The Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Creating the Attitude and Understanding of Customers Towards the Property and Service Provider in the Real Estate Consulting Division
الموضوعات :
soraya Khanzadeh Ghalati
Mousa Rahimi
sirous keshavarz
1 - Department of Management, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
2 - Department of Management, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran
3 - Department of Management, shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, shiraz, Iran.
الکلمات المفتاحية: Virtual reality technology, Behavioral Intention, customer perception, Attitude, service,
ملخص المقالة :
The increasing progress of technology has affected all aspects of human life. One of the new technologies for which various applications have been created today is virtual reality technology. Virtual reality seeks to create a sense of reality in an unreal environment. The aim of this research is the effect of virtual reality technology on the creation of customers' attitudes and understanding of property and service providers in the real estate consultant department in Shiraz. The statistical population includes all real estate clients and those who refer to the real estate sector in Shiraz, and since the population is considered, it is unlimited; The number of statistical sample is 384 people. In this research, the standard questionnair of Players and Ponsin (2020) were used to collect research data. Structural equation modeling approach and PLS3 software were used for data analysis. The results showed that virtual reality technology has a significant effect on creating the attitude and understanding of customers towards the property and the service provider in the real estate consultant sector. The combination of virtual reality technology with augmented reality is one of the measures that can significantly improve the attractiveness and efficiency of using virtual reality in the field of real estate.
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