Evaluation of Breast Tumor with Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna
الموضوعات : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication Devices
1 - Department of Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Adana Science and Technology University, Adana, Turkey
الکلمات المفتاحية: antipodal Vivaldi antenna, computer simulation technology (CST), Dielectric Properties, en, breast cancer,
ملخص المقالة :
Subsurface scanning problems, which both it is one of microwave imaging techniques and there are applications in various fields, has become a very interesting topic today. Many methods have been developed to detect cancer cells. The electrical properties of malignant cancer cells compared to normal cells indicate significant differences at microwave frequencies. Since breast tissue according to such as brain and muscle tissues is permeable than these tissues, this case supports the idea of imaging of cancerous cells in the microwave range. Various techniques such as mammography for breast cancer diagnosis are inadequate in detecting malignant cells, have high cost, and also patients are exposed harmful rays. Because of these, it is not a desirable situation. Therefore, non-ionizing electromagnetic waves used to detect cancerous cells in the human body has been widely used in biomedical applications nowadays. In this paper, both an antipodal Vivaldi antenna with enhanced bandwidth and a 3D breast structure which has different permittivity and conductivity is modelled in CST software simulation tool to solve electromagnetic field values. Return loss, VSWR, and radiation pattern characteristics which are significant antenna parameters are simulated and obtained whether the antenna possess an efficient characteristic or not. Also, electric field values over the breast tissue with tumor and without tumor are evaluated.
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