Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence its Concept in The Modern World
الموضوعات : journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineeringmahdi mousaei kaleybar 1 , jalil jabari 2
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
2 - Department of Computer Engineering, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Internet of things, RFID systems, artificial intelligence,
ملخص المقالة :
The development of the Internet of Things technology marks the start of the third wave of the world’s information industry. The Internet of Things technology mainly spreads information through the use of various devices such as infrared sensors and laser scanners, or cloud internet and connects all things on the earth to the Internet, so that information can be exchanged. In this article, how the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence affects our daily lives that we do not know about or ignore the Internet of Things. how the sensors that are operated by the Internet of Things work and by sending different signals to different parts of an object that is connected to the cloud network through an Internet and receives the instructions in its own time and acts in the moment and processes and analyzes the necessary instructions to work and after finishing the necessary tasks, send an SMS to notify the completion of the work. Monitoring the environment with the help of the Internet of Things, how to preserve and cover perishable goods, and when this happens, how deep is the Internet of Things and how is the data protected and against attacks. Smart homes and office museum's and clubs that are managed by the Internet of Things, what is their infrastructure like so that it works without errors every day and constantly. the taxi robot that transforms a simple city into a modern city. Then how to use of the Internet of Things in artificial intelligence and how to use artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things are given. The applications that we can use the Internet of Things with artificial intelligence and create a smart life according to today's life we will examine these items in the following
Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence its Concept in The Modern World
The development of the Internet of Things technology marks the start of the third wave of the world’s information industry. The Internet of Things technology mainly spreads information through the use of various devices such as infrared sensors and laser scanners, or cloud internet and connects all things on the earth to the Internet, so that information can be exchanged. In this article, how the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence affects our daily lives that we do not know about or ignore the Internet of Things. how the sensors that are operated by the Internet of Things work and by sending different signals to different parts of an object that is connected to the cloud network through an Internet and receives the instructions in its own time and acts in the moment and processes and analyzes the necessary instructions to work and after finishing the necessary tasks, send an SMS to notify the completion of the work. Monitoring the environment with the help of the Internet of Things, how to preserve and cover perishable goods, and when this happens, how deep is the Internet of Things and how is the data protected and against attacks. Smart homes and office museum's and clubs that are managed by the Internet of Things, what is their infrastructure like so that it works without errors every day and constantly. the taxi robot that transforms a simple city into a modern city. Then how to use of the Internet of Things in artificial intelligence and how to use artificial intelligence in the Internet of Things are given. The applications that we can use the Internet of Things with artificial intelligence and create a smart life according to today's life we will examine these items in the following
Keywords: Internet of things, RFID systems, artificial intelligence
The idea of adding sensors and intelligence to objects was proposed between 1980 and 1990; But aside from some early projects (including an Internet-connected vending machine owned by the Coca-Cola Company and developed at Carnegie Mellon University), the technology was slow to grow because, at the time, the technology was ready. This was not the issue. Chips were very large and bulky at the time, and there was no way for things to effectively interact with each other. The term "Internet of Things" (IOT) was first proposed in 1999 by an English entrepreneur named "Kevin Ashton" and referred to connections between physical objects [3]; However, at present, its meaning is considered wider than the initial meaning presented for this phrase. (IOT) is envisioned as a key driver that enables the provision and consumption of digital service. estimate that IOT-enabled business models and IOT-enhanced processes will open up an annual revenue opportunity of $2.6T to $6.2T. By 2030 organizations could generate value by using the data that is generated by 8 billion people and 30 billion connected devices for purposes such as monitoring remote production facilities or for prediction of future demand [15].
The Internet of Things technology integrates a variety of brand-new information technologies. It is not like the traditional Internet in the past that only realizes the transmission of information, but connects all objects on the earth with the network, and truly realizes the connection between. With the increasing popularity of the Internet, the application of information technology has become more and more extensive We connect all objects in the world to the Internet, which can make people's lives more and more intelligent and convenient, and will further affect the country's economy and future industrial development [5].
