A Study on the Body Management and the Social Acceptability(A Case Study among Male and Female Students at Islamic Azad University and Payam Noor of Zanjan
الموضوعات :
Aliyeh Shekarbaygi
Amir Amiri
1 - Ph.D on Sociology
2 - M.A. on Sociology
تاريخ الإرسال : 17 الإثنين , محرم, 1433
تاريخ التأكيد : 17 الإثنين , محرم, 1433
تاريخ الإصدار : 28 الثلاثاء , صفر, 1432
الکلمات المفتاحية:
Body Management,
socio-economic status,
media consumption,
social acceptance,
Sociology of Body,
Cultural consumption,
ملخص المقالة :
The appearance of a consume society in the result of giving a Hint to body and physical features and consequently very important. Body is also very important for social acceptability and people try to arrange their bodies and physical features according to their social codes. Body modification like, make up, surgery, losing weight, slimming, sporting and body care is called body management.
The paper tries to study the effect of body management and its influence on social attitudes among the students in the sampling groups.(Islamic Azad University and Payam Noor of Zanjan). The results show that 83.46 percent of girls and 72.66 percent of boys announcing that body care and boy attention are involved more among girls. Based on the results all the theories have been meaningful in the paper and totally 89.7 percent of variance variable has been determined by 7 irrelevant variables.
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