بررسی نقش جذابیت نام تجاری (مطالعه موردی: هواپیمایی آسمان)
الموضوعات : مدیریت بازاریابی
1 - استادیار، گروه مدیریت بازرگانی، واحد فیروزآباد، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، فارس، ایران
الکلمات المفتاحية: جذابیت نام تجاری, مزایای اجتماعی, پرستیژ, هویتیابی نام تجاری مشتری, تعاملات نام تجاری, هواپیمایی آسمان پرواز,
ملخص المقالة :
هدف از این پژوهش بررسی نقش جذابیت نام تجاری بر هویت یابی نام تجاری مشتری در هواپیمایی آسمان میباشد. ابزار اندازهگیری دادهها در این پژوهش پرسشنامه استاندارد میباشد که با استفاده از نرمافزار لیزرل مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفته است. به منظور تجزیه و تحلیل دادههای پژوهش از مدل معادلات ساختاری جهت تأیید و یا رد فرضیههای تحقیق استفاده شد. یافتهها نشان میدهد پرستیژ نام تجاری، تمایز نام تجاری و تجارب بهیادماندنی بر جذابیت نام تجاری تأثیر مثبت و معناداری دارد. جذابیت نام تجاری و تمایز نام تجاری بر هویتیابی نام تجاری تأثیر مثبت و معناداری دارد. اما برخلاف انتظار مزایای اجتماعی نام تجاری بر جذابیت و هویتیابی نام تجاری تأثیر معنادار ندارد. همچنین پرستیژ و تجارب بهیادماندنی نام تجاری بر هویتیابی نام تجاری تأثیر معنادار ندارد. به طورکلی، نتایج حاکی از آن است که جذابیت نام تجاری تنها به ساخت قابلیت اعتماد در مدیریت نام تجاری هواپیمایی نیست بلکه، با در نظر گرفتن اهمیت تأثیر مستقیم و میانجی آن بر هویتیابی مشتری، ساختی مهم در درک آن که مشتریان چگونه ارتباط با نام تجاری را توسعه میدهند میباشد.
آذر، ع. و مؤمنی، م. (1389). "آمارو کاربرد آن در مدیریت"، انتشارات سمت، جلد اول.
ابراهیمی، ا.ق.، علوی، س.م. و پورموردینی، ا. (1395). "بررسی اثر مسئولیتپذیری اجتماعی ادراکی بر شهرت، هویتیابی مشتری و قصد خرید برند (مطالعۀ موردی: شرکت گلستان)"، مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 8، شماره 3، صص. 502-479.
احمدی، ز.، دودانگه. و افشار، پ. (1396). "بررسی نقش چند بعدی هویت و رضایت مشتری از برند در روابط مشتری با برند و جوامع برند"، فصلنامه مطالعات مدیریت و حسابداری، دوره 3، شماره1، صص. 338-349.
هومن، ح.ع. (1384). "مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از نرم افزار لیزرل"، انتشارات سمت، چاپ اول.
Ahearne, M., Bhattacharya C.B. & Gruen, T. (2005). “Antecedents and consequences of customer company identification: Expanding the role of relationship marketing”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 90(3), PP. 574-585.
Balmer. (2018). “Aligning identity and strategy: Corporate branding at British Airways in the late 20th century”, California Management Review, Vol. 51(3), PP. 6-23.
Bhattacharya, C.B & Sen, S. (2012). “Consumer-company identification: A framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67(2), PP. 76-88.
Brewer, M.B. (2010). “Optimal distinctiveness, social identity, and the self”, In Handbook of self and identity. PP. 480-491.
Cederholm. (2014). “Low-entry barriers intensify competition in airline industry”, Market Realist. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from http://marketrealist.com/ 2014/12/low-entry-barriers-intensify-competition-airline-industry/.
Chen, C.F. & Chang, Y.Y. (2010). “Airline brand equity, brand preference, and purchase intentions- The moderating effects of switching costs”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol.14(1), PP. 40-42.
Coulter., Gummerus, J., Liljander, V., Weman, E. & Pihlstrom, M. (2016). “Customer engagement in a Facebook brand community”, Management Research Review, Vol. 35(9), PP. 857-877.
Curras-Perez, R., Bigne-Alcaniz, E. & Alvarado-Herrera, A. (2012). “The role of self-definitional principles in consumer identification with a socially responsible company”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 89(4), PP. 547-564.
Daivhd. (2018). “Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of Management Review, 14(1). Edmind (2019). PP. 20-39.
Edmind. (2019). “Antecedents and consequences of customer company identification: Expanding the role of relationship marketing”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 90(3), PP. 574-585.
Fournier, S. (1998). “Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 24(4), PP. 343-353.
