تعیین روزشمار یخ بندان بر اساس احتمال وقوع مطالعه موردی استان اردبیل
الموضوعات :
مهری اکبری
سهیلا مظفری
1 - عضو هیات علمی دانشکده علوم جغرافیایی، دانشگاه خوارزمی، تهران، ایران. (مسئوول مکاتبات)
2 - دانش آموخته کارشناسی ارشد آب وهواشناسی، دانشگاه خوارزمی، تهران، ایران.
تاريخ الإرسال : 01 الخميس , شعبان, 1438
تاريخ التأكيد : 24 الأربعاء , ذو القعدة, 1438
تاريخ الإصدار : 24 الإثنين , محرم, 1441
الکلمات المفتاحية:
روزشمار یخ بندان,
یخ بندان تابشی,
یخ بندان فرارفتی,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: از آنجا که مخاطره ی یخ بندان زندگی انسان ها، فعالیت های عمرانی، رشد محصولات زراعی و مصرف انرژی به خصوص توزیع آن را را متاثر می کند؛ لذا آگاهی از رخداد یخ بندان و پیش بینی تاریخ وقوع یخ بندان ها به تفکیک انواع آن کمک شایانی به مدیریت این پدیده می کند. در این پژوهش برای اولین بار، پارامترهای موثر بر یخ بندان و به تفکیک نوع یخ بندان ها محاسبه شده و همچنین دوره بازگشت یخ بندان با سطوح احتمالات مختلف، برای هر دو نوع یخ بندان تابشی و فرارفتی صورت گرفته است.
روش بررسی: در این پژوهش پس از بررسی دماهای حداقل در ایستگاه های سینوپتیک استان اردبیل، تاریخ های عبور دمای صفر درجه و کم تر برای اولین بار در پاییز و آخرین بار در بهار استخراج و بر اساس نوع یخ بندان تفکیک شدند. در ادامه سری های زمانی آغاز و خاتمه یخ بندان های فرارفتی و تابشی با توزیع های آماری برازش شده و مناسب ترین توزیع انتخاب و تاریخ های آغاز و خاتمه ی یخ بندان در سطوح احتمالاتی 50 ، 70، 80، 90 و 99 درصد با استفاده از توزیع نرمال در پایگاه آماری smada محاسبه شد.
یافته ها: براساس نتایج تحقیق، بیشتر ین و کم ترین فراوانی روزهای یخ بندان به ترتیب مربوط به ایستگاه های خلخال و پارس آباد و در رژیم ماهانه یخ بندان، بیشترین و کم ترین فراوانی روزهای یخ بندان به ترتیب در ژانویه و اکتبر است. واکاوی رخداد یخ بندان های تاریخی نشان داد زودترین تاریخ آغاز یخ بندان های تابشی و فرارفتی (خلخال) به ترتیب در 19 سپتامبر و 10 اکتبر و دیرترین آغاز (پارس آباد) به ترتیب در 12 نوامبر و 12 دسامبر رخ داده است.
بحث و نتیجه گیری: به طور کلی در استان اردبیل 47 درصد یخ بندان ها با یخ بندان تابشی و 53 درصد با یخ بندان فرارفتی آغاز می شوند که این مساله خطر سرمازدگی محصولات کشاورزی در اواخر فصل تابستان را در این استان افزایش می دهد و بایستی در پاییز قبل از فرارفت هوای سرد (25 مهر، بر اساس نتایج این پژوهش)، محصولات کشت تابستانه برداشت شوند. 73 درصد یخ بندان ها با یخ بندان تابشی و 27 درصد با یخ بندان فرارفتی خاتمه یافته اند و در فصل بهار، امکان مبارزه با یخ بندان های تابشی و کاهش چشمگیر خسارات وجود دارد. بر اساس تحلیل احتمالات وقوع یخ بندان، اولین یخ بندان های تابشی و فرارفتی در ایستگاه سینوپتیک اردبیل با احتمال 90% به ترتیب در 18 و 23 آبان رخ می دهد. تاریخ شروع یخ بندان فرارفتی در ایستگاه اردبیل با احتمال 50%، 9 آبان، در پارس آباد 22 آذر، در خلخال 26 مهر و در مشگین شهر 18 آبان است.
Thom, H. Show, C,S., 1958. Climatological Analysis of Freeze Data for Loma, Monthly Weather Review, 86: 251-257.
Rosenberg, N.J. Myers, R. E., 1962, The nature of growing season frosts in and along the platte valley of Nebraska, Monthly Weather Review. 90: 471-476.
Vestal, C. K, 1971 First and last occurrences of low temperatures during the cold season, Monthly weather review, 99(8): 650-652.
Hamilton, M.G. Tarifa, J.R. 1978. Synoptic aspect of a polar outbreak leading to frost in tropical Brazil, Juhy 1972. Monthly weather and Weather Explained, Routledge, London.
Ding, Y. Krishnamurti, T.N. 1987. Heat Budget of the Siberian High and winter Monsoon, Monthly weather Review ; vol. 115.
