تأثیر محلولپاشی اسید هیومیک بر برخی صفات مورفولوژیکی و فیزیولوژیکی باقلا (Vicia faba L.)
الموضوعات :
مرتضی سام دلیری
سمانه رودگرنژاد
امیر عباس موسوی میرکلائی
مجتبی نشائی مقدم
1 - گروه زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد چالوس، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، چالوس، ایران.
2 - گروه زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد چالوس، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، چالوس، ایران.
3 - گروه زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد چالوس، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، چالوس، ایران.
4 - گروه زراعت، دانشکده کشاورزی، واحد چالوس، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، چالوس، ایران.
الکلمات المفتاحية: عملکرد دانه, کود آلی, باقلا, غلظتهای عناصر غذایی, نیتروژن بذر,
ملخص المقالة :
به منظور بررسی تأثیر محلول پاشی اسید هیومیک بر برخی صفات مورفولوژیکی و فیزیولوژیکیباقلا، آزمایشی طی سال های 95-1393 بهصورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی با 3 تکرار در شهرستان چالوس اجرا شد. فاکتورها شامل، زمان محلول پاشی در سه سطح (قبل از کاشت، اواسط رشد رویشی و ابتدای رشد زایشی) و مقدار محلول پاشی اسید هیومیک در چهار سطح (0، 200، 300 و 400 میلیگرم در لیتر در هکتار) بود. نتایج تجزیه واریانس نشان داد که اثر متقابل سال × میزان اسید هیومیک بر اغلب صفات مورد مطالعه اختلاف معنی داری در سطح احتمال 1 درصد را نشان داد. اثر متقابل سال × زمان مصرف اسید هیومیک نیز بر صفات وزن خشک 100 دانه، عملکرد دانه، نیتروژن و پتاسیم بذر تأثیر مثبت و معنی داری را در سطح احتمال 1 درصد داشت. اثر متقابل سه گانه سال × میزان × زمان مصرف اسید هیومیک بر صفات نیتروژن، فسفر و پتاسیم بذر در سطح 5 درصد دارای اثر معنیدار بود. مقایسه میانگین دادهها نشان داد که محلول پاشی اسید هیومیک به میزان 200 میلی گرم در لیتر در هکتار بر صفات وزن تر 100 دانه، عملکرد دانه تأثیر مثبت و معنی داری داشت، همچنین محلول پاشی اسید هیومیک به میزان 300 میلی گرم در لیتر در هکتار در مرحلۀ اواسط رشد رویشی در سال دوم نیز بر غلظت فسفر و پتاسیم بذر مؤثر بود.
Abdel-Mawgoud A.M.R., El-Greadly N.H.M., Helmy, Y.I. and Singer, S.M. (2007). Responses of tomato plants to different rates of humic based Fertilizer and NPK Fertilization. Journal ofApplied Sciences Research. 3(2): 169-174.
Adani, F., P. Genevini., P. Zaccheo. and G. Zocchi. (1998). The effect of commercial humic acid on tomato plant growth and mineral nutrition. J. plant nutr. 21(3): 561-575.
Anonymous, (2012). Iranian Agriculture News Agency, 1391. http://www. iana.ir/ keshavarzi /itemlist/tag /%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86.html?start=10.
Ayuso, M., Hernandez, T., Garcia, C., and Pascual, J.A. (1996). A comparative study of the effect on barley growth of humic substances extracted from municipal wastes and from traditional organic materials 24: 493 – 500.
Bremner, J.M., and Mulvaney, C.S. (1982). Methods of soil analysis, part 2 chemical and microbiological properties, 595-624.
Bulent Asik, B., A. Turan, H. Celik, and A. Vahap Katkat. (2009). Effects of Humic Substances on Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrients Uptake of Wheat (Triticum durum cv. Salihli) Under Conditions of Salinity. Asian Journal of Crop Science. 1: 87-95.
