Examining Mullā Ṣadrá's View of the Previous Worlds as a Turning Point in the Historical Evolution of Theories and its Comparative Comparison with Shiite Narrations
Subject Areas : -
Ali Abbasabadi
Ali AllahBedashti
Ahmad Abedi Arani
1 - lecturer
2 - AAA
3 - AAA
Keywords: narrations, Mullā Ṣadrá, Previous Worlds, Historical Theories, World of Spirits, World of Darkness, World of Particle,
Abstract :
One of the important theories that has been expressed about the pre-worldly worlds for the creation of man is the theory of Ṣadr al-Mutaʾallehīn, which is an important turning point and a great innovation in the historical evolution of theories. By accepting the principle of the previous creation of man, he returns it to the independent intellectual identities which, in a pre-material world, were extracted from their rational causes and confessed to the Lordship of God in the present language. On the other hand, referring to more than 130 authentic narrations received from the Shiite Imams (as) about the previous worlds, shows that at least three positions of the spirit world, the world of the first particle and the world of the second particle can be traced and observed in the narrations with full intensity and appearance, which refers to the presence of human beings in these situations and their confessions. Ṣadr al-Mutaʾallehin's theory can to a large extent explain the narrations of this chapter based on the structure of transcendent wisdom; But it is felt that it has shortcomings in both directions and it cannot be considered completely consistent with the system used in the narrations.