مطالعه تأثیر تبدیل مرتع به سایر کاربریهای کشاورزی بر برخی خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک (مطالعه موردی: حوزه آبخیز امامه)
الموضوعات :
1 - کارشناس ارشد مرتعداری اداره کل منابع طبیعی و آبخیزداری استان هرمزگان
الکلمات المفتاحية: تغییر کاربری اراضی, خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک, امامه,
ملخص المقالة :
تبدیل مرتع به اراضی کشاورزی، عموماٌ تأثیر جدی بر میزان ماده آلی و دیگر ویژگیهای فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک میگذارد. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی اثرات تغییر کاربری اراضی مرتعی بر خصوصیات خاک در حوزه آبخیز امامه انجام شد. چهار کاربری شامل مرتع، باغ، آیش و کشاورزی انتخاب گردید. نمونهبرداری از خاک به صورت تصادفی (5 تکرار در هر کاربری) از عمق 30-0 سانتیمتری صورت پذیرفت. برخی مشخصههای خاک شامل هدایت الکتریکی، گراول (شاخص فرسایشپذیری خاک)، آهک کل، درصد رطوبت اشباع خاک، pH، منیزیم، سدیم، کربن، پتاسیم و فسفر اندازهگیری شد. نتایج حاصل از تجزیه و تحلیل آماری نشان داد که تغییر کاربری اراضی مرتعی به کشاورزی، آیش و باغ تغییرات معنیداری را در مقادیر اسیدیته، منیزیم و سدیم ایجاد نکرده است. در حالیکه هدایت الکتریکی، گراول، آهک کل، درصد رطوبت اشباع خاک، کربن آلی، پتاسیم و فسفر در اثر تغییر کاربری اراضی، بهصورت معنیداری تغییر کردند. نتایج نشان داد که با تبدیل کاربری مرتع به سایر کاربریها، میزان درصد آهک، پتاسیم، فسفر و گراول کاهش یافته و این کاهش در کاربری آیش و کشاورزی نسبت به سایر کاربریها بیشتر است. مقدار کربن خاکهای مرتعی نیز در اثر تغییر کاربری به باغ و کشاورزی، به طور معنیداری افزایش یافت. همچنین هدایت الکتریکی، رطوبت اشباع خاک، پتاسیم، فسفر و کربن در کاربری باغ به طور معنیداری بیشتر از بقیه کاربریها بود. به طور کلی نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که تغییر کاربری اراضی تأثیر معنیداری بر خصوصیات خاک دارد.
1. Abbasi, M. Najafinejad, A. Sheikh, V.B. and Azim Mohseni, M. (2016). Changes in runoff, Soil and nutrient loss in different vegetation cover type in Loess lands (Case study: Kechik watershed, Golestan province). Journal of Water and Soil Conservation, 23 (3): 91-109. (in Persian).
- Abid, M. and Lal, R. (2008). Tillage and drainage impact on soil quality: I. Aggregate stability, carbon and nitrogen pools. Journal of Soil and Tillage Research, 100, 89-98.
- Ahmadi Ilkhechi, A., Hajabasi, M and Jalalian, A. (2002). Effect of rangeland changes to agriculture rain-fed land on runoff, digridaction and soil quality in Dorahan region, Char mahal and Bakhtiari, Water and Soil Science, Natural Resource Sience and Agriculture Science, 6(4): 103-116 (in Persian).
- Ajami, M. Khormali, F. and Ayobi, Sh. (2007). Application of neural network for prediction of earthen dam peak breach outflow, and breach time, Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 39 (1): 15-30 (in Persian).
- Aliehyaei, M and Bebehanizadeh, A.A. (1993). Methods of chemical analysis of soil, Soil and Water Research Institute, 1(893), 1-76.
- Boroumand, M. Ghajar Sepanlu, M. and Bahmanyar, M.A. (2013). The Effect of Land use Change on Some of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil (Case Study: Semeskande Area of Sari). Journal of Watershed Management Research, 5(9): 78-94. (in Persian).
- Burke, I.C., Yonker, C.M., Parton, W.J., Cole, C.V., Flach, K. and Schimel, D.S. (1989). Texture, climate, and cultivation effects on soil matter content in U.S. grassland Soils, Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Journal. 53: 800-805.
- Celik, (2005). Land-use effects on organic matter and physical properties of soil in a southern Mediterranean highland of Turkey, Journal of Soil and Tillage Research. 83(2): 270–277.