As the IOT technology grows and develops over time, it will likely mold into a global network with securely managed devices that will be slowly integrated into our day-to-day lives. This advancement will improve the overall quality of public life as we know it. (IOT) that is rapidly gaining ground in the scenario of modern wireless telecommunications. The basic idea of this concept is the pervasive presence around us of a variety of things or objects – such as Radio-Frequency identification (RFID) tags, sensors, actuators, mobile phones, etc. – which, through unique addressing schemes, are able to interact with each other and cooperate with their neighbors to reach common goals.
Unquestionably, the main strength of the IOT idea is the high impact it will have on several aspects of everyday-life and behavior of potential users. From the point of view of a private user, the most obvious effects of the IOT introduction will be visible in both working and domestic fields. In this context demotics assisted living, e-health, enhanced learning are only a few examples of possible application scenarios in which the new paradigm will play a leading role in the near future Identification and tracking technologies, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks, enhanced communication protocols (shared with the Next Generation Internet), and distributed intelligence for smart objects are just the most relevant.
However, it is unquestionably the case that all things will have some form of ownership relationship. Since, these devices require someone who is responsible for maintenance and the availability of the device’s data, all of which requires certain effort and likely compensation. It is envisioned that the IOT will connect more than 30 billion devices to the internet.
2. Basics and concept of Internet of Things
During the past decades, communication technologies, especially Internet, have been improving rapidly at more and more affordable price .Finland, for example, has become the first country in the world to make broadband a legal right for every citizen. Thanks to the maturing Internet infrastructure as well as electronic devices such as RFID, GPS, GIS and sensors, people nowadays are able to get much more information of their than ever before [1]. on the other side Research in Artificial Intelligence began after World War II, possibly being Alan Mathison Turing the first to investigate in this field in 1947, and publishing an article about whether machines could think in 1950 [8]. From a technological standpoint, the IOT consists of interconnected objects, Things, that are able to sense, process and communicate. Things, one core component of the IOT, are embedded in everyday objects and sense and influence their surroundings. The plethora of interconnected, sensing and communicating devices create an ocean of heterogeneous real-world IOT-Data. Before IOT-Data can be used to create value, the IOT-Data-Supply process translates, transforms, categorizes, understands and ensures sufficient data quality. Developing this global network poses many technological challenges. Hence, the IOT is often considered as technology driven. However, the technological aspects of IOT will arguably have a smaller effect on the aspects of our everyday life than the possibilities that these networks offer. Various studies and reports claim that at any time we will be surrounded by numerous ubiquitous devices [15]. That all these devices will belong to the same owner is unlikely. Likewise, these devices can be seen as an extension of their respective owners, since they behave on behalf of the owner’s interest and offer data according to the owner’s interest in this work, we consider the IOT as a network of heterogeneous things, each having the capability to sense, actuate communicate and collaborate; each aiming to follow the behavior imposed on them by their different owner [15]. With data becoming a main resource for novel digital services and changing industrial models new challenges as well as opportunities arise for organizations. For example, organizations such as Uber do not need to own any physical products or assets to create value. In essence, Uber creates value by sharing the position of customers and service providers (the Uber drivers) with each other. These new ways of creating value from data, such as Data Driven Business Models (DDBM) Non ownership Business Models (NOBM), digital services and platforms and digitalized products are enabled by or heavily benefit from the wealth of data that the IOT offers. The field of Information Systems (IS) research has, to date, been interested in understanding how organizations are leveraging the opportunities offered by the abundance of real-world data. In particular, new business models have been explored, methods and tools to transform to organizations developed and IOT related challenges and requirements assessed [15].