Waylon, P.r., 1988. Statistical Analysis of Freezing Temperatures in Central and Southern Florida, Journal of Climatology, 8(6).
Watkins, S. C. 1991, The annual period of freezing temperatures in Central England 1850-1959, Inter. J. Climatology, (8). 889-896.
Easterling, D. R., Evans, J.L., Groisman, P. YA., Karl, T.R., Kunkel K., E., and Ambenje, P., 2000, Observed Variability and Trend in Extreme Climate Events: A Brief Review, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 81(3), pp. 417-425.
Eriksson, M. and Lindqvist , S., 2002, Regional Influence on Road Slipperiness During Winter Precipitation Events , II th International Road Weather Conference, Sapporo,Japan.
Muller GV & Berri, B, 2007, Climates and Weather Explained, Routledge, London.
Samie, M. Asgari, Kh. Bastani, 1988. Start and End of Frost in Iran. I.R. of Iran Meteorology Organization (IRIMO). (In Persian)
Mojarad Gharabagh, F. 1997, Analysis and Forecating Frost in Azerbayejan, PhD Dissertation, Tarbiat Modarres University. (In Persian)
Kamali, Gh,. 2001, Investigating Harmful Cold Weather in Agriculture and Production of its Climate Atlas, I.R. of Iran Meteorology Organization (IRIMO) (In Persian)
Ghatreh Samani, S,. 2004. Synoptic Analysis of Start and End of Frost in Cahahrmahal Province, Msc Thesis, Kharazmi (Former Tarbiat Moallem) University. (In Persian)
Motmen, Gh,. 2006. Analysis of Frost in North-West Azerbayejan and its Impacts on Just-Ripe Crops in Khoy Region, Msc Thesis, Tabriz University. (In Persian)
HajPanjalizadeh, M,. 2005. Synoptic and Statistical Analysis of Widespread Frosts in Ardabil City. Msc Thesis, I.A.University of Ardabil (In Persian)
Tavakoli, M. Hosseini, M. 2006. Evaluation of Frost Indicators and the Start of Autumn Frost in Iran, Case study of Ekbatan Station in Hamedan, Nivar Journal, No. 60 & 61, Spring and Summer 2006, I.R of Iran Meteorological Organization, pp. 31-42. (In Persian)
Noohi, K. Sahraeian, F. Pedram, M. Kamali, Gh. 2007. Investigation and Analysis of the of the Start and the End of Radiation, Advectional Frost in the East and West Azarbaijan Provinces, Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Vol. 20, No. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 197-211. (In Persian)
Hjhbarpour, Gh. Alijani, B. 2007. Synoptic Analysis of Frosts of Ardabil Province, Geography and Development Quarterly, Autumn and Winter, No. 10. (In Persian)
Noohi, K. Sahraeian, F. Pedram, M. Kamali, Gh. 2008. Determining Frost Free Period Using Start/End Time of Radiative- Advectional Frost in Zanjan, Qazvin and Tehran Provinces. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Year 12, Issue 46, pp. 449-460. (In Persian)
Rahimi, M. 2008. Investigation the probability of occurrence of late spring and early fall frost in central Alborz, Master's thesis, University of Tehran. (In Persian)
Esmaili, R. HabibiNokhandan, M. Fallah Ghalhari, Gh.A,. 2010. Estimation the changes of the growth and Frost Periods Regarding Climate Fluctuations, Case study of Khorasan Razavi, Journal of Physical Geography Research, No. 73, Autumn 2010, pp. 69-82. (In Persian)
Alijani, B. Mahmoodi, P. Rigi, A. Khosravi, P. 2010. Investigating the Continuity of Frost Days in Iran Using Markov Chain Model, Journal of Physical Geography Research, No. 73, pp. 1-20.
Asakereh, H. 2010. The probability and Continuity of early and late frosts in Zanjan City, Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, Year 21, Issue 37, No 1, Spring 2010. (In Persian)
Sari-Sarraf, B. Hajimirzaei, B. Malekian, A. 2010. Investigating the relationship between annual Frost Time in Reduction of Growth Period in Ardebil, Journal of Geography and Planning, Year 15, No. 31, Spring 2010, pp. 187-208. (In Persian)
Mirmoosavi, M.H,. HosseinBabaei, M. 2011. Study of Spatial Distribution of Probability of Frost Occurrence in Zanjan Province, Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, Year 22, Serial No. 43, No 3, Autumn 2011. (In Persian)
Zolfaghari, H. Zahedi, Gh. Sajjadifar, T. 2012. Estimation of the Last Frost in the West and Northwest of Iran, Journal of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, No. 4, Autumn 2012. Pp. 59-74. (In Persian)
Thom, H. Show, C,S., 1958. Climatological Analysis of Freeze Data for Loma, Monthly Weather Review, 86: 251-257.
Rosenberg, N.J. Myers, R. E., 1962, The nature of growing season frosts in and along the platte valley of Nebraska, Monthly Weather Review. 90: 471-476.
Vestal, C. K, 1971 First and last occurrences of low temperatures during the cold season, Monthly weather review, 99(8): 650-652.
