تبیین علل توسعه نیافتگی استان کردستان ایران (با کاربست روش کیفی)
الموضوعات :
مطالعات توسعه اجتماعی ایران
سوما مردوخی
ایرج ساعی ارسی
1 - دانشجوی دکتری جامعهشناسی اقتصادی و توسعه، واحد تهران مرکزی، دانشگاه آزاداسلامی، تهران، ایران
2 - استادیار گروه علوم اجتماعی، واحد ابهر، دانشگاه آزاداسلامی، زنجان، ایران (نویسنده مسئول) (Email: saiearasi@gmail.com)
تاريخ الإرسال : 26 السبت , محرم, 1440
تاريخ التأكيد : 06 السبت , رمضان, 1440
تاريخ الإصدار : 15 السبت , ربيع الثاني, 1440
الکلمات المفتاحية:
توسعه نیاقتگی,
استان کردستان,
نظریه زمینهای,
توسعه نامتوازن,
ملخص المقالة :
توسعه مفهومی پویا، متداوم و چند بعدی است که بار ارزشی دارد و با ساختار کلی جامعه و ضرورت دگرگونی همیشگی در این ساختار همراه است. سازماندهی بین عناصر این ساختار از چنان اهمیتی برخوردار است که توسعه یافتگی اساساً در هماهنگی و توازن بین عناصر مختلف جامعه معنا می یابد. کردستان از جمله استان های توسعه نیافته ای است که همواره با مشکلات ناشی از توسعه نیافتگی و عدم توازن بین عناصر جامعه مواجه بوده است. بر این اساس، هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر شناختی جامع از علل توسعه نیافتگی این استان است که با رویکردی جامعه شناسانه کشف و بررسی شود. در این راستا از رویکرد تفسیرگرایی اجتماعی بهره گرفته و با کاربست روش نظریه زمینه ای و تکنیک مصاحبه عمیق به مطالعه علل توسعه نیافتگی استان کردستان پرداخته ایم. یافته های به دست آمده شامل شش مقوله عمده است که عبارتند از: موانع اقتصادی، سیاسی، تکنولوژیکی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و اکولوژیکی. مقوله هسته این مطالعه نیز توسعه نامتوازن است که سایر مقولات را در برمی گیرد. نتایج تحلیل داده های پژوهش حاضر و مدل زمینه ای ارایه شده نشان می دهد که مردم کردستان علل توسعه نیافتگی را به مثابه توسعه ای ناموزون و ناهماهنگ تفسیر می کنند که این عناصر ناموزون در ترکیب خود زمینه پدید آمدن روابط اجتماعی ناعادلانه و آسیب های فراوان اجتماعی را فراهم آورده است.
Afsharkohan, J. (2007). Inevitable Development: A Case Study of the Conditions of Underdeveloped Communities. Journal of Sociology of Iran, (8) 2, 39-58. [Persian]
Astle, A. (1989). What is Development?. New Zealand Journal of Geography,(87)1, 13-15.
Azimi (Arani), H. (2013). Unsuccessful Circuits in Iran's Economy. Tehran. Ney Publishing. [Persian]
Azkia, M., & Ghaffari, Gh. (2005). Sociology of Development. Tehran. Kayhan Publications. [Persian]
Bahrami, R. (2010). Major Challenges of Rural Development, A Case Study of Kurdistan Province. Geographical Research, (89), 125-142. [Persian]
Dawwari, F. (2006). Culture, Infrastructure of Economic Development. Report, (30), 32-181. [Persian]
Denzin, N & Lincoln, Y. (2005). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. London. Sage Publication.
Fish, S. (1980). Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretative Communities. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press.
Ghaderzadeh, O., & Mohammadpour, A., & Ghaderi, O. (2011). Social construction of the border trade phenomenon, presentation of an underlying theory in Marivan city. Quarterly of Welfare and Social Planning, (9), 35-80. [Persian]
Glaser, B. (1998). Doing Grounded Theory: Issues and Discussions. Sociologyy Press.
Hyderali H. (2012). A Practical Guide to Qualitative Research. Tehran. Samt Publications. [Persian]
Izadkhah, M. (2012). Employment, Development and Improvement of Business Space. Ayandenegar, (13). [Persian]
Mohammadpour, A. (2013). Qualitative research method of anti-methodology, logic and design in qualitative methodology. (1), Tehran. Sociologists. [Persian]
Mossalenezhad, Gholam A. (2005). Government and Economic Development in Iran. Tehran. Ghumes Publications. [Persian]
Naraghi, Y. (2001). Sociology and Development. Tehran. Foruzanruz Publication and Research. [Persian]
Pouryani, Mohammad H. (2006). The Consequences of Underdevelopment in the Past Decades in Iran. Strategic Management Researches, (37), 161-196. [Persian]
Qarakhloo, M., & Habibi, K. (2006). Immigration analysis in relation to the level of development of the provinces of the country using planning techniques. Quarterly journal of geographic research, (81), 59-83. [Persian]
Razavi, Seyed A. (2009). An Introduction to the Issues and Historical Backgrounds of Iran's Underdevelopment. Monthly Journal of History and Geography, (138), 26-30. [Persian]
Rocher, Guy (2006). Social Change. (Mansour Vosoughi). Tehran. Ney Publishing. [Persian]
Saeie Arasi, I. (2013). Writing Research Skills in Social Sciences, Tehran. Bahman Borna Publications. [Persian]
Saeie Arasi, I., & Saeie Arasi, A. (2017). Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Sciences. Qazvin. Kaspian Danesh. [Persian]
Seyfollahi, S. (1995). Political Economy of Iran; Collection of Articles and Opinions. Tehran. Al-Mizan Community Studies and Planning Research Institute. [Persian]
Strauss, A., Corbin, J. (2011). Principles of qualitative research: Techniques and stages of production of the underlying theory. (Ibrahim Afshar). Tehran. Nay Publications. [Persian]
Su, Y, Alvin. (2014). Social change and development: A review of the ideas of modernization, dependence and the global system. (Mahmoud Habibi Mazaheri). Tehran. Strategic Studies Research Center. [Persian]
Todaro, Michael P. (1977). Economic Development in the Third World: An Introduction to Problems and Policies in a Global Perspective. London. New York. Longman. 88-96.
