Effect of Basil Seed Mucilage Coating on the Oil Absorption and Physical Characteristics of Fried Zucchini Slices
الموضوعات :
Fakhreddin Salehi
Alireza Haseli
Amirreza Roustaei
1 - Associate Professor of the Department of Food Science and Technology, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
2 - Student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
3 - Student of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Surface Change, Frying Process, Color Indexes, Basil Seed Mucilage,
ملخص المقالة :
In this study, the efficiency of Basil seeds mucilage (BSM) as an edible coating (three concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5%) and the temperature of frying oil (three concentrations of 155°C, 170°C, and 185°C) on reduces oil absorption and moisture retention of zucchini slices during the frying process were investigated. The color index includes a* (redness), b* (yellowness), L* (lightness), and color change intensity (∆E) was used to determines the appearance changes of fried zucchini slices. The BSM coating treatment reduced the oil absorption of fried zucchini slices by approximately 22.48%. Increasing the BSM concentration from 0.0% to 1.5% significantly decreased the oil absorption of zucchini slices from 8.96% to 6.94% (P<0.05). On the other hand, the moisture content of the samples increased from 83.9% to 86.88% with increasing gum concentration (P<0.05). The lowest ∆E and surface shrinkage (%) values were obtained for zucchini slices treated with 1.5 % BSM and fried at 155°C. By increasing the BSM concentration from 0.0% to 1.5% significantly decreased the percentage change in surface area of fried zucchini slices from 33.13% to 26.41% (P<0.05). The appropriate coating suspension and frying temperature to reduce oil absorption and moisture retention of fried zucchini slices were 0.5% BSM and 155°C, respectively.
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