اثرگذاری منظرروستایی بر کیفیت محیطی و توسعه گردشگری روستایی (مطالعه موردی: دهستان برغان، شهرستان ساوجبلاغ)
الموضوعات :
1 - استادیار شهرسازی، دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی، دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی. * (مسوول مکاتبات)
2 - استادیار معماری، دانشکده معماری و شهرسازی، دانشگاه بین المللی امام خمینی.
الکلمات المفتاحية: دهستان برغان, گردشگری روستایی, منظر روستایی, کیفیت محیط,
ملخص المقالة :
زمینه و هدف: ارتقاء کیفیت محیط روستایی و بهبود سیما و منظر روستایی نقش بسزایی در توسعه روستایی و تبدیل شدن این نواحی به مقاصد گردشگری دارد. هدف این مقاله تدوین شاخصهای دستیابی به ارتقاء کیفیت محیط و توسعه گردشگری روستا با بهرهگیری از منظر روستایی و در ادامه ارائه پیشنهاداتی برای روستاهای دهستان برغان است. روش بررسی: این مقاله در دسته پژوهشهای کاربردی و توسعهای قرار دارد و از موضع فرآیند اجراء پژوهشی کمی و کیفی است. در بخش مورد پژوهی از مشاهدات میدانی، مصاحبه با مسئولان و معتمدین روستاها و همچنین پر کردن پرسشنامه از ساکنان و گردشگران روستاها بهره برده شد و مجموعاً 350 پرسشنامه در محیط نرمافزار SPSS[1] مورد تحلیل عامل اکتشافی (F. A) و تحلیل رگرسیونی قرار گرفت. یافتهها: طبق بررسیهای حاصل از تحلیلهای کارشناسانه و تحلیلهای آماری صورت گرفته شش عامل اقتصاد روستایی، ایمنی، وضعیت کالبدی محیط روستایی، منظر طبیعی و مذهبی، خدمات تفریحی-گردشگری، تبلیغات و برگزاری آئینهای سنتی و مذهبی روستا و کالبد اصیل و بومی به عنوان عوامل معرف منظر روستایی تاثیرگذار بر جذب گردشگر هستند. بحث و نتیجهگیری: تقویت مشاغل مرتبط با حوزه گردشگری، بهبود وضعیت پاکیزگی محیط دهستان برغان، ارتقاء شرایط دسترسیهای داخل روستا، استفاده هر چه بیشتر از مصالح بومی، سنتی و عناصر هویتی در ساخت و سازها میتواند موجب بهتر شدن وضعیت منظر روستایی و در نهایت بهبود کیفیت محیط و جذب گردشگر به این دهستان شد. [1]- Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
- Wang, Liguo; Yotsumoto, Yukio (2019). Conflict in tourism development in rural China. Tourism Management70(4):188-200. https://doi: 1016/j.tourman.2018.08.012.
- Nunkoo، and Ramkissoon، H. (2011). Small island urban tourism: a resident's perspective، Current Issues on Tourism. routledge، (3)، 37-60. https://doi :10.1080/13683500802499414
- Moon، S. ، Kim، M. ، Ko، Y. J. ، Connaughton، D. P. ، Lee، J. H. (2011). The influence of consumer's event quality perception on destination image. Journal of Managing Service Quality، 21(3)، 287-303. https://doi :10.1108/09604521111127974
- , Y.P.; Morales, J.I.M.; Andreu, M.N.L. Impacts of ‘home stays’ on the protected urban landscape and the social environment (Vinales, Cuba). J. Tour. Cult. Chang. 2020. [CrossRef]
- Shieh, Ismael & Alipour, Sajjad (2011). Investigates the Contributory Factors of Coastal Tourism Improvement with Regard to Sustainable Tourism Criteria; Case Study: Ramsar Coast. Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development, 3(5), 155-168. (In Persian)
- Bahrainy, Hossien (2015). Urban design process. Tehran University Publisher. (In Persian)
- Hamam, Serag El Din; Ahmed Shalaby; Hend Elsayed Farouh and Sarah A. Elariane, 2013, Principles of urban quality of life for a neighborhood, Housing and Building National Research Center HBRC Journal, 9, 86-92. http://elsevier.com/hbrcj. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hbrcj.2013.02.007
- Faisal, K., Shaker, A. . 2017. Improving the accuracy of urban environmental quality assessment using geographically-weighted regression techniques. Sensors, 17 (3) (2017), p. 528, 3390/s17030528. https://doi:10.3390/s17030528
- Karimi, N.; Sajadzadeh, H.; Aram, F (2022). Investigating the Association between Environmental Quality Characteristics and Mental Well-Being in Public Open Spaces. Urban Sci. 2022, 6, 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci6010020 https://doi:3390/urbansci6010020 (In Persian)
- Anabestani, A., Javanshiri, M., & Ahmadi, S. (2019). Analyzing the Effects of Physical Planning on Preserving Villagers' Social Security (Case Study: Mashhad County). Physical Social Planning, 6(2), 11-29. https://doi: 10.30473/psp.2019.6064
- Ayazlar، ، Ayazlar، A. ( 2015). Tourism، Environment and Sustainability. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press، 3،3-183.
