Supply chain resilience and market performance amid COVID-19 disruptions: The role of relational capital and supply chain disruption orientation in South Korean firms
الموضوعات :
Aaron Stephens
Charles Robb
Min-Hyo Kang
1 - Department of Business Administration and Accounting, Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY 13820, USA
2 - Linton Global School, Global Business, Daejeon, 34430, South Korea
3 - Department of Business Administration, Dongguk University WISE Campus, Gyeongju, 38066, South Korea
الکلمات المفتاحية: relational capital, market performance, Supply chain resilience, Supply chain disruption orientation, Supply chain dynamism,
ملخص المقالة :
The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed unprecedented disruptions across global supply chains, necessitating a thorough examination of the implications for organizational performance. This research aims to fill this knowledge gap by investigating the intricate relationships between supply chain dynamism, disruption orientation, relational capital, supply chain resilience, and market performance. Grounded in event systems theory and social network theory, we propose a comprehensive model that details the dynamics shaping organizations' responses to disruptions. This study employs PLS-SEM to analyze data collected from a diverse sample of Korean organizations. The findings underscore the critical role of supply chain dynamism, revealing its positive association with both supply chain disruption orientation and relational capital. Moreover, supply chain resilience is positively linked with both supply chain dynamism and relational capital, highlighting its central importance. This study also unveils the mediating roles of supply chain disruption orientation, relational capital, and supply chain resilience in enhancing market performance. These results not only contribute to theoretical advancements but also offer valuable insights for practitioners. As managers adapt their supply chain strategies in response to the pandemic, our research emphasizes the long-term value of cultivating resilient relationships and embracing disruption as a catalyst for organizational growth. This nuanced understanding contributes to academic knowledge and managerial decisions amid unprecedented disruptions.
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