Host Attitude toward Second Home Tourism Impacts on Rural Development (The case of: Rural collection of Javaherdeh in Ramsar)
الموضوعات :
Seyyed Mohammad Mirtaghian Rudsari
Najmeh Gharibi
1 - Lecturer in Faculty of Cultural Heritage, Handicraft and Tourism, Mazandaran University, Mazandaran, Iran
2 - M.A in Tourism Development Planning
الکلمات المفتاحية:
ملخص المقالة :
This paper aims to study host attitude to economic, social-cultural and environmental-physical impacts of second homes tourism in Javaherdeh mountain village in the city of Ramsar.Method of this study was Descriptive-survey. Population of the study was host attitude in Javaherdeh mountain village in the city of Ramsar on the number of 2987 households. Sample size through Morgan sampling table was calculated 340 households that head of households were randomly studied. Data investigated by exploratory factor analysis and Hypotheses were tested through T-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation analysis by using of SPSS 22.Findings indicate that the villagers have positive attitude towards economic and social- cultural consequences of the construction of second home and have negative attitude towards its cultural and environmental impacts. Also between women and men, there are significant differences in terms of assessing the social and economic consequences.The main limitation of this study is the lack of access to some households in during distribution of the questionnaires, which led to an increase in return to the villages, spending a long time and increase the cost of research for the researchers.Host attitude is positive to economic and social- cultural impacts of second home tourism on rural development, thus for developmental planning must be considered to the above factors. Several studies have been done on this issue in Iran. In this study, we tried all the effects investigate with comprehensive and systematic approach that is the same geographically attitude.
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