- Holden, A. ,Environment and tourism (2007) Routledge,London.
- Zaman, Khalid; Shahbaz, Muhammad; oganathan, Nanthakumar; AliRaza, (2016). Tourism development, energy consumption and Environmental Kuznets Curve: Trivariate analysis in the panel of developed and developing countries. Tourism Management. Volume 54, June 2016, Pages 275-283. https://doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2015.12.001 (In Persian)
- Monterrubio، (2007). Tourism Impact Assessment: A Critical Review of Tourism Perception Studies. International Tourist Biennial Conference. jaunery 25-28،(pp30-59)، Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University: School of Tourism & Hotel Management. http://georesearch.ir/article-1-53-fa.html (In Persian)
- Roca، ، Villares، M. (2008). Public Perceptions for Evaluating Beach Quality in Urban and SemiNatural Environments. Ocean & Coastal Management، 3،314-329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2007.09.001 (In Persian)
- Rajaratnam، ، D. Nair، V. ، Munikrishnan، U. T. ، King، N. (2015). Redefining rural tourism in Malaysia: a conceptual perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research، 23(3)، 314-337.
- Kazemi, Mustafa; Pour, Samira; Saadat Yar, Fahima Sadat; And impartial, Fatima. (2011). The effect of tourists' mental image on the perceived value of coastal cities of the Caspian Sea with emphasis on the mediating role of the quality of perceived factors. Journal of Urban Planning and Research, (6), 19-34 https://doi:.22059/JRUR.2015.54916. (In Persian)
- Garrod, Brian; Wornell, Roz; Youell, Ray (2006). Re-conceptualising rural resources as countryside capital: The case of rural tourism. Journal of Rural Studies22(1):117-128 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2005.08.001
- Musa, Ghazali; Kayat, Kalsom; Thirumoorthi, Thinaranjeney (2010). The experiential aspect of rural home-stay among Chinese and Malay students using diary method. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 10, No. 1 (JANUARY 2010), pp. 25-41 https://doi.org/10.1057/thr.2009.26
- Marujo, N., & Santos, N. (2012). Turismo, Turistas e Paisagens. Investigaciones Turísticas,(4), 35–48.
- Mitchell, Richard Douglas; Charters, Steve; Albrecht, Julia N (2012). Cultural systems and the wine tourism product. Annals of Tourism Research39(1):311–335. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2011.05.002
- Howley, Peter (2011). Landscape aesthetics: Assessing the general publics' preferences towards rural landscapes. Ecological Economics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.09.026
- Wolski, J. The landscape of abandoned villages in theWestern Bieszczady: The problem of definition and classification. Geogr. Pol. 2016, 3, 371–387. [CrossRef]
- Aranzabal de, I., Schmitz, M. and Pineda, F. (2009). Integrating landscape analysis and planning: A multi-scale approach for oriented management of tourist recreation. Environmental Management, 44: 938–951. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00267-009-9371-z.
