Construction of Porous Multiscale Heterogeneous Microstructures using Statistical Correlation Functions and Minimal Surfaces
الموضوعات :
A Hasanabadi
1 - Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran
تاريخ الإرسال : 05 الأربعاء , محرم, 1444
تاريخ التأكيد : 09 الأربعاء , ربيع الأول, 1444
تاريخ الإصدار : 07 الخميس , جمادى الأولى, 1444
الکلمات المفتاحية:
Statistical Correlation Function,
Heterogeneous Microstructure,
Multiscale modeling,
Minimal Surface,
ملخص المقالة :
Design multiphase heterogeneous structures in order to provide multifunctional properties has many applications in the field of material design. In this research, a new method for construction multiscale heterogeneous microstructure is presented. Using statistical correlation function, specifically, two-point correlation functions, bicontinuous two-phase structure is constructed that has solid and void phases. In order to construction the heterogeneous media, an exponentially decreasing sine function is used as autocovariance function. Then based on Schwartz P minimal surface the porous media structure, is divided into two parts; porous solid phase and void phase. From the point of view of continuity, the phases are investigated and it is observed both phases of the constructed microstructure are connected throughout the media. Using this method it is possible to construct bicontinuous multiscale microstructures that are solid and void phase in coarse scale and the solid phase can be constructed as void and solid phase in fine scale.
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