ارزیابی و تحلیل مدل تبادل اجتماعی خلاقیت در وزارت جهاد کشاورزی
الموضوعات :ابراهیم مردانی بلداجی 1 , حسن صدیقی 2 , همایون فرهادیان 3
1 - دانشجوی دکتری ترویج کشاورزی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس.
2 - دانشیار گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس.
3 - استادیار گروه ترویج و آموزش کشاورزی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس. *(مسوول مکاتبات)
الکلمات المفتاحية: اعتماد به سازمان و سرپرست, عدالت, حمایت سازمانی, تبادل رهبر-عضو, خلاقیت,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: امروزه در سازمان های دارای محیط کاری پرتعامل، روابط و محیط اجتماعی سازمان یکی از ویژگی های مهم زندگی سازمانی شده است. در این تحقیق به بررسی تاثیر ادراک کارکنان از سازمان و مدیران آن (اعتماد سازمانی و اعتماد به سرپرستان)، کیفیت ارتباطات ادراک شده (حمایت سازمانی و تبادل مدیران و کارکنان) و شکل گیری رفتارهای مرتبط با خلاقیت (اشتراک گذاری اطلاعات، ریسک پذیری، طفره روی اجتماعی و رفتارهای سیاسی) بر خلاقیت پرداخته شده است. هدف این تحقیق ارزیابی و تحلیل مدل تبادل اجتماعی خلاقیت سازمانی در وزارت جهاد کشاورزی بوده است.روش بررسی: جامعه آماری (36285=N) این تحقیق از کارشناسان وزارت جهاد کشاورزی اعم از کارکنان دارای پست کارشناسی و مدیران سطوح مختلف سازمانی در سال 1396 تشکیل شده است. در این مطالعه روش نمونه گیری چندمرحله ای با انتساب متناسب انجام شد. در این روش استان های کشور به 4 سطح توسعه یافتگی تقسیم و در نهایت نمونه های تحقیق استان های اصفهان، گیلان، گلستان و چهارمحال و بختیاری به صورت تصادفی انتخاب شدند (304=n). فرضیه های تحقیق با استفاده از نرم افزار SMART.PLS2 مورد آزمون قرار گرفت.یافته ها : نتایج تحقیق شاخص کلی برازش مدل را معادل 350/0 برآورد نمود که این شاخص بیانگر برازش قوی و کیفیت بالای مدل اندازه گیری می باشد.بحث و نتیجه گیری: آزمون فرضیات نشان داد در وزارت جهاد کشاورزی عوامل مورد بررسی می تواند برخلاقیت تاثیرگذار باشد.
- Mumford M, 2000. Managing Creative Peapole: Strategies and tactis for innovation. Human Resource Management Review, 10(3): 313-351.
- Bennis W, 1997. Organization genius: the Secret of creative Collaboration, Adison-Wesly,
- Gurteen D, 1998. Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2(1): 5-13.
- Shalley C and Gilson L, 2004. What leaders need to know: A review of social and contextual factors that can foster or hinder creativity. The leadership quarterly, 15(1): 33 – 53.
- Mumford M and Wetzel D, 1997. Thinking Creatively at Work: Organization influnces on creative problem solving. Journal of creative Behaviou, 31(1): 7-17.
- Reiter-Palmon R and Jody JI, 2004. Leadership and creativity: Understanding leadership from a creative problem-solving perspective. The leadership quarterly, 15(1): 55-77.
- Findlay CS and Lumsden CJ, 1988. The creative mind: Toward an evolutionary theory of discovery and innovation. Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 11: 3−55.
- Simon HA, 1997. Models of discovery. D Reidel Publishing, Dordrecht-Holland.
- Rachelclk F, 2011. Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization. Available on the http format: http://www.study.com/essays. Retraived on the: 12/9/2018.
- Sims RR, 2002. Organizational success through effective human resources management. Qourum Books, Westport.
- Neal A and Hesketh B. Productivity in organizations. Sage publications, London.
- Deconinck J, 2010. The effect of organizational justice, perceived organizational support, and perceived supervisor support on marketing employees’ level of trust. Journal of Business Research, 63: 1349-1355.
- Walton A and Kemmelmeier M, 2012. Creativity in its social context: The interplay of organizational norms, situational threat, and gender. Creativity Research Journal, 24(2-3): 208-219.
- Hunter ST, Bedell KE and Mumford MD, 2007. Climate for Creativity: A Quantitative Review. Creativity Research Journal, 19(1): 69-90.
