Taking the Future-Oriented Analyzing the Functions of Native Search Engine in the Process of Innovation and Commercialization
الموضوعات :Sahar Kousari 1 , Alireza Yari 2
1 - Faculty Member of National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Tehran, Iran.
2 - Faculty Member of Information Technology Department, ICT Research Institute , Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: function analysis, native Search Engine, Commercialization,
ملخص المقالة :
This article seeks to explain the functions of the development of the native Search Engine in the process of commercialization of services and the growth of businesses in the country by using the concept of innovation system and using a functional approach. To achieve this goal, a qualitative survey research method was used. The research community included academic and non-academic faculty members working on the native Search Engine project, and 17 of them were selected as a sample. The tool used in this research was a questionnaire, and comparative content analysis was used to analyze the data. To validate the obtained results, the focus group method was used, and for this purpose, 10 experts and specialists in the field of development of local producers were selected in the focus group. The findings of the research showed that the government has played a key role as the main driver in the formation of institutionalization and legalization functions, guiding and direction research and innovation, and providing and allocating resources in the first step of the road map of native search engine development. In the second step, the creation and dissemination of knowledge functions (supply side function), and in the third step, the functions of market formation and entrepreneurship have been activated in the direction of commercialization of native Search Engine (demand side function). The main problem of search engine development is the interaction among different functions.
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