However, the IOT is more than a network of sensors which provide real world data. Williams et al. argue that the IOT is more complex than a sensor-network and can be considered as a new Information Infrastructure, spanning across borders and domains, having no fixed notion of “user” and involving multiple stakeholders. However, the definitions of IOT in most research studies, especially in the IS field, simply define the IOT as a global sensor network Based on the insight that the IOT offers value that is contained in the real world data it offers, and the observation that collecting data from the IOT is more complex than querying a sensor network, we argue that building a system or business model on top of the IOT must consider the characteristics of data supply in the IOT to ensure a solid foundation .Actualization of the IOT concept into the real world is possible through the integration of several enabling technologies [2].
Fig 1. Internet of Things” paradigm as a result of the convergence of different visions.
In Fig. 1, the main concepts, technologies and standards are highlighted and classified with reference to the IOT vision/s they contribute to characterize best. From such an illustration, it clearly appears that the IOT paradigm shall be the result of the convergence of the three main visions addressed above.
‘‘Anytime, anywhere, any media” has been for a long time the vision pushing forward the advances in communication this context, wireless technologies have played a key role and today the ratio between radios and humans is nearing the 1 to 1 value However, the reduction in terms of size, weight, energy consumption, and cost of the radio can take us to a new era where the above ratio increases of orders of magnitude. This will allow us to integrate radios in almost all objects and thus, to add the world ‘‘anything” to the above vision, which leads to the IOT concept [2].
In a broader sense, IOT cannot be just a global EPC system in which the only objects are RFIDs; they are just a part of the full story! And the same holds for the alternative Unique/Universal/Ubiquitous identifier (U I D) architecture, whose main idea is still the development of (middleware based) solutions for a global visibility of objects in an IOT vision. It is the authors’ opinion that, starting from RFID centric solutions may be positive as the main aspects stressed by RFID technology, namely item traceability and addressability, shall definitely be addressed also by the IOT. Notwithstanding, alternative, and somehow more complete, IOT visions recognize that the term IOT implies a much wider vision than the idea of a mere objects identification.
RFID still stands at the forefront of the technologies driving the vision. This a consequence of the RFID maturity, low cost, and strong support from the business community. however, they state that a wide portfolio of device, network, and service technologies will eventually build up the IOT. Near Field Communications (NFC) and Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) together with RFID are recognized as’’ the atomic components that will link the real world with the digital world”. It is also worth recalling that major projects are being carried out with the aim of developing relevant platforms, such as the WISP (Wireless Identification and Sensing Platforms) project [2].
3. How internet of things censorship works
The Internet of Things is not a single technology. on the contrary, it is the result of the articulation of many bricks, standards and technologies within a whole. We generally distinguish four links in the IOT chain as
Fig. 2. Link of the IoT chain for Agriculture.
3.1. Sensors:
There will be sensors at the office, at the supermarket, at home and all our modern life also attached to our bodies or even implanted, from ambient temperature to electricity consumption, from GPS coordinates to liquid level measurement, sensors are now able to provide a wide range of data. It is shown in figure 2, for almost every physical quantity, it is possible to possible to identify a technical solution capable of to provide an accurate measurement, in real time. This equipment is therefore primarily linked to a specific need, but they also include a communication a communication module, most often radio, to enable data to be sent to business applications [6][9].
3.2. Connectivity:
this is what will allow data to be routed from the sensors to the software solution that will use them. until recently, in addition to until recently, in addition to wired technologies, mobile technology (built on operated networks) was networks) was almost the only technical option available, which available, which had a significant impact on the autonomy of battery-powered systems and the recurring on the recurring cost of the
The new technologies (LPWAN) now allow a sensor to operate several sensors to operate for several years on batteries, making years on batteries, making installation easier, and to transmit to transmit several kilometers away. they also allow for a smaller size of sensors and savings on sensors as well as savings on communication
3.3. Storage:
Once collected by the communication network, the data can be stored online or on a provider's infrastructure. at this stage, the data is raw and has not been subject to any specific processing.
Visualization and business analysis: This part includes the intelligence of the solution implemented. It is a matter of extracting, from raw data and thanks to algorithms, intelligible information that can be used for decision making:
soil moisture rate curve, analysis of production equipment vibrations to trigger predictive maintenance, flood alert by sending SMS. could expand the possibilities of IOT implementation, as well as reduce implementation costs and establish a stronger foundation for cooperation.
