main disadvantages of such methods. The papers [16, 34] proposed a virtual document-based method to retrieve answers. In this method, any subgraph is mapped to a virtual document (VD) by concatenating the textual content of its nodes. Therefore, the problem of searching on the graph data is reduced to the problem of searching on a set of documents. These papers use language models to score retrieved answers. Although the search on documents could perform effectively, the size of answers is restricted to the size of virtual documents. In addition, an extra memory is needed to build a layer of documents. A new type of keyword search query, ROU-query, was defined in [35]. It utilized input keywords in three categories: required, optional, and unwanted, and returned nodes of the underlying graph whose neighborhood satisfied the keyword requirements. It applied a new data structure named query induced partite graph (QuIP) to capture the constraints related to the neighborhood size and unwanted keywords. Due to the limitation of the result list to a specific form of answers, this system has achieved good efficiency but its effectiveness has decreased. The authors proposed a family of algorithms which took advantage of the information in QuIP for efficient evaluation of ROU-queries. Park and Lim in [11] proposed an approach to aggregate best keyword nodes gained from a pre-computed process in order to produce top-k relevant answers in an approximate order. They used a queuing system over the data extracted from an extended inverted index. The employed inverted index stores comprehensive neighborhood information between nodes. Using this index, the answers of a keyword query are retrieved by sharing the neighborhood information of nodes. The examined method results in low execution time but high space complexity because of the high volume of indexing. On the other hand, it prefers more extended and relevant answers having more coverage of keywords instead of minimal answers.
In the presented paper, a keyword search method is introduced by considering both the time and space complexities, which retrieves minimal answers without any restrictions on the shape of the answers.
III. Problem statement and preliminaries
Suppose an un-directed un-weighed graph where N is a set of nodes and E is a set of edges. Each node includes a list of attribute-value pairs as, where shows an attribute and shows the value of attribute in node . The edges represent the semantic relationships between pairs of nodes. Such graphs are used to model different types of unstructured, semi-structured, and structured datasets.
The problem of keyword search on the graph is stated as follows. Given a graph-structured database G and a query , retrieve top-k answers from G in response to the query in a ranked order.
Definition 1 (Answer) Consider a keyword query over graph . An answer in response to is a minimal subgraph from such that for every keyword of the query there is at least one node in covering the keyword. Minimality requires an answer not to have a proper sub-graph that also covers all the query keywords.
The answers are ranked based on their relevance score to the query, and the top-k ranked answers are presented to the user. Even for a simple definition of the scoring function, an efficient enumeration of answers might not be possible. A formal notion of enumeration in an approximate order is defined as follows [36].
Definition 2 (-approximate order) Let answer with less is considered as the better answer. Enumerating answers in an -approximate order means that if answer precedes answer , then is worse than by at most a factor of . More formally, the sequence of all answers will be in -approximate order if for all.
An algorithm that enumerates the answers in a -approximate order can find a -approximation of the top-k answers by terminating the process after outputting the k-th answer.
1. Scoring function
The search results of a keyword query are a collection of graphs. To rank these answers, the graph topology beside the textual content of nodes should be considered. The topology of a graph shows how the container nodes of keywords are close together. One of the most common ways of answer scoring in keyword search works is using the Steiner-based weights [4, 22, 37]. However, these weights are not suitable for measuring the closeness of answer nodes when the answer is in the form of a subgraph. That's because, in a subgraph, adding one edge leads to increasing the relationships between nodes and will bring them closer. It is while adding an edge increases the Steiner-based weight and subsequently causes the resulted answer is ranked at a lower level. In the presented work, we measure the closeness of nodes through two factors: the number of nodes and the diameter of the answer subgraph. The diameter of a subgraph is the greatest distance between any pair of nodes. Accordingly, the structural relevance of answer is defined as follows,
Where shows the number of nodes of and denoted the diameter of . Besides, is a parameter to tune the impact of the two factors.
On the other hand, we define a content-based relevance score for any answer to be used together with a structural relevance score to improve the accuracy of the final ranking of answers. The keywords in a node are organized under a set of attributes with various levels of importance. The relevance of a node to a keyword depends on both the importance of the node attributes to which the keyword belongs and the importance of the keyword in those attributes value. The importance of a keyword in a text value has been studied extensively in the IR methods. In the proposed scoring function, the pivoted normalization weighting [8] is used which has been defined as follows,
here shows raw frequency of keyword in the text , denotes the length of , represents the average length of attribute values, denotes the total number of text values and shows the number of text values in which exists. Parameter is a constant and is usually set to 0.2.