- Disart, J-C. & Marcouiller, D.W. (2012). Rural tourism production and the experience-scape, Tourism Analysis, 17(6), 691–704. https://doi.org/10.3727/108354212X13531051127104
- Perez, Josed Garcia (2002). Ascertaining Landscape Perceptions and Preferences with Pairwise Photographs: Planning rural tourism in Extremadura, Spain. Landscape Research 27(3):297-308 https://doi.org/10.1080/01426390220149539
- McGinn, A.P., Evenson, K.R., Herring, A.H., Huston, S.L., & Rodriguez, D.A. (2007). Exploring associations between physical activity and perceived and objective measures of the built environment. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 84(2), 162- 184. https://doi: 10.1007/s11524-006-9136-4.
- Jamal al-Din Tabibi - Bahram Delgashai - Mohammad Reza Maleki (2022), compilation of thesis, dissertation, research project and scientific article, Ferdous Publisher.
- Hemmat, M. (2020). Explaining a Perception Model for Rural Tourism from the Landscape Approach. Tourism of Culture, 1(2), 39-46. https://doi: 10.22034/toc.2020.243927.1019
- Li, W.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, Z. Strategies of Landscape Planning in Peri-Urban Rural Tourism: A Comparison between Two Villages in China. Land 2021, 10, 277. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10030277
- Wang, Liguo; Yotsumoto, Yukio (2019). Conflict in tourism development in rural China. Tourism Management70(4):188-200. https://doi: 1016/j.tourman.2018.08.012.
- Nunkoo، and Ramkissoon، H. (2011). Small island urban tourism: a resident's perspective، Current Issues on Tourism. routledge، (3)، 37-60. https://doi :10.1080/13683500802499414
- Moon، S. ، Kim، M. ، Ko، Y. J. ، Connaughton، D. P. ، Lee، J. H. (2011). The influence of consumer's event quality perception on destination image. Journal of Managing Service Quality، 21(3)، 287-303. https://doi :10.1108/09604521111127974
- , Y.P.; Morales, J.I.M.; Andreu, M.N.L. Impacts of ‘home stays’ on the protected urban landscape and the social environment (Vinales, Cuba). J. Tour. Cult. Chang. 2020. [CrossRef]
- Shieh, Ismael & Alipour, Sajjad (2011). Investigates the Contributory Factors of Coastal Tourism Improvement with Regard to Sustainable Tourism Criteria; Case Study: Ramsar Coast. Armanshahr Architecture & Urban Development, 3(5), 155-168. (In Persian)
- Bahrainy, Hossien (2015). Urban design process. Tehran University Publisher. (In Persian)
- Hamam, Serag El Din; Ahmed Shalaby; Hend Elsayed Farouh and Sarah A. Elariane, 2013, Principles of urban quality of life for a neighborhood, Housing and Building National Research Center HBRC Journal, 9, 86-92. http://elsevier.com/hbrcj. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hbrcj.2013.02.007
- Faisal, K., Shaker, A. . 2017. Improving the accuracy of urban environmental quality assessment using geographically-weighted regression techniques. Sensors, 17 (3) (2017), p. 528, 3390/s17030528. https://doi:10.3390/s17030528
- Karimi, N.; Sajadzadeh, H.; Aram, F (2022). Investigating the Association between Environmental Quality Characteristics and Mental Well-Being in Public Open Spaces. Urban Sci. 2022, 6, 20. https://doi.org/10.3390/urbansci6010020 https://doi:3390/urbansci6010020 (In Persian)
- Anabestani, A., Javanshiri, M., & Ahmadi, S. (2019). Analyzing the Effects of Physical Planning on Preserving Villagers' Social Security (Case Study: Mashhad County). Physical Social Planning, 6(2), 11-29. https://doi: 10.30473/psp.2019.6064
- Ayazlar، ، Ayazlar، A. ( 2015). Tourism، Environment and Sustainability. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press، 3،3-183.
- Holden, A. ,Environment and tourism (2007) Routledge,London.
