Identifying the effective components on health tourism marketing using met combination method
Subject Areas : marketing
Bahram Ghaffari
Shahrbanoo Gholipour Freydouni
Mehdi Rouholamini
1 - Management Department, Azad University Babol branch, Babol, Iran
2 - Management Department, Azad University Babol branch, Babol, Iran
3 - Management Department, Azad University Babol branch, Babol, Iran
Keywords: Tourism, wellness tourism, tourism marketing, metacombination,
Abstract :
The development of health tourism can bring physical and mental vitality, reduce treatment costs and increase national income. The aim of the current research is to identify the effective components on health tourism marketing. This research was conducted in the framework of a qualitative approach and using a meta-combination method with a systematic approach and with the seven-step method of Sandelowski and Barroso. The statistical population under study includes all domestic and foreign research published in the field of health tourism from 2012 to 2022 AD and 1391 to 1401. In this regard, the keywords related to the purpose of the research were searched, and finally 23 articles that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed using the three-step coding method (open, central, selective) through Maxqda software. and were analyzed. Based on selected articles and reviews, 70 codes were categorized into 17 concepts and 5 main categories. Factors affecting health marketing in 5 categories, spatial attraction (attraction, location), service quality (staff, training, culture, planning, product, facilities and infrastructure), service price (price), government support (government support, Security, satisfaction, loyalty, participation), advertising (advertising and information, information technology, marketing channels) were extracted. The results of the research showed that the country's tourism managers can take positive and efficient steps towards the development of health tourism by considering these factors with proper planning.
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