- Chuai, X., Huang, X., Lai, L., Wang, W., Peng, J. and Zhao R. (2013). Land use structure optimization based on carbon storage in several regional terrestrial ecosystems across China, Journal of Environmental Science and Policy,25, 50-61.
- Dormaar, J. F., Smoliak, S., & Willms, W. D. (1998). Vegetation and soil responses to short duration grazing on Fescue grasslands. Journal of Range Management, 42 (3): 252-256.
- Famiglietti, J., J. Rudnicki, and M. Rodell (1998), Variability in surface moisture content along a hillslope transect: Rattlesnake Hill, Texas,J. Hydrol., 210: 259– 281.
- Hajabbasi, M.A., Besalatpour, A., Melali, A.R. (2008).Impacts of Converting Rangelands to Cultivated Land on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils in West and Southwest of Isfahan, 11(42): 525-534 (in Persian).
- Hajabasi, M., A. Jalalian, J. Khajedin & H. Karimzadeh. 2002. Depasturation effects on physical characteristics, fertility and tilth index of soil: a case study of
- Boroojen. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
- Water and Soil Science-Isfahan University of Technology. 6(1): 149-161. (In Persian).
- Helfrich, M., Ludwig, B., Buurman, P..and Flessa, H. (2006). Effect of land use on the com-position of soil organic matter in density and aggregate fractions as revealed by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Geoderma, 136, 331–341.
- Jafari haghighi, M. (2004). Methods of soil analysis (Sampling and important analysis of physical and chemical). Press of Neda of Zoha, 236p.( (in Persian).
- Javadi, S. A., Jafari, M., Azarnivand, H., & Zahedi Gh. (2005). Investigation on grazing effects upon soil parameters at Lar Summer Rangeland. Journal of agricultural sciences, 11 (4): 71-78. (in Persian).
- Kashi, H., Ghorbani, H., Emamgholizadeh, S. and Hashemi, S.A.A. (2012). Effect of land use change on physico-chemical, (Case area: Ghoshe Land water spreading and agriculture land in Semnan Province), Journal of Water and Soil Science, 18(67):187-199. (in Persian).
- Kavian, A. and Rezaei Pasha, M. (2011). The effect of land use changes on soil degradation In northern Iran, (Case area:Kasilian Watershed), Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, 5(15):35-44. (in Persian).
- Kilic, K., Kilic, S and Kocyigit, R. (2012). Assessment of spatial variability of soil properties in areas under different land use, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 18 (5) 2012, 722-732.
- Kizilkaya R. and Dengiz O. 2010. Variation of land use and land cover effects on some soil physico-chemical characteristics and soil enzyme activity. Zemdirbyste Agriculture, 97: 15-24.
- Lavaei, H.A. (2014). Variability of soil qualitative indices in different plant communities with emphasizing on soil aggregate stability in Vaz region of Mazandaran province, Athesis presented for the M.Sc. degree, Faculty of Natural Resources , University of Tarbiatmodares, 91 p. (in Persian).
- Maia, S.M.F., Ogle, S.M., Cerri, C.C., & Cerri, C.E.P. (2010). Changes in soil organic carbon storage under different agricultural management systems in the Southwest Amazon Region of Brazil. Soil & Tillage Research, 106:177–184.
- Malekpour, B., Ahmadi, T. and Kazemi Mazandarani, S.S. (2011). Effect of land use change on physico-chemical soil characteristics, Journal of Natural Resource, 6(3): 115-126 (in Persian).
- Maysoon, M.M. and Charles, W.R. (2004). Tillage and manure effects on soil and aggregate-associated carbon and nitrogen. Division S-3- Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 68, 809-816.
- Meng, Q., Fu, B., Tang X., & Ren H. (2008). Effect of land use on phosphorus loss in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 139: 195-204.
- Mc Dowell, R.W. and A.N. Shrpley. (2002). Phosphorus transport in overland flow in response to position of manure application. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(1):7-27.
- Morgan R. (1986). Soil erosion and conservation, Longman Scientific and Technical Publisher. 298 PP.
- Mulumba, L.N and Lal, R. (2008). Mulching effect on selected soil physical properties, Journal of Soil and Reaserch, 98(1): 106-111.
- Niknahad Gharmakher, H and Maramaei, M., (2011). Effects of land use changes on soilproperties (Case Study: the Kechik catchment), Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable, 1(2): 81-96. (in Persian).
