Investigating the Religious Orientation among High School Students in Andimeshk
الموضوعات :Isaq Arjmand Siahpoush 1 , Dariush Rezapour 2 , Hassan Arjmandi 3 , Bahareh Arjmand Siahpoush 4 , Ali Arjmand 5
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - MA in Sociology, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk, Iran
4 - MA in Sociology, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk, Iran
5 - MA in Sociology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran
الکلمات المفتاحية: Religion, Tendency to religion, Religious missionaries, Religious orders, Andimeshmk,
ملخص المقالة :
Nowadays the global changes process and various developments in various fields of economic, social and cultural rights at the national level have led to present the issue of religion in the country as a sub-category alongside other categories and it is on the sidelines. The aim of this study is to investigate the practices and factors affecting attitudes to religion among high school students in Andimeshk city. Views of Durkheim and Weber were selected as the theoretical framework. Research methodology is survey from the kind of correlation and the unit of analysis is the respondent. Sampling method is stratified sampling and simple random and the sample size is 300, according to Cochran formula. The data collection tool is questionnaire. In analyzing the data, it is used Kendall's correlation coefficient, chi-square, multiple regression analysis and path analysis software SPSS. The results show that the mean of the rate of tend to religion is average. There is a direct relationship between the variables of religious missionaries' role, the role of religion in signifying the life, the role of religion in meeting the spiritual needs and attitude towards the up to date religion. Regression analysis showed that 54 percent of the change in the attitude to religion is related to the independent variables. According to the results of the analysis, the total amount of direct influence of independent variables on the dependent variable is equal to 0.9, indirect impact equal to 0.98 and total direct and indirect effects are equal to 1.88.
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