Application of Geographical Location Differences of the Sun- Path Diagram in Climatic Architecture
الموضوعات : Space Ontology International JournalHossein Inanlou 1 , Sara Ataee 2
1 - Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Iran
2 - M.Arch., Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Rayman, Climatic architecture, Sun-path diagram, Analemma, Summer and Winter solstice,
ملخص المقالة :
In this study, by recognizing geographical location changes of the sun-path diagram, we present a selection of sustainable architectural guidelines that influence the climatic element of sunshine. For this purpose, after the introduction of triple zones of the earth in terms of how the sun is exposed(include:Tropical, temperate and polar), the function of the earth's curvature to create geographical location differences in the angles of sunshine in both its altitude and azimuth, is explained. In the following, using the "Rayman" software, the sun-path diagram on the days of the summer and winter solstice (revolutionary) is drawn up for cities selected in the triple zones, and the geographical location differences of these diagrams are described. Also, due to the climaticrequirement in some of the studied cities, the "PET" index has been calculated, and in the other cities, the "Analemma" graph has been used to determine the frontiers of the sunshine and the number of days per each front. The research findings, suggest a deep geographical location difference in the patterns of the sun-path diagram for the Earth's sunshine zones. At the end, a selection of architectural guidelines for the use of passive solar energy is proposed for residential buildings in the above cities. These guidelines are presented in the following topics: Optimal orientation and determine of an appropriate front for lighting the building and estimating the size of the horizontal overhangs for the sun-facing windows.
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