فهرس المقالات Speech Acts حرية الوصول المقاله صفحة الملخص نص كامل 1 - Impact of Teacher Motivational Practice on Iranian EFL Learners’ Request and Refusal Speech Acts Production Ahmad Molavi Reza Biria Azizeh Chalak حرية الوصول المقاله صفحة الملخص نص كامل 2 - The Impact of Pragmatics Instruction on Speech Act Performance Among EFL Learners: A Comparison of Technology-Enhanced and Conventional Classrooms Taif Abdulhussein Dakhil Fatemeh Karimi Riyadh Abbas Ubeid Al-Jashami Zargham Ghapanchi 10.71528/jntell.2024.1192576 حرية الوصول المقاله صفحة الملخص نص كامل 3 - Exploring the Pragmatic Features of Incitement in Political Texts: A Focus on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Samir Jamal Ibraheem Saraj Al-Deen Atefesadat Mirsaeedi Abbas Lutfi Hussein Baqqal Sahar Najarzadegan https://doi.org/10.71528/2024.1197176 حرية الوصول المقاله صفحة الملخص نص كامل 4 - Pragmalinguistic Dimensions of Incitement in Political Discourse: Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies During the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Samir Jamal Ibraheem Saraj Al-Deen Atefesadat Mirsaeedi Abbas Lutfi Hussein Baqqal Sahar Najarzadegan 10.71962/jfl-1197546