Studying the Effect of Schools Environment Architecture on Students Identity Formation in Iran High Schools
الموضوعات :Mohammad Kazemi 1 , Laleh Nazari 2
1 - Ph.D. Student of Architecture, Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran,
2 - Master Student of Architecture, Young Researchers and Elite Club, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Identity, Identity Base, traditional architecture, Modern architecture,
ملخص المقالة :
Ego identity defined as a fundamental element of a person and as self-continuum, mental andinward image that an individual has about him or herself. This subject investigated in contemporary world, amply.For actualizing and testing this concept, four bases including achievement, moratorium, foreclosure and diffusionintroduced and based on this framework, and the effect of different factors on ego identity of individuals assessed andevaluated. In the study, the effect of school architecture on students’ ego identity formation in high school investigated.For this purpose that AISS1 questionnaire has been used, in which, in schools of Iran is used for evaluation of egoidentity, moreover its reliability and validity for Iran’s schools has been verified. In addition, for evaluation the effect ofarchitecture on identity formation, intervention factors decreased to their minimum level in order to one could evaluatejust the effect of architectural environment. It is important to note that results of filling 600 questionnaires from sevenschools in two types of architectures, i.e., traditional and modern, have been compared. According to mentioned states,in this article the effect of environmental architecture on identity formation of high school students in Yazd and Tehranprovinces is determined. This subject has evaluated and compared in two types of architecture environments: modernand traditional. For completion of this work, effective architecture components on ego identity formation in traditionaland modern schools will introduce.
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