- Zaman, Khalid; Shahbaz, Muhammad; oganathan, Nanthakumar; AliRaza, (2016). Tourism development, energy consumption and Environmental Kuznets Curve: Trivariate analysis in the panel of developed and developing countries. Tourism Management. Volume 54, June 2016, Pages 275-283. https://doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2015.12.001 (In Persian)
- Monterrubio، (2007). Tourism Impact Assessment: A Critical Review of Tourism Perception Studies. International Tourist Biennial Conference. jaunery 25-28،(pp30-59)، Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University: School of Tourism & Hotel Management. http://georesearch.ir/article-1-53-fa.html (In Persian)
- Roca، ، Villares، M. (2008). Public Perceptions for Evaluating Beach Quality in Urban and SemiNatural Environments. Ocean & Coastal Management، 3،314-329. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2007.09.001 (In Persian)
- Rajaratnam، ، D. Nair، V. ، Munikrishnan، U. T. ، King، N. (2015). Redefining rural tourism in Malaysia: a conceptual perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research، 23(3)، 314-337.
- Kazemi, Mustafa; Pour, Samira; Saadat Yar, Fahima Sadat; And impartial, Fatima. (2011). The effect of tourists' mental image on the perceived value of coastal cities of the Caspian Sea with emphasis on the mediating role of the quality of perceived factors. Journal of Urban Planning and Research, (6), 19-34 https://doi:.22059/JRUR.2015.54916. (In Persian)
- Garrod, Brian; Wornell, Roz; Youell, Ray (2006). Re-conceptualising rural resources as countryside capital: The case of rural tourism. Journal of Rural Studies22(1):117-128 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2005.08.001
- Musa, Ghazali; Kayat, Kalsom; Thirumoorthi, Thinaranjeney (2010). The experiential aspect of rural home-stay among Chinese and Malay students using diary method. Tourism and Hospitality Research. 10, No. 1 (JANUARY 2010), pp. 25-41 https://doi.org/10.1057/thr.2009.26
- Marujo, N., & Santos, N. (2012). Turismo, Turistas e Paisagens. Investigaciones Turísticas,(4), 35–48.
- Mitchell, Richard Douglas; Charters, Steve; Albrecht, Julia N (2012). Cultural systems and the wine tourism product. Annals of Tourism Research39(1):311–335. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2011.05.002
- Howley, Peter (2011). Landscape aesthetics: Assessing the general publics' preferences towards rural landscapes. Ecological Economics https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.09.026
- Wolski, J. The landscape of abandoned villages in theWestern Bieszczady: The problem of definition and classification. Geogr. Pol. 2016, 3, 371–387. [CrossRef]
- Aranzabal de, I., Schmitz, M. and Pineda, F. (2009). Integrating landscape analysis and planning: A multi-scale approach for oriented management of tourist recreation. Environmental Management, 44: 938–951. https://doi.org/10.1007/ s00267-009-9371-z.
- Disart, J-C. & Marcouiller, D.W. (2012). Rural tourism production and the experience-scape, Tourism Analysis, 17(6), 691–704. https://doi.org/10.3727/108354212X13531051127104
- Perez, Josed Garcia (2002). Ascertaining Landscape Perceptions and Preferences with Pairwise Photographs: Planning rural tourism in Extremadura, Spain. Landscape Research 27(3):297-308 https://doi.org/10.1080/01426390220149539
- McGinn, A.P., Evenson, K.R., Herring, A.H., Huston, S.L., & Rodriguez, D.A. (2007). Exploring associations between physical activity and perceived and objective measures of the built environment. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 84(2), 162- 184. https://doi: 10.1007/s11524-006-9136-4.
- Jamal al-Din Tabibi - Bahram Delgashai - Mohammad Reza Maleki (2022), compilation of thesis, dissertation, research project and scientific article, Ferdous Publisher.
- Hemmat, M. (2020). Explaining a Perception Model for Rural Tourism from the Landscape Approach. Tourism of Culture, 1(2), 39-46. https://doi: 10.22034/toc.2020.243927.1019
- Li, W.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, Z. Strategies of Landscape Planning in Peri-Urban Rural Tourism: A Comparison between Two Villages in China. Land 2021, 10, 277. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10030277