شناسایی و اولویتبندی معیارها و شاخصهای خدمات چندگانه اکوسیستمی با استفاده از تکنیکهای تصمیمگیری چند معیاره آنتروپی و تاپسیس در حوزه آبخیز دارابکلا
الموضوعات :مریم پیری کیا 1 , اصغر فلاح 2 , حمید امیرنژاد 3 , جهانگیر محمدی 4
1 - دانشگاه علوو کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی ساری
2 - دانشیار گروه جنگلداری دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی ساری
3 - دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی ساری
4 - استادیار گروه جنگلداری دانشکده علوم جنگل، دانشگاه علوم کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی گرگان
الکلمات المفتاحية: تکنیک تاپسیس, روش دلفی, خدمات اکوسیستم, معیارها و شاخصها, تکنیک آنتروپی,
ملخص المقالة :
شناسایی و اولویتبندی معیارها و شاخصها نقش مهمی در ارزیابی خدمات اکوسیستمی دارد. در پژوهش حاضر از پرسشنامه دلفی به منظور شناسایی معیارها و شاخصهای حایز اهمیت خدمات تولیدی(تولید آب و تولید چوب) و خدمات تنظیمی(حفاظت خاک و ذخیره و ترسیب کربن) و از تکنیک آنتروپی شانون به منظور محاسبه وزن آنها استفاده شده است و در ادامه از تکنیک تاپسیس برای اولویتبندی معیارها و شاخصهای خدمات چندگانه اکوسیستمی استفاده گردید. ابتدا شاخصهای مهم و تاثیرگذار از طریق پرسشنامه دلفی به وسیله کارشناسان مربوطه نمردهدهی شدند که از میان آنها 19 شاخص برای تولید آب، 23 شاخص برای تولید چوب، 25 شاخص برای حفاظت از خاک و 22 شاخص برای ذخیره و ترسیب کربن در خاک جهت ارزیابی خدمات چندگانه اکوسیستمی بومیسازی شد. نتایج اولویتبندی شاخصها و معیارها از طریق تکنیک تاپسیس نشان داد که شاخصهای بارندگی و ماندگاری برف و معیارهای خاک و اقلیم برای تولید آب، شاخصهای تیپ گونه های درختی و درصد جنگل و معیارهای منابع جنگلی و اقلیم برای تولید چوب، شاخصهای پوشش گیاهی و درصد تاج پوشش و معیارهای پوشش گیاهی و خاک برای حفاظت از خاک، شاخصهای کاربری زمین و پوشش گیاهی و معیارهای پوشش گیاهی و اقلیم برای ذخیره و ترسیب کربن در خاک به ترتیب بالاترین اولویتها را به خود اختصاص دادهاند. همچنین اولویت-بندی خدمات اکوسیستم در حوزه آبخیز دارابکلا به ترتیب شامل خدمت تولید چوب، ذخیره و ترسیب کربن، تولید آب و حفاظت از خاک میباشد.
- Arabameri, A and Shirani, K., 2017. Delineation of suitable sites for groundwater artificial recharge using Integrated AHP - TOPSIS (Case study: Shahrood - Bastam Basin). Water and soil science (Sci. & Technol. Agric. & Natural Resources), 3(21):149-168. (In Persian)
- Asgharian, M., Shahraji, T., Nasir Ahmadi, K and Oladi, J., 2012. The identification of criteria and indicators for ecotourism management in the forest parks north of Iran using the Delphi method. natural ecosystem of Iran, 2(4): 93-103. (In Persian)
- Burke, I. C., Yonker, C. M., Parton W. J., Cole C. V., Flach, K and Schimel, D. S., 1989. Texture, climate, and cultivation effects on soil organic matter content in U.S. Grassland Soil. Soil Science Society America Journal, 53(3): 800-805.
- Choi, H and Sirakaya, E., 2006. Indicators for managing community tourism. Tourism Management, 27: 1274-1289.
- Chung, E., Kwangjae, W., Yeonjoo, K and Hosun, L., 2014. Water Resource Vulnerability Characteristics by District’s Population Size in a Changing Climate Using Subjective and Objective Weights. Sustainability, 6: 6141-6157.
- Daneshi, A., vafakhah, M and Panahi, M., 2014. Economic instruments of natural resource and environment management (case study: Ecosystem services Payment (pes)). Water and sustainable development,1(2): 7-14. (In Persian)
- de Groot, R. S., Alkemade, R., Braat, L., Hein, L and Willemen, L., 2010. Challenges in integrating the concept of ecosystem services and values in landscape planning, management and decision making. Ecological Complexity 7: 260–272.
- Gelman, V., Hulkkonen, V., Kantola, R., Nousianen, M., Nousianen, V and Poku-Marboah, M., 2013. Impact of forest management practices on forest carbon. Interdisciplinary approach to forests and climate change. University of Helsinky, 20 p.