In addition to increasing the quantity and variety of devices used, key areas for IOT development include:
development of IOT-specific network technologies, security, miniaturization and device integration device integration, reduced power requirements, support for software functionality and usability, use of open source software and open hardware open devices [6].
4. The use of Internet of Things in the world industry
Fig. 3. Applications domains and relevant major scenarios
4.1. IOT in transportation and logistics:
In figure number 3, one of the most important uses of the Internet of Things is in the field of transportation and logistics, which means that we spend our daily lives using the Internet of Things the most through transportation and logistics, and with it we can reach our destination as quickly as possible through the Internet of Things. Let's go and do our daily work
4.1.1. Logistics:
In the Internet of Things system, each object can realize automatic positioning and identification management. At the same time, we must also ensure that our information security mechanism must monitor every object in the Internet of Things in real time, and be able to locate it. Once a fault occurs, it can be resolved and alarmed in time. at the same time, if there is a security problem in the system, it should be managed, dispatched and remotely controlled by a dedicated manager. Security personnel must remotely maintain the Internet of Things system anytime and anywhere and regularly perform online upgrades. At the same time, in the IOT system, we must also focus on energy saving and high efficiency. [2]
4.1.2. Assisted driving:
Cars, trains, and buses along with the roads and the rails equipped with sensors, actuators and processing power may provide important information to the driver and/or passengers of a car to allow better navigation and safety. Figure 3 shows how important assisted drawing is for everyday life Collision avoidance systems and monitoring of transportation of hazardous materials are two typical example functions. Governmental authorities would also benefit from more accurate information about road traffic patterns for planning purposes. Whereas the private transportation traffic could better find the right path with appropriate information about the jam and incidents. Enterprises, such as freight companies, would be able to perform more effective route optimization which allows energy savings. Information about the movement of the vehicles transporting goods together with information about the type and status of the goods can be integrated to provide important information about the delivery time, delivery delays, and faults. This information can be also combined with the status of the warehouses in order to automate the refilling of the magazines [2].
4.1.3. Data collection:
Automatic data collection and transfer is mostly aimed at reducing form processing time, process automation (including data entry and collection errors), automated care and procedure auditing, and medical inventory management. this function also relates to integrating RFID technology with other health information and clinical application technologies within a facility and with potential expansions of such networks across providers and locations. why data collection is important in IOT?
IOT data collection impacts data deployment, storage, sensor selection, processing power, security, and more. Most importantly, it's at the core of every smart product's user experience — and consequently, its success. As intelligent devices become the norm, we find ourselves helping clients plan for IOT data collection more and more [2].
4.1.4. Sensor:
Sensor devices enable function centered on patients, and in particular on diagnosing patient conditions, providing real-time information on patient health indicators. Application domains include different telemedicine solutions, monitoring patient compliance with medication regiment prescriptions, and alerting for patient wellbeing. In this capacity, sensors can be applied both in in-patient and out-patient care.
Heterogeneous wireless access-based remote patient monitoring systems can be deployed to reach the patient everywhere, with multiple wireless technologies integrated to support continuous bio-signal monitoring in presence of patient mobility.
The data collected and transmitted by the network may contain private information about individuals, businesses and valuable assets. As such, protecting these data from eavesdroppers and attackers enables content-oriented privacy in WSNs. There are several challenges to overcome for the success of privacy-preserving data aggregation in the IOT. First, most existing solutions assume particular network topologies, organized in clusters with static sensor devices. However, the mobility and dynamism of the foreseen scenarios, where sensors are attached to objects or carried by individuals, demand for solutions that consider constantly changing topologies with both static and mobile data aggregators.
4.2. Start environments:
as mentioned in Figure 3 a smart environment is that making its ‘‘employment “easy and comfortable thanks to the intelligence of contained objects, be it an office, a home, an industrial plant or a leisure environment.