- Nosetto, M.D., Jobbagy, E.G.and Paruelo, J.M. (2006). Carbon sequestration in smi-arid rangelands: comparison of Pinus ponderosa plantations and grazing exclusion in NW patagonia, Journal of Arid Environments, 67 (1), 142-156.
- Nourani, V. Alami, M.T. Delafrouz, H. and Sepehri, V (2009). GIS representation of a geomorphological unit hydrograph based on cascade linear reservoirs. Iran water Resources Research, 4 (3):38-46.
- Olsen, S.R. and L.E. Sommers. 1982. Phosphorus. In: A. L. Page R.H. Miller and
- D.R. Keeney (Eds), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA: 403-430.
- Rahimi Dehcheraghi, M. (2013) Effect of land use from rangeland to agriculture rain-fed land to som physic- chemical soil factors (Case Study: Lileh, Ravansar and Kamyaran- Region),Athesis presented for the M.Sc. degree, Faculty of Natural Resources , University of Tarbiatmodares, 73 p. (in Persian).
- Raiesi, F. 2006. The conversion of overgrazed pastures to almond orchards and alfalfa cropping systems may favor microbial indicators of soil quality in Central Iran. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 121: 309-318. (in Persian).
- Rayburn, E.B. (1994).The value of agricultural limestone", Forage Management, West Virginia University, Extension Service, December, 1994: 3212-3214.
- Salardini, A.A.(2009). Soil fertility. Tehran University Press. Seventh Edition (in Persian).
- Sparks D. L. Page A. L. Helmke P. A. Leoppert R. H. Soltanpour P. N. Tabatabai M. A. Johnston G. T. and Summer M. E. 1996. In: Bartels J. M. (Eds.), Methods of soil analysis. Soil science society of America, Madison, Wisconsin USA.
- Tejada, M. and J. L. Gonzalez. (2008). Influence of two organic amendments on the soil physical properties, soil losses, sediments and runoff water quality. Journal of Geoderma 145: 325-334.
- Venyampe, A.J., Govers, G. and Puttemans, C. (2002). Modeling Land use changes and their impact on soil erosion and sediment supply to rivers. Journal of Earth Surface Processes and landforms, 27 (5): 481-494.
- Vitousek P.M., Mooney H.A., Lubchenko J and Melillo J.M. (1997).Human domination of earth’s ecosystems, Science, 277: 494–499.
- Walkly, A., and Black, I.A. 1934. An examination of the degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37: 29-38.
- Wang, H., Guan, D., Zhang, R., Chen, Y., Hu, Y. and Xiao, H. (2014). Soil aggregates and organic carbon affected by the land use change from rice paddy to vegetable field. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 70: 206-211.
- Wen-bin, W.U., Peng, Y., Hua-jun T., Luca, O., Ryosuke, Sh. (2007). Regional variability of the effects of land use systems on soil properties, Agricultural Sciences in China, 6 (11), 1369-1375.
- Wischmeier, W.H. and D.D. Smith, 1978, Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses: a Guide to Conservation Planning, Agriculture Handbook, No. 537., US Department of Agriculture, Washington DC.
- Yang W., Cheng H., Hao F., Ouyang W., Liu Sh., and Lin Ch. 2012. The influence of land-use change on the forms of phosphorus in soil profiles from the Sanjiang Plain of China. Geoderma, 189&190: 207–214.
- Zarin kafsh, M., (1993). Applied geology, Tehran university press. 245 p.
1. Abbasi, M. Najafinejad, A. Sheikh, V.B. and Azim Mohseni, M. (2016). Changes in runoff, Soil and nutrient loss in different vegetation cover type in Loess lands (Case study: Kechik watershed, Golestan province). Journal of Water and Soil Conservation, 23 (3): 91-109. (in Persian).
- Abid, M. and Lal, R. (2008). Tillage and drainage impact on soil quality: I. Aggregate stability, carbon and nitrogen pools. Journal of Soil and Tillage Research, 100, 89-98.
- Ahmadi Ilkhechi, A., Hajabasi, M and Jalalian, A. (2002). Effect of rangeland changes to agriculture rain-fed land on runoff, digridaction and soil quality in Dorahan region, Char mahal and Bakhtiari, Water and Soil Science, Natural Resource Sience and Agriculture Science, 6(4): 103-116 (in Persian).
- Ajami, M. Khormali, F. and Ayobi, Sh. (2007). Application of neural network for prediction of earthen dam peak breach outflow, and breach time, Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 39 (1): 15-30 (in Persian).