Turner, J. (2003). Structure of Sociological Theory. New York: Wadsworth Publication.
Zarabi, A., & Yazidi, M. (2013). An Analysis of Regional Development of Provinces of the Country. Journal of Space Planning, (1), 101-116. [Persian]
Ziyari, K., & Mohammadi, A., & Attar, Kh. (2011), the Study of the Development Degree of the Cities of the Country and its Relationship with the Rate of Urbanization. Journal of Space Planning, (3), 1-16. [Persian]
Afsharkohan, J. (2007). Inevitable Development: A Case Study of the Conditions of Underdeveloped Communities. Journal of Sociology of Iran, (8) 2, 39-58. [Persian]
Astle, A. (1989). What is Development?. New Zealand Journal of Geography,(87)1, 13-15.
Azimi (Arani), H. (2013). Unsuccessful Circuits in Iran's Economy. Tehran. Ney Publishing. [Persian]
Azkia, M., & Ghaffari, Gh. (2005). Sociology of Development. Tehran. Kayhan Publications. [Persian]
Bahrami, R. (2010). Major Challenges of Rural Development, A Case Study of Kurdistan Province. Geographical Research, (89), 125-142. [Persian]
Dawwari, F. (2006). Culture, Infrastructure of Economic Development. Report, (30), 32-181. [Persian]
Denzin, N & Lincoln, Y. (2005). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. London. Sage Publication.
Fish, S. (1980). Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretative Communities. Cambridge, MA. Harvard University Press.
Ghaderzadeh, O., & Mohammadpour, A., & Ghaderi, O. (2011). Social construction of the border trade phenomenon, presentation of an underlying theory in Marivan city. Quarterly of Welfare and Social Planning, (9), 35-80. [Persian]
Glaser, B. (1998). Doing Grounded Theory: Issues and Discussions. Sociologyy Press.
Hyderali H. (2012). A Practical Guide to Qualitative Research. Tehran. Samt Publications. [Persian]
Izadkhah, M. (2012). Employment, Development and Improvement of Business Space. Ayandenegar, (13). [Persian]
Mohammadpour, A. (2013). Qualitative research method of anti-methodology, logic and design in qualitative methodology. (1), Tehran. Sociologists. [Persian]
Mossalenezhad, Gholam A. (2005). Government and Economic Development in Iran. Tehran. Ghumes Publications. [Persian]
Naraghi, Y. (2001). Sociology and Development. Tehran. Foruzanruz Publication and Research. [Persian]
Pouryani, Mohammad H. (2006). The Consequences of Underdevelopment in the Past Decades in Iran. Strategic Management Researches, (37), 161-196. [Persian]
Qarakhloo, M., & Habibi, K. (2006). Immigration analysis in relation to the level of development of the provinces of the country using planning techniques. Quarterly journal of geographic research, (81), 59-83. [Persian]
Razavi, Seyed A. (2009). An Introduction to the Issues and Historical Backgrounds of Iran's Underdevelopment. Monthly Journal of History and Geography, (138), 26-30. [Persian]
Rocher, Guy (2006). Social Change. (Mansour Vosoughi). Tehran. Ney Publishing. [Persian]
Saeie Arasi, I. (2013). Writing Research Skills in Social Sciences, Tehran. Bahman Borna Publications. [Persian]
Saeie Arasi, I., & Saeie Arasi, A. (2017). Qualitative Research Methodology in Social Sciences. Qazvin. Kaspian Danesh. [Persian]
Seyfollahi, S. (1995). Political Economy of Iran; Collection of Articles and Opinions. Tehran. Al-Mizan Community Studies and Planning Research Institute. [Persian]
Strauss, A., Corbin, J. (2011). Principles of qualitative research: Techniques and stages of production of the underlying theory. (Ibrahim Afshar). Tehran. Nay Publications. [Persian]
Su, Y, Alvin. (2014). Social change and development: A review of the ideas of modernization, dependence and the global system. (Mahmoud Habibi Mazaheri). Tehran. Strategic Studies Research Center. [Persian]
Todaro, Michael P. (1977). Economic Development in the Third World: An Introduction to Problems and Policies in a Global Perspective. London. New York. Longman. 88-96.
Turner, J. (2003). Structure of Sociological Theory. New York: Wadsworth Publication.
Zarabi, A., & Yazidi, M. (2013). An Analysis of Regional Development of Provinces of the Country. Journal of Space Planning, (1), 101-116. [Persian]
Ziyari, K., & Mohammadi, A., & Attar, Kh. (2011), the Study of the Development Degree of the Cities of the Country and its Relationship with the Rate of Urbanization. Journal of Space Planning, (3), 1-16. [Persian]