Improving the Mean Time to Failure of the System with the New Architecture of the Main Node with the Replacement Node of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring and Control using Markov Model
الموضوعات : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication DevicesAhmadreza Zamani 1 , Mohammad Ali Pourmina 2 , Ramin Shaghaghi Kandovan 3
1 - Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH) Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: spare sensor, industrial sensor networks, Failure Rate, redundancy, mean time to failure, backup node, Fault tolerance, Markov Model,
ملخص المقالة :
Industrial and physical site information is sent to the monitoring center by sensors in wireless sensor networks so that they can easily control the process of a company in order to improve the optimal performance of the system until the failure occurs to monitor and control in wireless sensor networks. Sensors are exposed to a wide range of failures, possible hardware and software problems in normal conditions, extreme weather conditions or other conditions caused by harsh physical environment in the field of sensors. Therefore, there is a possibility of unpredictable failure for all types of sensors and with Industrial process monitoring, preventive status monitoring, prevented error and fault and failures. The focus of this article is to present a new architecture in improving the correct performance of the system, the replacement rate of more damaged nodes and timely replacement, at the time of the starting point of the failure, the main sensor with spare ones or healthy sensors with faulty ones. The proposed network structure is such that the spare node is placed in parallel with the main node; this method makes it possible for the spare node to be replaced in case of failure of the main node, and the failed node can be quickly repaired and put in a standby mode. Our proposed model is analyzed in terms of the average time of correct system operation until failure known as mean time to failure. In this article is presented and studied and evaluated, a new architecture to improve network performance against failure using Markov model and state probability, and mean failure rate for node fault tolerance, before failure with timely replacement in wireless sensor network. In the proposed architecture, the results show a better improvement of the system's correct performance in order to reduce the adverse effects of errors and failures and improve fault tolerance. The simulation results show that the advantage of using this method reduces the adverse effects of errors and failures and improves the optimal performance of the system in the industrial site.
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