- Aliehyaei, M and Bebehanizadeh, A.A. (1993). Methods of chemical analysis of soil, Soil and Water Research Institute, 1(893), 1-76.
- Boroumand, M. Ghajar Sepanlu, M. and Bahmanyar, M.A. (2013). The Effect of Land use Change on Some of the Physical and Chemical Properties of Soil (Case Study: Semeskande Area of Sari). Journal of Watershed Management Research, 5(9): 78-94. (in Persian).
- Burke, I.C., Yonker, C.M., Parton, W.J., Cole, C.V., Flach, K. and Schimel, D.S. (1989). Texture, climate, and cultivation effects on soil matter content in U.S. grassland Soils, Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Journal. 53: 800-805.
- Celik, (2005). Land-use effects on organic matter and physical properties of soil in a southern Mediterranean highland of Turkey, Journal of Soil and Tillage Research. 83(2): 270–277.
- Chuai, X., Huang, X., Lai, L., Wang, W., Peng, J. and Zhao R. (2013). Land use structure optimization based on carbon storage in several regional terrestrial ecosystems across China, Journal of Environmental Science and Policy,25, 50-61.
- Dormaar, J. F., Smoliak, S., & Willms, W. D. (1998). Vegetation and soil responses to short duration grazing on Fescue grasslands. Journal of Range Management, 42 (3): 252-256.
- Famiglietti, J., J. Rudnicki, and M. Rodell (1998), Variability in surface moisture content along a hillslope transect: Rattlesnake Hill, Texas,J. Hydrol., 210: 259– 281.
- Hajabbasi, M.A., Besalatpour, A., Melali, A.R. (2008).Impacts of Converting Rangelands to Cultivated Land on Physical and Chemical Properties of Soils in West and Southwest of Isfahan, 11(42): 525-534 (in Persian).
- Hajabasi, M., A. Jalalian, J. Khajedin & H. Karimzadeh. 2002. Depasturation effects on physical characteristics, fertility and tilth index of soil: a case study of
- Boroojen. Journal of Science and Technology of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
- Water and Soil Science-Isfahan University of Technology. 6(1): 149-161. (In Persian).
- Helfrich, M., Ludwig, B., Buurman, P..and Flessa, H. (2006). Effect of land use on the com-position of soil organic matter in density and aggregate fractions as revealed by solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Geoderma, 136, 331–341.
- Jafari haghighi, M. (2004). Methods of soil analysis (Sampling and important analysis of physical and chemical). Press of Neda of Zoha, 236p.( (in Persian).
- Javadi, S. A., Jafari, M., Azarnivand, H., & Zahedi Gh. (2005). Investigation on grazing effects upon soil parameters at Lar Summer Rangeland. Journal of agricultural sciences, 11 (4): 71-78. (in Persian).
- Kashi, H., Ghorbani, H., Emamgholizadeh, S. and Hashemi, S.A.A. (2012). Effect of land use change on physico-chemical, (Case area: Ghoshe Land water spreading and agriculture land in Semnan Province), Journal of Water and Soil Science, 18(67):187-199. (in Persian).
- Kavian, A. and Rezaei Pasha, M. (2011). The effect of land use changes on soil degradation In northern Iran, (Case area:Kasilian Watershed), Journal of Watershed Management Science and Engineering, 5(15):35-44. (in Persian).
- Kilic, K., Kilic, S and Kocyigit, R. (2012). Assessment of spatial variability of soil properties in areas under different land use, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 18 (5) 2012, 722-732.
- Kizilkaya R. and Dengiz O. 2010. Variation of land use and land cover effects on some soil physico-chemical characteristics and soil enzyme activity. Zemdirbyste Agriculture, 97: 15-24.
- Lavaei, H.A. (2014). Variability of soil qualitative indices in different plant communities with emphasizing on soil aggregate stability in Vaz region of Mazandaran province, Athesis presented for the M.Sc. degree, Faculty of Natural Resources , University of Tarbiatmodares, 91 p. (in Persian).
- Maia, S.M.F., Ogle, S.M., Cerri, C.C., & Cerri, C.E.P. (2010). Changes in soil organic carbon storage under different agricultural management systems in the Southwest Amazon Region of Brazil. Soil & Tillage Research, 106:177–184.
- Malekpour, B., Ahmadi, T. and Kazemi Mazandarani, S.S. (2011). Effect of land use change on physico-chemical soil characteristics, Journal of Natural Resource, 6(3): 115-126 (in Persian).