The importance of attributes is measured by assigning a weight to any attribute. These weights are context-dependent ones which could be determined by an expertise analysis or by a domain expert. Considering the weights of attributes, the relevance of node to keyword is defined as follows:
where shows the set of attributes known in the corpus and denotes the value belonging to the domain of in node . It should be noted that .
According to the score of nodes, the content-based relevance score of answer concerning query is defined as follows:
The overall relevance score of answer with regard to query is defined as a combination of its textual and structural relevance scores as follows:
Where and shows the structural and textual relevance score of the answer concerning query Q, respectively.
IV. Proposed Search Algorithms
In this section, two search algorithms are proposed to retrieve top-k answers of a keyword query. These algorithms employ a smoothed form of the scoring function (proposed in section 3.1) to present answers in an approximate order of their final ranked order.
1. Blind Keyword Search (BKS)
Blind Keyword Search is a query processing model developed based on the information spreading technique to retrieve relevant answers to a given query. In this model, the spread of information is initialized from some query-dependent seed nodes. The information is diffused in the graph in a breadth-first stepwise manner until some nodes receive all the information needed to cover the query. The information of each node participating in the search process is packed to a holding list (HList) containing a union of the queried keywords saved in the node or received from the other nodes. A keyword in a holding list is stored along with its weight in the original node and the ID of the node from which it was received.
Fig 2. Two steps of processing by BKS ( is a seed node).
In any step () of the search process, a priority queue is considered that stores the list of nodes that should be activated in step . When a node is activated, the information of its holding list (mines the information which is received in step ) is spread to adjacent nodes.
The holding list of any adjacent node is updated based on the received information so that if it includes a keyword and again gets it from an active node, the alternative weight and ID of the active node are saved for the existing keyword. Otherwise, the received keyword along with its associated weight and the active node ID is saved as a new entry in the HList of the hosting node. An active node would be deactivated after spreading information although it could be activated again later. The union of receiver nodes in step comprises the entries of the next step priority queue . A transition between the steps occurs whenever all the nodes in the lower step have spread their information. The search process continues until k answers are retrieved or a predefined number of steps is reached. This number which is named as retrieval depth () is set to the maximum radius of the expected answers. Two steps of query processing by BKS are shown in Fig 2. The activated node is highlighted in this figure.
An answer is detected by a query processor if all the queried keywords are observed in the holding list of a node. This node is tagged as a detector node. The answer related to a detector node is retrieved by starting at the detector node and following the node IDs saved in the holding list of consecutive nodes in a backward manner. After retrieving an answer, the holding list of its detector node is re-updated and all information received from the other answer nodes is tagged as archive information. Archive information of a holding list will never be spread to the other nodes. This prevents to re-generate the retrieved answers in the other nodes.
Now suppose a node that has been previously tagged as a detector node receives new information. In this case, any combination of new information with the archived ones forms a new answer. Such answers are detected and added to the result set. The new information received in the detector node is then added to the archive part of the holding list.
Using sequential priority queues in BKS algorithm helps to maintain an activation order among nodes according to their distance to the seed nodes. It is a way to observe an approximate retrieval order of answers by increasing their radius. This order could be improved by taking the content-based relevance score of answers into account. The holding list of a node represents summarized information of the subgraph leading to the node. Therefore, to maintain a content-based order among the traversed subgraphs, a score named prestige is defined for each node, and the nodes of each priority queue are sorted based on decreasing order of their prestige. Prestige is a query-dependent score which is computed for every node considering query Q as follows:
where denotes the set of unique keywords of Q which are covered by the holding list of and shows the set of entries for keyword in the holding list of . Using the max function causes any keyword to contribute only once and with its best score in the calculation.
Suppose denotes the average branching factor of nodes and shows the number of seed nodes. To retrieve all answers with a radius equal to or lower than, the BKS algorithm has a time complexity of .
Theorem 1: BKS enumerates answers in the exact order of their radiuses and in -approximate order of their diameters.