- Gholami, Gh., 2004. Comparing method for estimating allowable cut rates in uneven-aged forestry method. MSc dissertation in forest Science University of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, 106 p. (In Persian)
- Goodarzi, M., Abedi Koupai, J., Heiderupour, M and Safavi, H., 2015. Analysis of the effects of various parameters on groundwater recharge using a hybrid method. water and soil science, (Sci. & Technol. Agric. & Natural Resources, 19(73):287-298. (In Persian)
- Hatami, N., Moayeri, M. H and Heidari, H., 2013. volume increment determination of forest stands types in the district one of Dr. Bahramnia forest management plan, Gorgan. Iranian forest ecology, 1(2): 57-69. (In Persian)
- Hosseini, S., Oladi, J and Amirnejad. H., 2015. The priority of ecological, economic and social indicators of national parks using of multi-criteria decision making techniques (Entropy, SAW and TOPSIS). wood and forest science and technology, 22(4):1-28. (In Persian)
- Hosseinpour Sabet, S., 2012. Simulation of land use change effects on soil loss using the RUSLE model (case study: darabkola watershed). MSc dissertation for natural resources – watershed management. Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Faculty of Natural Resources, 103p (In Persian).
- Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, F and Fallahnejad, R., 2010. Imprecise Shannon's Entropy and Multi Attribute Decision Making. Entropy, 12(1): 53-62.
- Javadi Tabalvandani, M. R., Zehtabiyan, GH. R., Ahmadi, H., Ayobi, SH., Jafari, M and Alizadeh, M., 2011.The role of different land use on soil carbon sequestration (case study: noumeh Roud watershed in Nour province). natural ecosystems of Iran, 1(2): 156-167. (In Persian)
- Koschke, L., Furst, C., Frank, S and Makeschin, F., 2012. A multi-criteria approach for an integrated land-cover-based assessment of ecosystem services provision to support landscape planning. Ecological indicators, 21: 54-66.
- Lal, R., 2004. Soil carbon sequestration impact on global climate change and food security. Science, 304: 1623-1627.
- Li, X., Kongsen, W., Liwen, L., Jing, X., Hongrui, Y and Chengyao, G., 2011. Application of the entropy weight and TOPSIS method in safety evaluation of coal Mines. Procedia engineering, 26: 2086-2091.
- Mahmoudi, b and Faghehi. J., 2016. Identification, classification and prioritization of the ecosystem functions of forests of the country. Forest Resources planning, 1(2): 46p. (In Persian)
- Mahmoudi, E., Mahdavi, M and Javadi, M. R., 2013. Soil carbon sequestration potential of land use types of the ecosystem (case study: Maydan watershed, Esfarayen, northern Khorasan). Natural ecosystems of Iran, 3(3): 101-113 (In Persian).
- Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Island Press, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C, 155P.
- Millon, T., Blaney, P. H and Davis, R. D., 1999. Oxford Textbooks of Psychopathology, Oxford University Press, New York, 827p.
- Panahi, M., Saeed. A., Kupahi, M and Makhdoom, M., How to calculate the value of products and ecological services of the Khazari forest resource? Environmental studies, 33(42): 17-30. (In Persian)
- Redhead, JW., Stratford, C., Sharps, K., Jones, L., Ziv, G., Clarke, D., Oliver, T. H and Bullock, J. M., 2016. This is a repository copy of Empirical validation of the InVEST water yield ecosystem service model at a national scale. Science of the total environment, 24p.
- Rezai, J and Davodi Monfared, M., 2008. Genetic algorithms and multi- objective optimization approach. Vali Asr Rafsanjan university. Press of Pelk, 611p. (In Persian)
- Salari, M., Shahabi, H and Salari, S., 2016. Management (recognition and prioritize) geomorohosites using Entropy and Saw methods (case study: Sardasht city geomorohosites). Quantitative geomorphological researches, 4(2):166-180. (In Persian)
- Schwenk, W.S., Donovan, T.M., Keeton, W.S and Nunery, J.S., 2012. Carbon storage, timber production, and biodiversity: comparing ecosystem services with multi criteria decision analysis. Ecological Applications, 22: 1612–1627.
- Sepehr, A., Zucca, C. 2012. Ranking desertification indicators using TOPSIS Algorithm. Journal of natural hazards, 62(3): 1137-1153.
- Shekari Badi, A., Motamedi Rad, M and Mohamadnia, M., 2016. combining the ANP model and Shannon entropy index to assess the effective factors in the occurrence and zonation of landslide hazard (case study: Farob Roman basin in Neyshabur). arid regions geographic studies, 6(22): 89-103. (In Persian)
- Verkerk, P., Levers, C., Kuemmerle, T., Lindner, M., Valbuena, R., Verburg, P and Zudin, S., 2015. Mapping wood production in European forests. Forest Ecology and Management ,357: 228–238.