- Blau PM, 1964. Exchange and power in social life. Willey, New York.
- Cropanzano R, Prehar CA and Chen PY, 2002. Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice. Group & Organization Management, 27: 324-352.
- Rhoades L and Eisenberger R, 2002. Perceived organizational support: A review of the literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87: 698-715.
- Rousseau DM, 1995. The meso paradigm: A framework for the integration of micro and macro organizational behavior. Research in Organizational Behavior, 17: 71-115.
- Fraenkel JR, Wallen NE and Hyun H, 2012. How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill, Newyork:3-24.
- Hair JF, Hult GTM, Ringle CM and Sarstedt M, 2017. A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). SAGE, Los Angeles: 1-35.
- Zarabi A and Shahivandi A, 2010. An analysis of distribution of economic development indices in Iran provinces. Geographia and environmental planning, 21(38-2):17-32. (In Persian)
- Sobhani M, Chizari J, Sadighi M and Alambeigi A, 2018. Effect of talent management components on organizational development in Iran agricultural higher education. Iran Agricultural Extension and Education Journal, 14(1). (In Persian)
- Cronbach LJ, 1951. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests. Psychometrika, 16: 297-334
- Fornell C and Larcker D, 1981. Evaluating structural equation modeling with unobserved variables and measurement error. Journal of Marking Research, 18(1): 39-50.
- Tenenhaus M, Esposito V, Chatelin Y and Lauro C, 2005. PLS path modeling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 48: 159–205.
- Mahjoub A, Asghariaghdam B and Mahjoub S, 2017. The effect of perceived organizatiol justice on organizational trust. 10th International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting. Rasht, Iran. (In Persian)
- Ghorbani M, Ghorbani N and Asadi M, 2018. The Effects of justice on employee job satisfaction and trust. International Cofernce on Applied Management and Agile Organization. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Wong Y, Ngo H and Wong C, 2006. Perceived organizational justice, trust and OCB: A study of Chinese workers in joint ventures and state– owned enterprises. Journal of World Business, 41: 344-355.
- Aryee, S., Budhware, P., and Chen, Z, 2002. Trust as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Work Outcomes: Test of a Social Exchange Model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23: 267-285.
- Charash YC and Spectore PE, 2001. The role of justice in organizations: A Meta-Analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86(2): 278-321.
- Konovsky MA and Cropanzano R, 1991. Perceived fairness of employee drug testing as a predictor of employee attitudes and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76(5): 698-708.
- Konovsky MA and Pugh SD, 1994. Citizenship behavior and social exchange. Academy of Management Journal, 37: 656-669.
- Yilmaz A and Atalay C, 2009. A theoretical analysis on the concept of trust in organizational life. European Journal of Social Sciences. 8(2): 341-352.
- Nyhan RC, 2000. Changing the paradigm: Trust and its role in public sector organizations. The American Review of Public Administration, 30(1): 87-109.
- Jeon JH, 2009. The impact of organizational justice and job security on organizational commitment: exploring the mediating effect of trust in top management, Ph.D Dissertation. University of Minnesota.
- Arizi H and Golparvar M, 2011. The path model of relationships between perceived organizational support with job, professional and organizational variables. Management Research in Iran, 15(4).147-173
- Kim S, 2016. Perceived organizational support as a mediator between distributive justice and sports referees’ job satisfaction and career commitment. Annals of Leisure Research, 19(1): 1-19.
- Maitland A, Hills LA and Rhind DJ, 2015. Organizational culture in sport: A systematic review. Sport Management Review, 18(4): 501-516.
- Dejban R, 2010. Analysis of perceived organizational justice, leader-member exchange, supervisory trust with Isfahan Zobahan voluntary employee behaviors. Ms Thesis university of Isfahan.