Cacco, G., Attina, E., Gelsomino, A. and Sidari, M. (2000). Effect of nitrate and humic substances of different molecular size on kinetic parameters of nitrate uptake in wheat seedlings. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 163: 313-320.
Chamani, F., Khodabandeh, N., Habibi, D., Asgharzadeh, and Davoudi Fard (2012). Effect of salinity stress on yield and yield components in wheat, inoculated with growth promoting bacteria (Azotobacter chrocum, Azospirillio lipophorum, Pseudomonas
putida) and humic acid. Agronomy and Plant Breeding. 8 (1): 37-25.
Chen, Y., and Aviad, T. (1990). Effect of Humic Substances on Plant Growth. In: Humic substances in soil and crop sciences. Soil sci society America. 161-187.
Chen, Y., Clapp, C.E., and Magen, H. (2004). 'Mechanisms of plant growth stimulation by humic substances: The role of organic-iron complexes'. Soil Sci. Plant Nut. 50: 1089–1095.
Delfine, S., Tognetti, R., Desiderio, E., and Alvino, A. (2005). Effect of foliar application of N and humic acids on growth and yield of durum wheat. Agron. Sustain 25: 183-191.
Eghbal, B., Ginting, D., and gilly, J.E. (2004). Residual effecus of manure and compost application on corn production and soil properties. Agronomy journal, 96: 442-447.
El-Bassiony A.M., Fawzy, Z.F., Abd El-Baky, M.M.H., and Mahmoud Asmaa, R. (2010). Response of snap bean plants to mineral fertilizers and humic acid application. Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, INS. Inet. Publication. 6(2): 169-175.
Emami, A. (1996). In the description of methods of analysis, Volume I, No. 982 technical publications. Soil Research Institute and Water p,91-128. .
FAO, (2012). World Agriculture Datam, http://www.fao.org/.
Ghorbani, S., Khazaei, H., Kafi, M., and Banayan Awal, M. (2010). Effect of humic acid and irrigation water on yield and yield components of maize. Agricultural Ecology Journal 2(1): 123-131. (In Persian with English Abstract).
Giasuddin, A.B.M., Kanel, S., and Choi, H. (2007). Adsorption of humic acid onto nanoscale zerovalent iron and its effect on arsenic removal. Environment Science Technology. 41(6): 2022–2027
Hai, S.M., and Mir, R.S. (1998). The lignitic coal derived HA and the prospective utilization in pakistan agriculture and industry. Sci. Technol. Dev. 17: 32–40.
Hayes, M., and C.E. Clap. (2001). Humic substances: consideration of composition, aspect of structure and environment influences. Soil Science. 166: 723-737.
Honway, J.J. (1992). How a corn plant develops. Iowa Coop. Ext. Ser. Spec. Rep. 48.
Jumat, S., Nadia, S., and Yousif, E. (2012). Synthesis and characterization of esters derived from ricinoleic acid and evaluation of their low temperature property. Sains Malaysiana. 41: 1239-1244.
Khan, A., Guramni, A.R., Khan, M.Z., Hussain, F., Akhtar M.E., and Khan S. (2012). Effect of humic acid on growth, yield, nutrient composition, photosynthetic pigment and total sugar contents of peas (Pisum sativum L.) Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan 6: 56-63.
Kumar, V., and Singh, K.P. (2001). Enriching vermicompost by nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. Biores Technol. 76: 173-175.
Liu, C., Cooper, R.J. and Bowman, D.C. (1998). Humic acid application affects photosynthesis, root development, and nutrient content of creeping bentgrass. American Society for Horticultural Science 33(6): 1023-1025.
Maccarthy, P. (2001). The principles of humic substances. Soil Science 166: 738–751.
Majnoon Hoseyni, N. (2008). Pulse Crops. 4th Edition. Jehad of Tehran University Publication. 283 p.
Marschner, H. (1995). Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 2nd Academic Press. Ltd. London.