He, H., Li, Y. & Harris, L. (2014). “Social identity perspective on brand loyalty. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 65, PP. 648-657.
Hwang, J. & Han, H. (2014). “Examining strategies for maximizing and utilizing brand prestige in the luxury cruise industry”. Tourism Management, Vol. 40, PP. 244-259.
Kim, W.G., Jin-Sun, B. & Kim, H.G. (2011). “Multidimensional customer-based brand equity and its consequences in midpriced hotels”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Vol. 32(2), PP. 235-254.
Kuenzel, S. & Halliday, S.V. (2012). “Investigating antecedents and consequences of brand identification”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17(5), PP. 293-304.
Lam, S.K., Ahearne, M. & Schillewaert, N. (2015). “Resistance to brand switching when a radically new brand is introduced A social identity theory perspective”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 74(6), PP. 128-146.
Lam, S., Ahearne, M., Mullins, R., Hayati, B. & Schillewaert, N. (2014). “Exploring the dynamics of antecedents to consumer brand identification with a new brand”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 41(2), PP. 234-252.
Lin, Y.H. (2015). “Innovative brand experience’s influence on brand equity and brand satisfaction”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68(11), PP. 2254-2259.
Marin Rives, l. & de Maya, S.R. (2013). “The role of affiliation, attractiveness and personal connection in consumer-company identification”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.47(3/4), PP. 655-673.
Martínez, P. & Rodríguez del Bosque, L. (2016). “CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 35, PP. 89-99.
McCartney. (2014). “Now landing: Tough challengers”, The Wall Street Journal, D1.
Sirgy, M.J. (1982). “Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 9(3), PP. 287-300.
Fung so, k.k., King, C., Sparks, B.A. & Wang, Y. (2014). “The influence of customer brand identification on hotel brand evaluation and loyalty development”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 34, PP. 31-41.
Fung so, k.k., King, C., Hudson, S. & Meng, F. (2017). “The missing link in building customer brand identification: The role of brand attractiveness”, Tourism Management, Vol. 59, PP. 640-651.
Stokburger-Sauer, N., Ratneshwar, S. & Sen, S. (2015). “Drivers of consumer–brand identification”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 29(4), PP. 406-418.
Snyder, C.R. & Fromkin, H.L. (1977). “Abnormality as a positive characteristic: The development and validation of a scale measuring need for uniqueness”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 86(5), PP. 518-527.
Tajfel, H. & Turner, J.C. (1985). “The social identity theory of intergroup behavior”, In S. Worchel, & W. G. Austin (Eds.), Psychology of intergroup relations. Chicago: IL: Nelson-Hall. PP. 276-293.
Tian, K.T., Bearden, W.O. & Hunter, G.L. (2011). “Consumers’ need for uniqueness: Scale development and validation”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 28(1), PP. 50-66.
Voorhees, C., White, R.C., McCall, M. & Randhawa, P. (2015). “Fool’s gold? Assessing the impact of the value of airline loyalty programs on brand equity perceptions and share of wallet”, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Vol. 56(2), PP. 202-212.
Zarantonello, L. & Schmitt, B.H. (2016). “The impact of event marketing on brand equity: The mediating roles of brand experience and brand attitude”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 32(2), PP. 255-280.
_||_آذر، ع. و مؤمنی، م. (1389). "آمارو کاربرد آن در مدیریت"، انتشارات سمت، جلد اول.
ابراهیمی، ا.ق.، علوی، س.م. و پورموردینی، ا. (1395). "بررسی اثر مسئولیتپذیری اجتماعی ادراکی بر شهرت، هویتیابی مشتری و قصد خرید برند (مطالعۀ موردی: شرکت گلستان)"، مدیریت بازرگانی، دوره 8، شماره 3، صص. 502-479.
احمدی، ز.، دودانگه. و افشار، پ. (1396). "بررسی نقش چند بعدی هویت و رضایت مشتری از برند در روابط مشتری با برند و جوامع برند"، فصلنامه مطالعات مدیریت و حسابداری، دوره 3، شماره1، صص. 338-349.
هومن، ح.ع. (1384). "مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری با استفاده از نرم افزار لیزرل"، انتشارات سمت، چاپ اول.
Ahearne, M., Bhattacharya C.B. & Gruen, T. (2005). “Antecedents and consequences of customer company identification: Expanding the role of relationship marketing”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 90(3), PP. 574-585.
Balmer. (2018). “Aligning identity and strategy: Corporate branding at British Airways in the late 20th century”, California Management Review, Vol. 51(3), PP. 6-23.
Bhattacharya, C.B & Sen, S. (2012). “Consumer-company identification: A framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 67(2), PP. 76-88.