4.2.1 Comfortable home / offices:
The invoking features of IOT in this age of modernization make life very easy and sophisticated. Smart home automation is one such trending advancement in IOT [2]
IOT for smarts home present various intelligent devices like a smart aquarium, smart storage tank, smart lighting, and smart air purification. By utilizing all these smart things, we analyze the shared resources used by these appliances based on them we reutilize the resources. thereby IOT conserve energy as well as resources [7].
Fig. 4. Fish tank functional block diagram
The home lighting system plays a lead role in keeping the track of situation of the home when nobody is around. By using different kinds of sensors, shown in (Fig. 4) the wind sensor is used to know the direction, speed of the wind in your home, (Fig. 4) we are using weather sensor to monitor the weather conditions around the home, (Fig. 4) Rain sensor activates the windows when the rain starts it will close all the windows (Fig. 4) video storming is used to observe the home condition through online. LDR sensor activates the light when the light is low (Fig. 4) PIR sensor turn on and off the lights and fan when there is no one in the room the delay time is 5 min (Fig. 4) based upon the weather conditions the weather sensor activates the air conditioner or the heater, all this sensor information can be monitor by the server and from there we can control the devices manually [7].
Fig. 5. IOT Sensors that are used and necessary to build a smart home
Shown in (fig. 5) A flow sensor is used to measure the quantity of the water used in the home. thus smart storage tank plays a key in home automation [7].
4.3. Smart museum and gym
As to smart leisure environments, the museum and the gym are two representative examples where the IOT technologies can help in exploiting their facilities at the best.
4.3.1 Gym
In the gym, the personal trainer can upload the exercise profile into the training machine for each trainee, who is then automatically recognized by the machine through the RFID tag.
Health parameters are monitored during the whole training session and the reported values are checked to see if the trainee is overtraining or if she/he is too relaxed when doing the exercises. on the other hand, technology has revolutionized the fitness industry by giving users the ability to monitor and correct their fitness exercise [2]. technology has revolutionized the fitness industry by giving users the ability to monitor and correct their fitness exercise. Internet of Things (IOT), as a sign of modern dairy technology, appear in people’s daily life with the technologies of wireless sensor network. more and more sensors and devices are used to guide the people for physical fitness exercise [14].
4.3.2. museum
Fig. 6. IoT for CH diagram with different types of scenarios and gateways
there are sensing/actuating nodes that communicate with the cloud infrastructure through gateways.
These gateways are responsible to collect the data provided by nodes in custom format or using typical IOT formats such as MQTT, to adapt these data formats and transport them to the cloud infrastructure using an Internet connection which may be wired-based or GSM-based [10].
Collected data can be used for developing and executing predictive models which can anticipate the advent of a risky episode. for example, we could analyses the correlation of humidity and temperature variation with artwork degradation for all the pieces, and then build predictive models on the cloud that could forecast future damages, provide recommendations and the active specific protocols. In technical terms, the architecture will enable the execution of processes embedded in containers on the cloud consuming the data stored in the database (MongoDB), as defined in the requirements. IOT deployments for CH has different needs compared with common applications as shown in (fig 6), which tries to summarize the different scenarios.
The key difference between common IOT deployment and one focused on CH preventive conservation is the node design (not unique) and the requirement for different types of gateways [10].
4.4. Personal and social domain
The applications falling in this domain are those that enable the user to interact with other people to maintain and build social relationships. Indeed, things may automatically trigger the transmission of messages to friends to allow them to know what we are doing or what we have done in the past, such as moving from/to our house/office, travelling, meeting some common mates or playing soccer. The following are the major applications [2].
4.5. futuristic
The applications shown in fig 3 are realistic as they either have been already deployed or can be implemented in a short/medium period since the required technologies are already available. Apart from these, we may envision many other applications, which we herein define futuristic since these rely on some (communications, sensing, material and/or industrial processes) technologies that either are still to come or whose implementation is still too complex.
These applications are even more interesting in terms of required research and potential impact.