Martins, A.L.C., Batagha, O.C., Camargo, O.A., and Contarella, H. (2003). Corn yield and uptake of Cu, Mn and Zn from sowage slodge- amend soil with and without liming. Revista Basilica Deciencia. 27: 563- 574.
Mendham, N.J., Shipway, P.A. and Scott, R.K. (1981). The effects of delayed sowing and weather on growth, development and yield of winter oil-seed rape (Brassica napus). Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge. 96:389-416.
Mishra, B., and Srivastava, L. L. (1988). Physiological properties of has isolated form major soil associations of bihar. Soil. Sci. 36, 1-89.
Moraditochaee, M. (2012). Effects of humic acid foliar spraying and nitrogen fertiliz management on yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Iran. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science. 7(4): 289-293.
Naheed, G., Shahbz, M. & Akram, N. A. (2008). Interactive effect of rooting medium application phosphorus and NaCl on plant biomass and mineral nutrients of rice. Pakistan Journal of Biology, 40, 1601-1608.
Nardi, S., Pizzeghello, D., Muscolo, A. and Vianello, A. (2002). Physiological effects of humic substances on higher plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34: 1527–1536.
Sabzevari S., Khazaei H.R., and Kafi M. (2010). Effects of humic acid on germination of four wheat cultivars (Triticun aestivum L.). Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research 8(3): 473-480. [In Persian with English Abstract].
Saki Nejad, T., Hossaini, S.M. and Hyvari, M. (2011). Calculate changes of bean germination process in the presence of various compounds of biological fertilizer Humic acid mixed with micro and macro elements. Journal of American Science. 7(6): 1014-1021.
Salimon, J., Salih, N., and Yousif, E. (2012). Biolubricant basestocks from chemically modified ricinoleic acid. Journal of King Saudi University. 24: 11-17.
Samavat, S., and Malakuti, M. (2005). Samavat, S., and Malakooti, M. 2006. important use of organic acid (humic and fulvic) for increase quantity and quality agriculture productions. Water and soil researchers technical issue 463: 1-13.
Sangeetha, M., Singaram, P., Uma Devi, R., (2006). Effect of lignite humic acid and fertilizer on yield of onion and nutrient availability. International Union of Soil Sci. 21, 163.
Schmidt R.E., and Zhang, X. (1998). How humic substances help turfgrass grow. Golf Course Management. Pp. 65-68.
Shariff M (2002). Effect of lignitic coal derived HA on growth and yield of wheat and maize in alkaline soil. Ph.D Thesis, NWFP Agric University, Peshawar, Pakistan 120 pp.
Turkmen, O., Dursun, A., Turan, M. and Erdinc, C. (2004). Calcium and humic acid affect seed germination, growth, and nutrient content of tomato. Soil and Plant Science 54: 168-174.
Wolf, D.W., Henderson, D.W., Hsiao, T. C. and Alvino, A. (1988). Interactive water and nitrogen effects on senescence of maize. I. Leaf area duration nitrogen distribution and yield. Agronomy Journal 80: 859-864.
Xudan, X. (1986). The effect of foliar application of fulvic acid on water use, nutrient uptake and wheat yield. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 37: 343-350.
Abdel-Mawgoud A.M.R., El-Greadly N.H.M., Helmy, Y.I. and Singer, S.M. (2007). Responses of tomato plants to different rates of humic based Fertilizer and NPK Fertilization. Journal ofApplied Sciences Research. 3(2): 169-174.
Adani, F., P. Genevini., P. Zaccheo. and G. Zocchi. (1998). The effect of commercial humic acid on tomato plant growth and mineral nutrition. J. plant nutr. 21(3): 561-575.
Anonymous, (2012). Iranian Agriculture News Agency, 1391. http://www. iana.ir/ keshavarzi /itemlist/tag /%D8%A7%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86.html?start=10.