PROOF: an answer is detected when the information of the farthest keyword node reaches the center node of the answer. The information of the farthest keyword node to the center node of an answer with radius reaches the center node in step . It implies that any answer with radius is detected in the corresponding step of spreading. Since in BKS, spreading is performed in a regular stepwise manner, the answers would be generated in the exact order of their radiuses.
Among the answers with the same radius, the minimum and maximum diameters are and , respectively. Therefore, in the situation where the arrangement of answers is discussed based on their diameters, observing a displacement of among the answers with the same radius would be expected. Since among the answers of different groups, the arrangement of answers based on their diameter is true, it could be said that BKS presents answers in -approximate order of their diameters.
Special nodes
In many keyword search algorithms, keyword nodes are considered as starter nodes and expanded until reach answers. The runtime of this strategy is from to retrieve all the answers with a radius equal to or lower than over graph G with average branching factor. However, many of these nodes may never lead to an answer within a limited range of expansion. As an example, suppose query. Let and be frequent keywords that have occurred in more than a thousand nodes, while is a special keyword in a professional background that has just appeared in some nodes. Commonly, the search begins from all the keyword nodes (more than two thousand) and continues by expanding all of them until detecting top-k answers. However, each comprehensive answer should cover at least one node containing. Therefore, it would be faster if the search is done only in the neighborhood of the nodes containing.
Definition 4 (Special node) Suppose query Q and graph G. A node is named special if it covers a keyword of query and if the frequency of that keyword in the nodes of is not larger than those of other queried keywords in the same graph.
The second strategy is to consider special nodes as seed nodes. In this strategy, the search will proceed unilaterally and the same set of answers will be identified after steps. In this case, the runtime complexity of BKS will be from where shows the number of special nodes. In the proposed algorithms, an optimal strategy is followed to set the seed nodes. For every query, if the frequency of one queried keyword is much lower than those of the other queried keywords such that, the special nodes will be selected as the starter nodes for processing the query. Otherwise, the keyword nodes will be employed as starter nodes. Using this strategy causes an early pruning of the search space.
2. The Modified Search Algorithm (Informed Keyword Search)
The baseline model described in Section 4.1 performs a comprehensive search at the neighborhood of seed nodes. This model is not efficient since the number of contributing nodes in the search process increases exponentially by incrementing the depth of search. Informed keyword search (IKS), concerning the efficiency of the baseline method, is a more intelligent version of BKS which follows a purposive search to the paths having more potential to reach an answer. Fig 3 shows a schematic overview of BKS and IKS processes in detecting the first answer. The nodes of this answer are shown by filled circles and the nodes which have been activated at least once are shown by bold circles. The breadth-first manner of BKS in the traversing graph is evident in Fig 3 while IKS searches graph in a best-first manner.
In IKS, the query processor heuristically follows the paths with more signs of the existence of answers instead of following all the paths until a specified level. Since the information of a path is saved in the HList of the path nodes, a calculation on the content and position of nodes could be properly used in determining the priority of paths. Therefore, the problem of specifying a priority order among some paths is reduced to the problem of determining an activation order among the path’s nodes. In IKS model, there is only one priority queue to determine the order of nodes to activate. This queue is initialized with a set of seed nodes that are sorted in decreasing order of their prestige.
The unique priority queue provides an overall view over all candidate nodes to activate and makes it possible to select every node in each level to be activated. The prestige score is the only affecting factor in determining the activation order of nodes. So, it should properly reflect the content and position of nodes. The existence of more query keywords during a path increases the possibility of reaching an answer. Therefore, the prestige of a node is defined in direct proportion to the number of keywords covered by the HList of the node. However, to observe an approximation order on the final list of answers, it is essential that the more compact answers with shorter paths are detected earlier. This implies that the progress toward special paths (although promising) is controlled by an upper bound. The control on the length of traversed paths is achieved by contributing the level of nodes in the prestige calculation. By assuming that the initial prestige of any seed node is calculated by (6), the prestige of any receiver node is calculated as follows:
Fig 3. An example of finding the first answer by BKS and IKS methods.
where shows the number of queried keywords and represents a fixed parameter that is set to 2 in the experiments. As a node can receive information from multiple seed nodes and its prestige can be reduced by receiving new information, the prestige has been defined by means of a max function. The existence of in the denominator of (7) results in an exponential decrease in the prestige score with increasing the level of spread. It also controls the spreading level and prevents long progress towards very remote nodes. In order to have an efficient implementation, the level of nodes is saved during the query process. The initial level of any node is set to zero. This value is updated for any node after receiving new information from an active node by means of (8).