- Javaheri Kamel M, 2009. The effect of organizational justice, learder member exchangeand psychological empowerment on organizational citizenship behaviors. Educational Management Innovations. 2(30):53-70. (In Persian)
- Ahmadi N and Farsijani H, 2013. Evaluating the effect of perceived organizational support on employee risk-taking. Proceedings of the 2th national conference on applied research in management science. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Etemadi M, Ghaffari M, Khorasani A, Moradi F and Vaziri H, 2015. Social loafing and organizational justice among nurses: A case study in a teaching hospital. Scientific Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research, 12(4-48):95-106. (In Persian)
- Babaie M, Salamat H and Rahmatkhah M, 2016. Assessing relationship between perceived organizational support, organizational Trust and knowledge sharing in Insurance empolyees. 2th International Conference on Future Studies, Management and Economic Development. Mashhad, Iran. (In Persian)
- Alijani Z and Jafari M, 2017. The relationship between organizational climate, trust and emotional intelligence with knowledge sharing. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting. Rasht, Iran. (In Persian)
- Hasanzade M, Zarei A and Helalian F, 2016. The relathionship between knowledge sharing with creativity and innovation among Tarbiat Modares University library employees. Systems and Informational Services. 4(15):23-36. (In Persian)
- Mardanshahi M, 2013. A review on the level of creativity and risk-taking of students of agriculture fields: case study, Sari University of agriculture sciences and natural resources. Innovation and Creativity in Human Sciences, 3(3):1-22. (In Persian)
- Sabagh Molahoseini A, 2010. The relationship between employee political behaviors and creativity in organizations. Proceedings of the 3th Iranian Conference on Creatology, TRIZ and Innovation Management and Engineering. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Olson B, Yongjian B and Satyanarayana P, 2014. Political behavior, trustworthiness, job satisfaction, and commitment: An empirical study. Chinese Management Studies, 8(3): 354 – 374.
- Mumford M, 2000. Managing Creative Peapole: Strategies and tactis for innovation. Human Resource Management Review, 10(3): 313-351.
- Bennis W, 1997. Organization genius: the Secret of creative Collaboration, Adison-Wesly,
- Gurteen D, 1998. Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2(1): 5-13.
- Shalley C and Gilson L, 2004. What leaders need to know: A review of social and contextual factors that can foster or hinder creativity. The leadership quarterly, 15(1): 33 – 53.
- Mumford M and Wetzel D, 1997. Thinking Creatively at Work: Organization influnces on creative problem solving. Journal of creative Behaviou, 31(1): 7-17.
- Reiter-Palmon R and Jody JI, 2004. Leadership and creativity: Understanding leadership from a creative problem-solving perspective. The leadership quarterly, 15(1): 55-77.
- Findlay CS and Lumsden CJ, 1988. The creative mind: Toward an evolutionary theory of discovery and innovation. Journal of Social and Biological Structures, 11: 3−55.
- Simon HA, 1997. Models of discovery. D Reidel Publishing, Dordrecht-Holland.
- Rachelclk F, 2011. Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization. Available on the http format: http://www.study.com/essays. Retraived on the: 12/9/2018.
- Sims RR, 2002. Organizational success through effective human resources management. Qourum Books, Westport.
- Neal A and Hesketh B. Productivity in organizations. Sage publications, London.
- Deconinck J, 2010. The effect of organizational justice, perceived organizational support, and perceived supervisor support on marketing employees’ level of trust. Journal of Business Research, 63: 1349-1355.
- Walton A and Kemmelmeier M, 2012. Creativity in its social context: The interplay of organizational norms, situational threat, and gender. Creativity Research Journal, 24(2-3): 208-219.
- Hunter ST, Bedell KE and Mumford MD, 2007. Climate for Creativity: A Quantitative Review. Creativity Research Journal, 19(1): 69-90.
- Blau PM, 1964. Exchange and power in social life. Willey, New York.
- Cropanzano R, Prehar CA and Chen PY, 2002. Using social exchange theory to distinguish procedural from interactional justice. Group & Organization Management, 27: 324-352.
- Rhoades L and Eisenberger R, 2002. Perceived organizational support: A review of the literature. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87: 698-715.
- Rousseau DM, 1995. The meso paradigm: A framework for the integration of micro and macro organizational behavior. Research in Organizational Behavior, 17: 71-115.
- Fraenkel JR, Wallen NE and Hyun H, 2012. How to design and evaluate research in education. McGraw-Hill, Newyork:3-24.
- Hair JF, Hult GTM, Ringle CM and Sarstedt M, 2017. A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). SAGE, Los Angeles: 1-35.
- Zarabi A and Shahivandi A, 2010. An analysis of distribution of economic development indices in Iran provinces. Geographia and environmental planning, 21(38-2):17-32. (In Persian)
- Sobhani M, Chizari J, Sadighi M and Alambeigi A, 2018. Effect of talent management components on organizational development in Iran agricultural higher education. Iran Agricultural Extension and Education Journal, 14(1). (In Persian)
- Cronbach LJ, 1951. Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests. Psychometrika, 16: 297-334
- Fornell C and Larcker D, 1981. Evaluating structural equation modeling with unobserved variables and measurement error. Journal of Marking Research, 18(1): 39-50.
