Raising Power Quality and Improving Reliability by Distribution Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources
الموضوعات : journal of Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering
Mohamad Taghi Babajani BaghmisheZad
Hosein NasirAghdam
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الکلمات المفتاحية: Genetic Algorithm, Wind turbine, Reliability Improvement, Reconfiguration, solar cell, Power loss reduction,
ملخص المقالة :
In this paper, reconfiguration problem of distribution network has been investigated toimprove reliability and reduce power loss by placement of renewable energy sources; i.e. solarcell and wind turbine. For this, four reliability indices are considered in objective function;which are as follows: System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), System AverageInterruption Duration Index (SAIDI), Cost of Energy Not Supplied (CENS), and MomentaryAverage Interruption Frequency Index (MAIFI). By using a novel technique, the target functionwas normalized. Simulation has been performed on IEEE 69-bus test system. A genetic algorithmcould solve this nonlinear problem.
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