The details of query processing by IKS is similar to that of the baseline method (BKS). In IKS, the next node is selected for activation from the unique priority queue and the new receiver nodes are added to the same queue. An answer is detected in a detector node and it is retrieved by executing a backward search started at the detector node. After retrieving an answer, the process to find the other answers continues with the existing nodes in the priority queue until k answers are retrieved or all nodes with a level lower than the retrieval depth are activated at least once. The pseudo-code of IKS is shown in Algorithm 1. The function ReduceAnswer in line 18 of the algorithm is used to convert an answer to a minimal one by eliminating its additional nodes.
To clarify the IKS model, consider the graph in Fig 2. The processing of query on this graph is initialized by a queue with (seed node) as its first entry. Node is the first node to activate. The HList of is sent to and. After updating the HLists of receiver nodes ( and), their level is updated to 1 and their prestige score is calculated. Then, they are added to the priority queue. A node in the priority queue with the highest prestige is selected as the next active node. Therefore, is selected. The content of priority queue after activation of a sequence of nodes has been presented in Fig 4. Each entry shows the Id and prestige of a node. Based on this figure, node is activated earlier than node even though it is located at a greater distance from the seed node .
This activation leads to the early detection of an answer in node. It should be noted that the query coverage is checked after receiving new information in a node.
Due to the lack of a level order in the activation of nodes, the possibility of displacement of answers in the result list of IKS is more than that of BKS. However, in all cases, Theorem 2 is maintained.
Theorem 2. The distance between each pair of nodes in an answer produced by Informed keyword search is at most larger than the length of the corresponding optimal path (|Q| denotes the number of query keywords).
PROOF: Suppose an optimal path from node to node with the length of that covers the set of keywords. Without loss of generality, let the seed node covers the queried keyword and the destination node covers the queried keyword . It should be noted that the two nodes and certainly cover at least one unique keyword of the query. The worst-case in detecting the optimal path occurs when there is no positive sign of the presence of an answer on this path before reaching the last node. Such a situation is shown in the upper path in Fig 5. Node on this path has the worst situation to expand.
Input: the input graph G; the query ; the number of answers k; the retrieval depth r. Output: the set of top-k ordered answers. | ||||||
1. | seed nodes of G related to Q | |||||
2. | for each in descending order of do //equation (7) | |||||
3. | if ( | |||||
4. | , print(A) | |||||
5. | if () then return | |||||
6. | else enqueue() | |||||
7. | end for | |||||
8. | while () do | |||||
9. | dequeue( | |||||
10. | if ( then continue | |||||
11. | direct neighbors of | |||||
12. | send to | |||||
13. | for each do | |||||
14. | update and insert new entries | |||||
15. |
| |||||
16. | if ( then | |||||
17. | retrieve the answer detected by by a backward manner | |||||
18. | ReduceAnswer(A) | |||||
19. | , print(A) | |||||
20. | update and delete used entries | |||||
21. | if () then return | |||||
22. | else enqueue( in descending order of //equation (8) | |||||
23. | end for | |||||
24. | end while |
Dataset | a | b | c | |||
Mondial | 17000 | 56000 | 12000 | |||
Wikipedia | 206000 | 785000 | 750000 | |||
IMDb | 1673000 | 6075000 | 1748000 |
| IKS | BKS | ||||
Dataset | Resp. (s)a | Exec. (s)b |
| Resp. (s) | Exec. (s) |
Mondial | 0.021 | 0.1646 | 0.52 | 0.0152 | 5.4692 | 0.56 |
Wikipedia | 0.0048 | 10.272 | 0.48 | 0.0071 | 23.747 | 0.51 |
IMDb | 0.0644 | 20.876 | 0.22 | 0.591 | 118.074 | 0.24 |
aMean response time (in second). bMean execution time to retrieve 100 answers (in second). |