- Tenenhaus M, Esposito V, Chatelin Y and Lauro C, 2005. PLS path modeling. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 48: 159–205.
- Mahjoub A, Asghariaghdam B and Mahjoub S, 2017. The effect of perceived organizatiol justice on organizational trust. 10th International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting. Rasht, Iran. (In Persian)
- Ghorbani M, Ghorbani N and Asadi M, 2018. The Effects of justice on employee job satisfaction and trust. International Cofernce on Applied Management and Agile Organization. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Wong Y, Ngo H and Wong C, 2006. Perceived organizational justice, trust and OCB: A study of Chinese workers in joint ventures and state– owned enterprises. Journal of World Business, 41: 344-355.
- Aryee, S., Budhware, P., and Chen, Z, 2002. Trust as a Mediator of the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Work Outcomes: Test of a Social Exchange Model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23: 267-285.
- Charash YC and Spectore PE, 2001. The role of justice in organizations: A Meta-Analysis. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 86(2): 278-321.
- Konovsky MA and Cropanzano R, 1991. Perceived fairness of employee drug testing as a predictor of employee attitudes and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76(5): 698-708.
- Konovsky MA and Pugh SD, 1994. Citizenship behavior and social exchange. Academy of Management Journal, 37: 656-669.
- Yilmaz A and Atalay C, 2009. A theoretical analysis on the concept of trust in organizational life. European Journal of Social Sciences. 8(2): 341-352.
- Nyhan RC, 2000. Changing the paradigm: Trust and its role in public sector organizations. The American Review of Public Administration, 30(1): 87-109.
- Jeon JH, 2009. The impact of organizational justice and job security on organizational commitment: exploring the mediating effect of trust in top management, Ph.D Dissertation. University of Minnesota.
- Arizi H and Golparvar M, 2011. The path model of relationships between perceived organizational support with job, professional and organizational variables. Management Research in Iran, 15(4).147-173
- Kim S, 2016. Perceived organizational support as a mediator between distributive justice and sports referees’ job satisfaction and career commitment. Annals of Leisure Research, 19(1): 1-19.
- Maitland A, Hills LA and Rhind DJ, 2015. Organizational culture in sport: A systematic review. Sport Management Review, 18(4): 501-516.
- Dejban R, 2010. Analysis of perceived organizational justice, leader-member exchange, supervisory trust with Isfahan Zobahan voluntary employee behaviors. Ms Thesis university of Isfahan.
- Javaheri Kamel M, 2009. The effect of organizational justice, learder member exchangeand psychological empowerment on organizational citizenship behaviors. Educational Management Innovations. 2(30):53-70. (In Persian)
- Ahmadi N and Farsijani H, 2013. Evaluating the effect of perceived organizational support on employee risk-taking. Proceedings of the 2th national conference on applied research in management science. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Etemadi M, Ghaffari M, Khorasani A, Moradi F and Vaziri H, 2015. Social loafing and organizational justice among nurses: A case study in a teaching hospital. Scientific Journal of School of Public Health and Institute of Public Health Research, 12(4-48):95-106. (In Persian)
- Babaie M, Salamat H and Rahmatkhah M, 2016. Assessing relationship between perceived organizational support, organizational Trust and knowledge sharing in Insurance empolyees. 2th International Conference on Future Studies, Management and Economic Development. Mashhad, Iran. (In Persian)
- Alijani Z and Jafari M, 2017. The relationship between organizational climate, trust and emotional intelligence with knowledge sharing. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting. Rasht, Iran. (In Persian)
- Hasanzade M, Zarei A and Helalian F, 2016. The relathionship between knowledge sharing with creativity and innovation among Tarbiat Modares University library employees. Systems and Informational Services. 4(15):23-36. (In Persian)
- Mardanshahi M, 2013. A review on the level of creativity and risk-taking of students of agriculture fields: case study, Sari University of agriculture sciences and natural resources. Innovation and Creativity in Human Sciences, 3(3):1-22. (In Persian)
- Sabagh Molahoseini A, 2010. The relationship between employee political behaviors and creativity in organizations. Proceedings of the 3th Iranian Conference on Creatology, TRIZ and Innovation Management and Engineering. Tehran, Iran. (In Persian)
- Olson B, Yongjian B and Satyanarayana P, 2014. Political behavior, trustworthiness, job satisfaction, and commitment: An empirical study. Chinese Management Studies, 8(3): 354 – 374.