Brewer, M.B. (2010). “Optimal distinctiveness, social identity, and the self”, In Handbook of self and identity. PP. 480-491.
Cederholm. (2014). “Low-entry barriers intensify competition in airline industry”, Market Realist. Retrieved September 12, 2015, from http://marketrealist.com/ 2014/12/low-entry-barriers-intensify-competition-airline-industry/.
Chen, C.F. & Chang, Y.Y. (2010). “Airline brand equity, brand preference, and purchase intentions- The moderating effects of switching costs”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol.14(1), PP. 40-42.
Coulter., Gummerus, J., Liljander, V., Weman, E. & Pihlstrom, M. (2016). “Customer engagement in a Facebook brand community”, Management Research Review, Vol. 35(9), PP. 857-877.
Curras-Perez, R., Bigne-Alcaniz, E. & Alvarado-Herrera, A. (2012). “The role of self-definitional principles in consumer identification with a socially responsible company”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 89(4), PP. 547-564.
Daivhd. (2018). “Social identity theory and the organization. Academy of Management Review, 14(1). Edmind (2019). PP. 20-39.
Edmind. (2019). “Antecedents and consequences of customer company identification: Expanding the role of relationship marketing”, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 90(3), PP. 574-585.
Fournier, S. (1998). “Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 24(4), PP. 343-353.
He, H., Li, Y. & Harris, L. (2014). “Social identity perspective on brand loyalty. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 65, PP. 648-657.
Hwang, J. & Han, H. (2014). “Examining strategies for maximizing and utilizing brand prestige in the luxury cruise industry”. Tourism Management, Vol. 40, PP. 244-259.
Kim, W.G., Jin-Sun, B. & Kim, H.G. (2011). “Multidimensional customer-based brand equity and its consequences in midpriced hotels”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Vol. 32(2), PP. 235-254.
Kuenzel, S. & Halliday, S.V. (2012). “Investigating antecedents and consequences of brand identification”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 17(5), PP. 293-304.
Lam, S.K., Ahearne, M. & Schillewaert, N. (2015). “Resistance to brand switching when a radically new brand is introduced A social identity theory perspective”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 74(6), PP. 128-146.
Lam, S., Ahearne, M., Mullins, R., Hayati, B. & Schillewaert, N. (2014). “Exploring the dynamics of antecedents to consumer brand identification with a new brand”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 41(2), PP. 234-252.
Lin, Y.H. (2015). “Innovative brand experience’s influence on brand equity and brand satisfaction”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 68(11), PP. 2254-2259.
Marin Rives, l. & de Maya, S.R. (2013). “The role of affiliation, attractiveness and personal connection in consumer-company identification”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol.47(3/4), PP. 655-673.
Martínez, P. & Rodríguez del Bosque, L. (2016). “CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust, customer identification with the company and satisfaction”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 35, PP. 89-99.
McCartney. (2014). “Now landing: Tough challengers”, The Wall Street Journal, D1.
Sirgy, M.J. (1982). “Self-concept in consumer behavior: A critical review”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 9(3), PP. 287-300.
Fung so, k.k., King, C., Sparks, B.A. & Wang, Y. (2014). “The influence of customer brand identification on hotel brand evaluation and loyalty development”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, Vol. 34, PP. 31-41.
Fung so, k.k., King, C., Hudson, S. & Meng, F. (2017). “The missing link in building customer brand identification: The role of brand attractiveness”, Tourism Management, Vol. 59, PP. 640-651.
Stokburger-Sauer, N., Ratneshwar, S. & Sen, S. (2015). “Drivers of consumer–brand identification”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Vol. 29(4), PP. 406-418.
Snyder, C.R. & Fromkin, H.L. (1977). “Abnormality as a positive characteristic: The development and validation of a scale measuring need for uniqueness”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 86(5), PP. 518-527.
Tajfel, H. & Turner, J.C. (1985). “The social identity theory of intergroup behavior”, In S. Worchel, & W. G. Austin (Eds.), Psychology of intergroup relations. Chicago: IL: Nelson-Hall. PP. 276-293.
Tian, K.T., Bearden, W.O. & Hunter, G.L. (2011). “Consumers’ need for uniqueness: Scale development and validation”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 28(1), PP. 50-66.
Voorhees, C., White, R.C., McCall, M. & Randhawa, P. (2015). “Fool’s gold? Assessing the impact of the value of airline loyalty programs on brand equity perceptions and share of wallet”, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Vol. 56(2), PP. 202-212.
Zarantonello, L. & Schmitt, B.H. (2016). “The impact of event marketing on brand equity: The mediating roles of brand experience and brand attitude”, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 32(2), PP. 255-280.