- Maysoon, M.M. and Charles, W.R. (2004). Tillage and manure effects on soil and aggregate-associated carbon and nitrogen. Division S-3- Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 68, 809-816.
- Meng, Q., Fu, B., Tang X., & Ren H. (2008). Effect of land use on phosphorus loss in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 139: 195-204.
- Mc Dowell, R.W. and A.N. Shrpley. (2002). Phosphorus transport in overland flow in response to position of manure application. Journal of Environmental Quality, 31(1):7-27.
- Morgan R. (1986). Soil erosion and conservation, Longman Scientific and Technical Publisher. 298 PP.
- Mulumba, L.N and Lal, R. (2008). Mulching effect on selected soil physical properties, Journal of Soil and Reaserch, 98(1): 106-111.
- Niknahad Gharmakher, H and Maramaei, M., (2011). Effects of land use changes on soilproperties (Case Study: the Kechik catchment), Journal of Soil Management and Sustainable, 1(2): 81-96. (in Persian).
- Nosetto, M.D., Jobbagy, E.G.and Paruelo, J.M. (2006). Carbon sequestration in smi-arid rangelands: comparison of Pinus ponderosa plantations and grazing exclusion in NW patagonia, Journal of Arid Environments, 67 (1), 142-156.
- Nourani, V. Alami, M.T. Delafrouz, H. and Sepehri, V (2009). GIS representation of a geomorphological unit hydrograph based on cascade linear reservoirs. Iran water Resources Research, 4 (3):38-46.
- Olsen, S.R. and L.E. Sommers. 1982. Phosphorus. In: A. L. Page R.H. Miller and
- D.R. Keeney (Eds), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, USA: 403-430.
- Rahimi Dehcheraghi, M. (2013) Effect of land use from rangeland to agriculture rain-fed land to som physic- chemical soil factors (Case Study: Lileh, Ravansar and Kamyaran- Region),Athesis presented for the M.Sc. degree, Faculty of Natural Resources , University of Tarbiatmodares, 73 p. (in Persian).
- Raiesi, F. 2006. The conversion of overgrazed pastures to almond orchards and alfalfa cropping systems may favor microbial indicators of soil quality in Central Iran. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 121: 309-318. (in Persian).
- Rayburn, E.B. (1994).The value of agricultural limestone", Forage Management, West Virginia University, Extension Service, December, 1994: 3212-3214.
- Salardini, A.A.(2009). Soil fertility. Tehran University Press. Seventh Edition (in Persian).
- Sparks D. L. Page A. L. Helmke P. A. Leoppert R. H. Soltanpour P. N. Tabatabai M. A. Johnston G. T. and Summer M. E. 1996. In: Bartels J. M. (Eds.), Methods of soil analysis. Soil science society of America, Madison, Wisconsin USA.
- Tejada, M. and J. L. Gonzalez. (2008). Influence of two organic amendments on the soil physical properties, soil losses, sediments and runoff water quality. Journal of Geoderma 145: 325-334.
- Venyampe, A.J., Govers, G. and Puttemans, C. (2002). Modeling Land use changes and their impact on soil erosion and sediment supply to rivers. Journal of Earth Surface Processes and landforms, 27 (5): 481-494.
- Vitousek P.M., Mooney H.A., Lubchenko J and Melillo J.M. (1997).Human domination of earth’s ecosystems, Science, 277: 494–499.
- Walkly, A., and Black, I.A. 1934. An examination of the degtjareff method for determining soil organic matter and a proposed modification of the chromic acid titration method. Soil Science 37: 29-38.
- Wang, H., Guan, D., Zhang, R., Chen, Y., Hu, Y. and Xiao, H. (2014). Soil aggregates and organic carbon affected by the land use change from rice paddy to vegetable field. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 70: 206-211.
- Wen-bin, W.U., Peng, Y., Hua-jun T., Luca, O., Ryosuke, Sh. (2007). Regional variability of the effects of land use systems on soil properties, Agricultural Sciences in China, 6 (11), 1369-1375.
- Wischmeier, W.H. and D.D. Smith, 1978, Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses: a Guide to Conservation Planning, Agriculture Handbook, No. 537., US Department of Agriculture, Washington DC.
- Yang W., Cheng H., Hao F., Ouyang W., Liu Sh., and Lin Ch. 2012. The influence of land-use change on the forms of phosphorus in soil profiles from the Sanjiang Plain of China. Geoderma, 189&190: 207–214.
- Zarin kafsh, M., (1993). Applied geology, Tehran university press. 245 p.