Ayuso, M., Hernandez, T., Garcia, C., and Pascual, J.A. (1996). A comparative study of the effect on barley growth of humic substances extracted from municipal wastes and from traditional organic materials 24: 493 – 500.
Bremner, J.M., and Mulvaney, C.S. (1982). Methods of soil analysis, part 2 chemical and microbiological properties, 595-624.
Bulent Asik, B., A. Turan, H. Celik, and A. Vahap Katkat. (2009). Effects of Humic Substances on Plant Growth and Mineral Nutrients Uptake of Wheat (Triticum durum cv. Salihli) Under Conditions of Salinity. Asian Journal of Crop Science. 1: 87-95.
Cacco, G., Attina, E., Gelsomino, A. and Sidari, M. (2000). Effect of nitrate and humic substances of different molecular size on kinetic parameters of nitrate uptake in wheat seedlings. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 163: 313-320.
Chamani, F., Khodabandeh, N., Habibi, D., Asgharzadeh, and Davoudi Fard (2012). Effect of salinity stress on yield and yield components in wheat, inoculated with growth promoting bacteria (Azotobacter chrocum, Azospirillio lipophorum, Pseudomonas
putida) and humic acid. Agronomy and Plant Breeding. 8 (1): 37-25.
Chen, Y., and Aviad, T. (1990). Effect of Humic Substances on Plant Growth. In: Humic substances in soil and crop sciences. Soil sci society America. 161-187.
Chen, Y., Clapp, C.E., and Magen, H. (2004). 'Mechanisms of plant growth stimulation by humic substances: The role of organic-iron complexes'. Soil Sci. Plant Nut. 50: 1089–1095.
Delfine, S., Tognetti, R., Desiderio, E., and Alvino, A. (2005). Effect of foliar application of N and humic acids on growth and yield of durum wheat. Agron. Sustain 25: 183-191.
Eghbal, B., Ginting, D., and gilly, J.E. (2004). Residual effecus of manure and compost application on corn production and soil properties. Agronomy journal, 96: 442-447.
El-Bassiony A.M., Fawzy, Z.F., Abd El-Baky, M.M.H., and Mahmoud Asmaa, R. (2010). Response of snap bean plants to mineral fertilizers and humic acid application. Research Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, INS. Inet. Publication. 6(2): 169-175.
Emami, A. (1996). In the description of methods of analysis, Volume I, No. 982 technical publications. Soil Research Institute and Water p,91-128. .
FAO, (2012). World Agriculture Datam, http://www.fao.org/.
Ghorbani, S., Khazaei, H., Kafi, M., and Banayan Awal, M. (2010). Effect of humic acid and irrigation water on yield and yield components of maize. Agricultural Ecology Journal 2(1): 123-131. (In Persian with English Abstract).
Giasuddin, A.B.M., Kanel, S., and Choi, H. (2007). Adsorption of humic acid onto nanoscale zerovalent iron and its effect on arsenic removal. Environment Science Technology. 41(6): 2022–2027
Hai, S.M., and Mir, R.S. (1998). The lignitic coal derived HA and the prospective utilization in pakistan agriculture and industry. Sci. Technol. Dev. 17: 32–40.
Hayes, M., and C.E. Clap. (2001). Humic substances: consideration of composition, aspect of structure and environment influences. Soil Science. 166: 723-737.
Honway, J.J. (1992). How a corn plant develops. Iowa Coop. Ext. Ser. Spec. Rep. 48.
Jumat, S., Nadia, S., and Yousif, E. (2012). Synthesis and characterization of esters derived from ricinoleic acid and evaluation of their low temperature property. Sains Malaysiana. 41: 1239-1244.
Khan, A., Guramni, A.R., Khan, M.Z., Hussain, F., Akhtar M.E., and Khan S. (2012). Effect of humic acid on growth, yield, nutrient composition, photosynthetic pigment and total sugar contents of peas (Pisum sativum L.) Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan 6: 56-63.
