Design and Implementation of a Blended ESP Course for Iranian Vocational School Students of Photography: A TBLT Approach
الموضوعات :
Somayeh Fathali
Zahra Mahdizadeh Tasande
1 - Department of English , Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of English , Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Blended Learning, ESP, photography students, task-based language teaching, technical and vocational education,
ملخص المقالة :
In the increasingly interconnected world, English proficiency has become essential for developing technical skills and opening up global career opportunities. However, Iranian technical and vocational education (TVE) suffers from adequate attention to the English language for students’ specific fields of study and occupations. Accordingly, the present study aimed to bridge the existing gap in Iranian TVE through a comprehensive needs analysis and the development of a blended TBLT-based ESP course tailored to second-year vocational school students specializing in photography. Initially, needs analysis was conducted through interviews with TVE administrators at the Ministry of Education in Iran, experienced photography teachers, and photography students to develop the course. After the accurate investigation of fundamental course components, the course was implemented and its effectiveness and possible challenges were evaluated. The findings showed that photography students found the blended course effective in terms of learning photography terminology and tools in English, practicing photography and editing techniques, using multimedia and interactive games, and enhancing motivation and self-confidence. However, the students also encountered some linguistic and technological challenges. Ultimately, by contributing to the ongoing discourse on ESP course development, this study emphasizes the need for ESP courses and the preparation of students for future careers.
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