Economic Growth of Regions of Ukraine in Conditions of Disproportional Regional Development
الموضوعات :
Svitlana Shults
Liliia Simkiv
Uliana Andrusiv
Iryna Bilyk
Nadiia Klym
1 - Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine, Department of regional economic policy, Lviv, Ukraine
2 - Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University oil and gas, Ukraine
3 - Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University oil and gas, UkraineShafarika
4 - Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
5 - Ukrainian national forestry university, Ukraine
الکلمات المفتاحية: GDP, Region, Backwardness funnels, Economic growth rate, Inter-regional differentiation, Regional economic policy,
ملخص المقالة :
It is substantiated that the quality problems of economic growth, interregional differentiation, which are primarily related to the structural economy transformation are relevant for both economically developed countries and for countries with economies in transition. The study of the disproportions of economic growth of the regions based on the tools using "backwardness funnels" is carried out in the paper. Backwardness funnels are characterized by the presence of certain quantitative lag parameters such as the depth of the funnel and the speed of dragging into the funnel. The calculations make it possible to estimate and summarize the corresponding time lag of the regions, the degree of inter-regional differentiation by the level of development and, to a certain extent, the availability of reserves to ensure the process of economic growth of the territories. The increase in the number of regions that have been trapped in backwardness funnels indicates an increase in interregional differentiation within Ukraine. The analysis makes it possible to conclude that in most regions the indicators of the lag period from the average Ukrainian GDP by one person up to four years, and in some regions up to five to six years are increasing. A model of regional economic policy formation is proposed, which is aimed at solving strategic issues of socio-economic development of the regions that form the mission (goal) of this policy (ensuring quality economic growth). The strategic targets of regional economic policy in Ukraine are offered. Among the most important strategic goals in the context of decentralization reform in Ukraine is increasing the internal potential of the socio-economic regions development and exploiting the territorial competitive advantages.
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