- Wainwright, J., Parsons, A. J., Schlesinger, W. H and Abrahams, A. D., 2002. Hydrology- vegetation interactions in areas of discontinuous flow on a semi-arid bajada, southern New Mexico. Arid Environments, 51(3): 319-338.
- Zabihi, M., Pourghasemi, H. R and Behzadfar, M., 2015. Groundwater Potential Mapping Using Shannon's Entropy and Random Forest Models in the Bojnourd township. Eco hydrology, 2(2): 221-232 (In Persian).
- Zanchi, G., Belyazid, S., Akselsson, C and Yu, L., 2014. Modelling the effects of management intensification on multiple forest services: A Swedish case study. Ecological Model, 284: 48–59.
- Zangiabadi, M., Rangavar, A., Rafahi, H., Shorafa, M and Bihamta, M., 2010. Investigation of The most important factors affecting in soil erosion in Kalat semi-arid rangelands. water and soil, 24(4): 737-744. (In Persian)
Zarandian, A., 2016. Ecological-economic assessment of ecosystem services and its appliance in landscape spatial planning (case study: The Sarvelat and Javaherdasht protected area). PhD dissertation for environmental planning. University of Tehran, Faculty of the environment, environmental planning group, 261p (In Persian)
_||_- Arabameri, A and Shirani, K., 2017. Delineation of suitable sites for groundwater artificial recharge using Integrated AHP - TOPSIS (Case study: Shahrood - Bastam Basin). Water and soil science (Sci. & Technol. Agric. & Natural Resources), 3(21):149-168. (In Persian)
- Asgharian, M., Shahraji, T., Nasir Ahmadi, K and Oladi, J., 2012. The identification of criteria and indicators for ecotourism management in the forest parks north of Iran using the Delphi method. natural ecosystem of Iran, 2(4): 93-103. (In Persian)
- Burke, I. C., Yonker, C. M., Parton W. J., Cole C. V., Flach, K and Schimel, D. S., 1989. Texture, climate, and cultivation effects on soil organic matter content in U.S. Grassland Soil. Soil Science Society America Journal, 53(3): 800-805.
- Choi, H and Sirakaya, E., 2006. Indicators for managing community tourism. Tourism Management, 27: 1274-1289.
- Chung, E., Kwangjae, W., Yeonjoo, K and Hosun, L., 2014. Water Resource Vulnerability Characteristics by District’s Population Size in a Changing Climate Using Subjective and Objective Weights. Sustainability, 6: 6141-6157.
- Daneshi, A., vafakhah, M and Panahi, M., 2014. Economic instruments of natural resource and environment management (case study: Ecosystem services Payment (pes)). Water and sustainable development,1(2): 7-14. (In Persian)
- de Groot, R. S., Alkemade, R., Braat, L., Hein, L and Willemen, L., 2010. Challenges in integrating the concept of ecosystem services and values in landscape planning, management and decision making. Ecological Complexity 7: 260–272.
- Gelman, V., Hulkkonen, V., Kantola, R., Nousianen, M., Nousianen, V and Poku-Marboah, M., 2013. Impact of forest management practices on forest carbon. Interdisciplinary approach to forests and climate change. University of Helsinky, 20 p.
- Gholami, Gh., 2004. Comparing method for estimating allowable cut rates in uneven-aged forestry method. MSc dissertation in forest Science University of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources, 106 p. (In Persian)
- Goodarzi, M., Abedi Koupai, J., Heiderupour, M and Safavi, H., 2015. Analysis of the effects of various parameters on groundwater recharge using a hybrid method. water and soil science, (Sci. & Technol. Agric. & Natural Resources, 19(73):287-298. (In Persian)
- Hatami, N., Moayeri, M. H and Heidari, H., 2013. volume increment determination of forest stands types in the district one of Dr. Bahramnia forest management plan, Gorgan. Iranian forest ecology, 1(2): 57-69. (In Persian)
- Hosseini, S., Oladi, J and Amirnejad. H., 2015. The priority of ecological, economic and social indicators of national parks using of multi-criteria decision making techniques (Entropy, SAW and TOPSIS). wood and forest science and technology, 22(4):1-28. (In Persian)
- Hosseinpour Sabet, S., 2012. Simulation of land use change effects on soil loss using the RUSLE model (case study: darabkola watershed). MSc dissertation for natural resources – watershed management. Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, Faculty of Natural Resources, 103p (In Persian).
- Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, F and Fallahnejad, R., 2010. Imprecise Shannon's Entropy and Multi Attribute Decision Making. Entropy, 12(1): 53-62.
