Modeling Open R&D Ecosystem Via System Dynamics Approach A Case Study: Nanotechnology
الموضوعات :Pourya Abbasi 1 , Reza Radfar 2
1 - Department of Technology Management, Management and Economic Faculty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic AZAD University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Technology Management, Management and Economic Faculty, Science and Research Branch, Islamic AZAD University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Technological innovation performance, Open R&D, System Dynamics, R&D Ecosystem,
ملخص المقالة :
Today, business environments are fast changing and Nanotechnology-driven firms are opening up their organizational boundaries to tap into an external source for R&D activities. To reform the structure of the R&D activities in order to be successful, firms face challenges in finding a proper place in the R&D ecosystem. Therefore, this research examines the open R&D ecosystem through these key questions. Which components can form an open R&D ecosystem and how do interactions behave in a dynamic model? This research is done in 3 stages; the first stage is data collection based on the Fuzzy questionnaire, then the data analysis through the Fuzzy-DEMATEL method, and finally modeling the dynamics of the open R&D ecosystem.. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey information in terms of collecting information. The findings suggest that Nano-tech in Iran relies on two main components that affect each other: technological innovation performance and ecosystems. the result shows that inside the ecosystem, the most share of activities is related to the human resources and governance sub-ecosystems. In addition, scientific works under the concept of technological innovation performance have the greatest impact from sub-ecosystems, and the balance between performance and ecosystem is a possibility for Nano-firms to do more R&D activities. Overall, this study provides a better understanding of open R&D by suggesting that further opening of the R&D ecosystem is necessary for nanotechnology.
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