Kumar, V., and Singh, K.P. (2001). Enriching vermicompost by nitrogen fixing and phosphate solubilizing bacteria. Biores Technol. 76: 173-175.
Liu, C., Cooper, R.J. and Bowman, D.C. (1998). Humic acid application affects photosynthesis, root development, and nutrient content of creeping bentgrass. American Society for Horticultural Science 33(6): 1023-1025.
Maccarthy, P. (2001). The principles of humic substances. Soil Science 166: 738–751.
Majnoon Hoseyni, N. (2008). Pulse Crops. 4th Edition. Jehad of Tehran University Publication. 283 p.
Marschner, H. (1995). Mineral Nutrition of Higher Plants. 2nd Academic Press. Ltd. London.
Martins, A.L.C., Batagha, O.C., Camargo, O.A., and Contarella, H. (2003). Corn yield and uptake of Cu, Mn and Zn from sowage slodge- amend soil with and without liming. Revista Basilica Deciencia. 27: 563- 574.
Mendham, N.J., Shipway, P.A. and Scott, R.K. (1981). The effects of delayed sowing and weather on growth, development and yield of winter oil-seed rape (Brassica napus). Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge. 96:389-416.
Mishra, B., and Srivastava, L. L. (1988). Physiological properties of has isolated form major soil associations of bihar. Soil. Sci. 36, 1-89.
Moraditochaee, M. (2012). Effects of humic acid foliar spraying and nitrogen fertiliz management on yield of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Iran. ARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science. 7(4): 289-293.
Naheed, G., Shahbz, M. & Akram, N. A. (2008). Interactive effect of rooting medium application phosphorus and NaCl on plant biomass and mineral nutrients of rice. Pakistan Journal of Biology, 40, 1601-1608.
Nardi, S., Pizzeghello, D., Muscolo, A. and Vianello, A. (2002). Physiological effects of humic substances on higher plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34: 1527–1536.
Sabzevari S., Khazaei H.R., and Kafi M. (2010). Effects of humic acid on germination of four wheat cultivars (Triticun aestivum L.). Iranian Journal of Field Crops Research 8(3): 473-480. [In Persian with English Abstract].
Saki Nejad, T., Hossaini, S.M. and Hyvari, M. (2011). Calculate changes of bean germination process in the presence of various compounds of biological fertilizer Humic acid mixed with micro and macro elements. Journal of American Science. 7(6): 1014-1021.
Salimon, J., Salih, N., and Yousif, E. (2012). Biolubricant basestocks from chemically modified ricinoleic acid. Journal of King Saudi University. 24: 11-17.
Samavat, S., and Malakuti, M. (2005). Samavat, S., and Malakooti, M. 2006. important use of organic acid (humic and fulvic) for increase quantity and quality agriculture productions. Water and soil researchers technical issue 463: 1-13.
Sangeetha, M., Singaram, P., Uma Devi, R., (2006). Effect of lignite humic acid and fertilizer on yield of onion and nutrient availability. International Union of Soil Sci. 21, 163.
Schmidt R.E., and Zhang, X. (1998). How humic substances help turfgrass grow. Golf Course Management. Pp. 65-68.
Shariff M (2002). Effect of lignitic coal derived HA on growth and yield of wheat and maize in alkaline soil. Ph.D Thesis, NWFP Agric University, Peshawar, Pakistan 120 pp.
Turkmen, O., Dursun, A., Turan, M. and Erdinc, C. (2004). Calcium and humic acid affect seed germination, growth, and nutrient content of tomato. Soil and Plant Science 54: 168-174.
Wolf, D.W., Henderson, D.W., Hsiao, T. C. and Alvino, A. (1988). Interactive water and nitrogen effects on senescence of maize. I. Leaf area duration nitrogen distribution and yield. Agronomy Journal 80: 859-864.
Xudan, X. (1986). The effect of foliar application of fulvic acid on water use, nutrient uptake and wheat yield. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 37: 343-350.