- Javadi Tabalvandani, M. R., Zehtabiyan, GH. R., Ahmadi, H., Ayobi, SH., Jafari, M and Alizadeh, M., 2011.The role of different land use on soil carbon sequestration (case study: noumeh Roud watershed in Nour province). natural ecosystems of Iran, 1(2): 156-167. (In Persian)
- Koschke, L., Furst, C., Frank, S and Makeschin, F., 2012. A multi-criteria approach for an integrated land-cover-based assessment of ecosystem services provision to support landscape planning. Ecological indicators, 21: 54-66.
- Lal, R., 2004. Soil carbon sequestration impact on global climate change and food security. Science, 304: 1623-1627.
- Li, X., Kongsen, W., Liwen, L., Jing, X., Hongrui, Y and Chengyao, G., 2011. Application of the entropy weight and TOPSIS method in safety evaluation of coal Mines. Procedia engineering, 26: 2086-2091.
- Mahmoudi, b and Faghehi. J., 2016. Identification, classification and prioritization of the ecosystem functions of forests of the country. Forest Resources planning, 1(2): 46p. (In Persian)
- Mahmoudi, E., Mahdavi, M and Javadi, M. R., 2013. Soil carbon sequestration potential of land use types of the ecosystem (case study: Maydan watershed, Esfarayen, northern Khorasan). Natural ecosystems of Iran, 3(3): 101-113 (In Persian).
- Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Island Press, World Resources Institute, Washington, D.C, 155P.
- Millon, T., Blaney, P. H and Davis, R. D., 1999. Oxford Textbooks of Psychopathology, Oxford University Press, New York, 827p.
- Panahi, M., Saeed. A., Kupahi, M and Makhdoom, M., How to calculate the value of products and ecological services of the Khazari forest resource? Environmental studies, 33(42): 17-30. (In Persian)
- Redhead, JW., Stratford, C., Sharps, K., Jones, L., Ziv, G., Clarke, D., Oliver, T. H and Bullock, J. M., 2016. This is a repository copy of Empirical validation of the InVEST water yield ecosystem service model at a national scale. Science of the total environment, 24p.
- Rezai, J and Davodi Monfared, M., 2008. Genetic algorithms and multi- objective optimization approach. Vali Asr Rafsanjan university. Press of Pelk, 611p. (In Persian)
- Salari, M., Shahabi, H and Salari, S., 2016. Management (recognition and prioritize) geomorohosites using Entropy and Saw methods (case study: Sardasht city geomorohosites). Quantitative geomorphological researches, 4(2):166-180. (In Persian)
- Schwenk, W.S., Donovan, T.M., Keeton, W.S and Nunery, J.S., 2012. Carbon storage, timber production, and biodiversity: comparing ecosystem services with multi criteria decision analysis. Ecological Applications, 22: 1612–1627.
- Sepehr, A., Zucca, C. 2012. Ranking desertification indicators using TOPSIS Algorithm. Journal of natural hazards, 62(3): 1137-1153.
- Shekari Badi, A., Motamedi Rad, M and Mohamadnia, M., 2016. combining the ANP model and Shannon entropy index to assess the effective factors in the occurrence and zonation of landslide hazard (case study: Farob Roman basin in Neyshabur). arid regions geographic studies, 6(22): 89-103. (In Persian)
- Verkerk, P., Levers, C., Kuemmerle, T., Lindner, M., Valbuena, R., Verburg, P and Zudin, S., 2015. Mapping wood production in European forests. Forest Ecology and Management ,357: 228–238.
- Wainwright, J., Parsons, A. J., Schlesinger, W. H and Abrahams, A. D., 2002. Hydrology- vegetation interactions in areas of discontinuous flow on a semi-arid bajada, southern New Mexico. Arid Environments, 51(3): 319-338.
- Zabihi, M., Pourghasemi, H. R and Behzadfar, M., 2015. Groundwater Potential Mapping Using Shannon's Entropy and Random Forest Models in the Bojnourd township. Eco hydrology, 2(2): 221-232 (In Persian).
- Zanchi, G., Belyazid, S., Akselsson, C and Yu, L., 2014. Modelling the effects of management intensification on multiple forest services: A Swedish case study. Ecological Model, 284: 48–59.
- Zangiabadi, M., Rangavar, A., Rafahi, H., Shorafa, M and Bihamta, M., 2010. Investigation of The most important factors affecting in soil erosion in Kalat semi-arid rangelands. water and soil, 24(4): 737-744. (In Persian)
Zarandian, A., 2016. Ecological-economic assessment of ecosystem services and its appliance in landscape spatial planning (case study: The Sarvelat and Javaherdasht protected area). PhD dissertation for environmental planning. University of Tehran, Faculty of the environment, environmental planning group, 261p (In Persian)