Hamilton, M.G. Tarifa, J.R. 1978. Synoptic aspect of a polar outbreak leading to frost in tropical Brazil, Juhy 1972. Monthly weather and Weather Explained, Routledge, London.
Ding, Y. Krishnamurti, T.N. 1987. Heat Budget of the Siberian High and winter Monsoon, Monthly weather Review ; vol. 115.
Waylon, P.r., 1988. Statistical Analysis of Freezing Temperatures in Central and Southern Florida, Journal of Climatology, 8(6).
Watkins, S. C. 1991, The annual period of freezing temperatures in Central England 1850-1959, Inter. J. Climatology, (8). 889-896.
Easterling, D. R., Evans, J.L., Groisman, P. YA., Karl, T.R., Kunkel K., E., and Ambenje, P., 2000, Observed Variability and Trend in Extreme Climate Events: A Brief Review, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 81(3), pp. 417-425.
Eriksson, M. and Lindqvist , S., 2002, Regional Influence on Road Slipperiness During Winter Precipitation Events , II th International Road Weather Conference, Sapporo,Japan.
Muller GV & Berri, B, 2007, Climates and Weather Explained, Routledge, London.
Samie, M. Asgari, Kh. Bastani, 1988. Start and End of Frost in Iran. I.R. of Iran Meteorology Organization (IRIMO). (In Persian)
Mojarad Gharabagh, F. 1997, Analysis and Forecating Frost in Azerbayejan, PhD Dissertation, Tarbiat Modarres University. (In Persian)
Kamali, Gh,. 2001, Investigating Harmful Cold Weather in Agriculture and Production of its Climate Atlas, I.R. of Iran Meteorology Organization (IRIMO) (In Persian)
Ghatreh Samani, S,. 2004. Synoptic Analysis of Start and End of Frost in Cahahrmahal Province, Msc Thesis, Kharazmi (Former Tarbiat Moallem) University. (In Persian)
Motmen, Gh,. 2006. Analysis of Frost in North-West Azerbayejan and its Impacts on Just-Ripe Crops in Khoy Region, Msc Thesis, Tabriz University. (In Persian)
HajPanjalizadeh, M,. 2005. Synoptic and Statistical Analysis of Widespread Frosts in Ardabil City. Msc Thesis, I.A.University of Ardabil (In Persian)
Tavakoli, M. Hosseini, M. 2006. Evaluation of Frost Indicators and the Start of Autumn Frost in Iran, Case study of Ekbatan Station in Hamedan, Nivar Journal, No. 60 & 61, Spring and Summer 2006, I.R of Iran Meteorological Organization, pp. 31-42. (In Persian)
Noohi, K. Sahraeian, F. Pedram, M. Kamali, Gh. 2007. Investigation and Analysis of the of the Start and the End of Radiation, Advectional Frost in the East and West Azarbaijan Provinces, Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Vol. 20, No. 2, Summer 2007, pp. 197-211. (In Persian)
Hjhbarpour, Gh. Alijani, B. 2007. Synoptic Analysis of Frosts of Ardabil Province, Geography and Development Quarterly, Autumn and Winter, No. 10. (In Persian)
Noohi, K. Sahraeian, F. Pedram, M. Kamali, Gh. 2008. Determining Frost Free Period Using Start/End Time of Radiative- Advectional Frost in Zanjan, Qazvin and Tehran Provinces. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Year 12, Issue 46, pp. 449-460. (In Persian)
Rahimi, M. 2008. Investigation the probability of occurrence of late spring and early fall frost in central Alborz, Master's thesis, University of Tehran. (In Persian)
Esmaili, R. HabibiNokhandan, M. Fallah Ghalhari, Gh.A,. 2010. Estimation the changes of the growth and Frost Periods Regarding Climate Fluctuations, Case study of Khorasan Razavi, Journal of Physical Geography Research, No. 73, Autumn 2010, pp. 69-82. (In Persian)
Alijani, B. Mahmoodi, P. Rigi, A. Khosravi, P. 2010. Investigating the Continuity of Frost Days in Iran Using Markov Chain Model, Journal of Physical Geography Research, No. 73, pp. 1-20.
Asakereh, H. 2010. The probability and Continuity of early and late frosts in Zanjan City, Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, Year 21, Issue 37, No 1, Spring 2010. (In Persian)
Sari-Sarraf, B. Hajimirzaei, B. Malekian, A. 2010. Investigating the relationship between annual Frost Time in Reduction of Growth Period in Ardebil, Journal of Geography and Planning, Year 15, No. 31, Spring 2010, pp. 187-208. (In Persian)
Mirmoosavi, M.H,. HosseinBabaei, M. 2011. Study of Spatial Distribution of Probability of Frost Occurrence in Zanjan Province, Journal of Geography and Environmental Planning, Year 22, Serial No. 43, No 3, Autumn 2011. (In Persian)
Zolfaghari, H. Zahedi, Gh. Sajjadifar, T. 2012. Estimation of the Last Frost in the West and Northwest of Iran, Journal of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, No. 4, Autumn 2012. Pp. 59-74. (In Persian)