4.5.1. Robot taxi
In smart city scenarios, autonomous taxies will be playing significant role for implementing intelligent public transportation systems. In this direction, low cost and environment friendly solutions are electrically powered autonomous taxies with single front camera based computationally less complex systems that are inspired by human driving capability [13].
Humans take visual perceptions and draw inferences for better driving by using their past experiences and estimate the optimal driving path [13].
robot taxis swarm together, moving in flocks, providing service where it is needed in a timely and efficient manner.
The robot taxis respond to real-time traffic movements of the city, and are calibrated to reduce congestion at bottlenecks in the city and to service pick-up areas that are most frequently used. With or without a human driver, they weave in and out of traffic at optimum speeds, avoiding accidents through proximity sensors, which repel them magnetically from other objects on the road. they can be hailed from the side of the street by pointing a mobile phone at them or by using hand gestures [2].
The user’s location is automatically tracked via GPS and enables users to request a taxi to be at a certain location at a particular time by just pointing it out on a detailed map.
On the rare occasions they are not in use, the taxis head for ‘pit-stops’ where they automatically stack themselves into tight bays which are instrumented with sensors. where actuators set off recharging batteries, perform simple maintenance tasks and clean the cars. The pit-stops communicate with each other to ensure no over or under-utilization [2]
5. Using the Internet of Things in artificial intelligence to build modern life.
Application areas are various (Figure 7), spanning from home automation, assisted living, e-health, smart energy management, logistics, automation, etc. [12]
Fig. 7. Internet of Things with artificial intelligence and devices
As you can see in Figure 7, 15 million smart devices are connected to IOT and are controlled with the help of artificial intelligence. today, developments are rapidly under way to take this phenomenon an important step further, by embedding short-range mobile transceivers into a wide array of additional gadgets and everyday items, enabling new forms of communication between people and things, and between things themselves [4]
Increasingly, smartphones will play a crucial role on the Internet of things, as aggregators of information from multiple sensors (either internal to the smartphone or else available on the surrounding environment), or as computing platforms for artificial intelligence algorithms to learn from the acquired data [12]
Millions of people regularly participate within online social networks. In the usage of phone sensors to automatically classify events in people lives was investigated. These classifications can be selectively shared using online social networks, replacing manual actions that are now performed daily. social networking to the IOT and have connected intelligent things to solve collaboratively complex problems autonomously. By connecting and sharing ideas, large numbers of people and/or machines can provide more accurate answers to complex problems than single individuals [12].
However, years ago, Artificial Intelligence (AI) was born to offer the possibility of creating programs that would allow computers to learn [8]. It is based on the development of learning, techniques to allow machines to learn, based on the analysis of data and applying some algorithms for this processing and others for decision making from the data already analyzed [8].
6. Conclusion
In general, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence in our daily life is part of the creation of the Internet, whether we know about it or whether it creates or changes something. The Internet of Things and artificial intelligence is always secretly present in every project, and it always performs its function in the cloud, and nothing is connected to it.
For example, if a chain store knows about the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, it cannot be imagined, because with the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the temperature inside the store can be controlled, and the prices of the items inside the store can be changed online with the CCTV cameras placed inside the store. You can see and control the security system of the store through the Internet of Things. It can be checked 24 hours safely, and most importantly, the purchase and sale of products must be checked in detail and the money paid by the customer is transferred to the account of the store through the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. It goes and nothing can be done without the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence.
In this paper, to this purpose, we observe that the IOT and ai should be considered as part of the overall Internet of the future, which is likely to be dramatically different from the Internet we use today.
i have surveyed the most important aspects of the AI and IOT with emphasis on what is being done and what are the issues that require further research. Indeed, current technologies make the IOT and ai concept feasible.
The present work has studied the viability of applying IOT and AI technologies to CH by analyzing the requirements and proposing the appropriate cloud and field systems for these requirements. humans take visual perceptions and draw inferences for better driving by using their past experiences and estimate the optimal driving path.
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