Strategies to Make Creative Urban Space with an Emphasis on Interactive Lighting (Case Study: Ahmadabad Avenue of Mashhad- Iran)
الموضوعات :
Fereshte Hatefi Farajian
Farah Habib
Fatemeh Mohammadnia Gharaei
1 - M.A., Department of Urban Planning, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran.
2 - Professor Department of Art and Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Instructor, Department of Urban planning, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad university, Mashhad, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Creative Urban Space, Interactive Lighting, the Quality of Urban Life,
ملخص المقالة :
Urban space can be the most successful public arena in this century if employ the potentialsfor collective cooperation in creative ways in order to provide further services. The theory of creative city tries tostrengthen the qualities which enhance the image of a city for the citizens and create a dynamic city in terms of cultureand intercultural learning. Therefore, the existence of generator, open, and the popular spaces are necessary along 24hours a day. Since the nightly work and activity gradually became parts of the urban life, urbanization requirementsconverted night into day for people, and the urban spaces allocated a special position in this phenomenon. Desirableurban spaces should be made in response to the present urban environment of the cities. Accordingly, the purpose ofthis study is to present designed solutions in order to interactive lighting to create live and urban spaces. The studyuses a qualitative research method and a case study, based on field studies via a questionnaire and direct observations,meanwhile recognizing the principles of making creativity in urban spaces and the study of physical and socialenvironments of Ahmadabad Avenue- Mashhad are investigated by using SPSS to analyze formal, qualitative andvisual values in the space. Results of this study indicate whatever emphasized in urban design and the darkness comesfollowing the sunset, may arise disorder in its performance, to helping artificial light modeling keep its efficiencyduring the night.
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